David H. Baasch
An Associate secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Henry A. Baasch
By HENRY A. BAASCH, Pastor, Spanish Church, Los Angeles, California
David H. Baash
David H. Baash, President, Mexican Union
Fern Gibson Babcock
Fern Gibson Babcock, author of Love's Gentle Promise, is director of the teaching materials center at Southern College.
Bruce Babienco
Bruce Babienco, Pastor, Northern California Conference
Samuele Bacchiocchi
Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph.D., is professor of theology and church history at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Ricardo Bacchus
Ricardo Bacchus serves as editorial assistant for the CQ Bible study guide, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Samuel Bachrach
Samuel Bachrach, M.D., editor, Worcester Medical News
Mihail Baciu
Mihail Baciu, D.Min., is a Seventh-day Adventist pastor living in Superior, Wisconsin, United States.
Shelly Bacon
Shelley Bacon, MA, is AdventistLIVE Distance Learning coordinator, Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Spokane, Washington, United States.
Michée Badé
Michée Badé, MA in Theology, is a frontline gospel worker in the Maghreb.
Cindee Bailey
Cindee Bailey, PhD, is professor of social work and sociology at Walla Walla University, College Place, Washington, United States
Cindy Lou Bailey
Cindy Lou Bailey is a student at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, United States.
Judi Bailey
Judi Bailey, MEd, is a freelance writer who lives in Lakewood, Ohio, United States.
M.E. Bailey
By M.E. Bailey
M.R. Bailey
By M. R. BAILEY, Pastor, Rockford, Illinois
Garth Bainbridge
Garth Bainbridge is senior pastor of the Fox Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sydney, Australia.
W. Arthur Baines
W. ARTHUR BAINES, Pastor-Evangelist, New Zealand
L.S. Baker Jr
L.S. Baker Jr is assistant to the curator, Horn Archaeological Museum, Institute of Archaeology, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Alonzo Baker
Alonzo Baker, Ph.D., now retired, was a professor of political science and history at Loma Linda University.
Benjamin Baker
Benjamin Baker, Archives, Statistics, and Research
Carla Baker
Carla Baker serves as Women’s Ministries director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Delbert Baker
Delbert Baker, PhD, is general vice president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Delbert W. Baker
Delbert W. Baker, PhD, is an educator, administrator, and researcher with the Regional Conference Ministries Office of Retirement, in the North American Division. He resides in Laurel, Maryland, United States.
Bernell E. Baldwin
Bernell E. Baldwin, PhD., is an europhysiologist on the staff of Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital, Wildwood, Georgia.
John T. Baldwin
John T. Baldwin, Ph.D., is a professor of theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Marjorie V. Baldwin
Marjorie V. Baldwin is staff physician at the Wild wood Sanitarium and Hospital, Wildwood, Georgia.
Brian Ball
BRIAN BALL, Pastor, Wolverhampton, England
Bryan W. Ball
Bryan W. Ball, PhD, is a retired professor/administrator living in Martinsville, New South Wales, Australia.
Lawrence H. Balleine
Lawrence H. Balleine is a retired clergy (Congregational/United Church of Christ)
Winnifred Bane
By WINNIFRED BANE, Teacher of Music, Adelphian Academy, Michigan
W.S. Banfield
W. S. BANFIELD, Pastor, South Atlantic Conference
Aniel Barbe
Aniel Barbe, MA, is an associate director of Stewardship Ministries for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Wellington Barbosa
Wellington Barbosa, DMin, is editor of Ministério magazine, Tatui, São Paulo, Brazil.
Saúl Barceló
Saúl Barceló, PhD, is an associate professor at the School of Religion, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.
W.L. Barclay
By W. L. BARCLAY, Departmental Secretary, British West Indies Union
R. Curtis Barger
Associate Secretary, Sabbath School Department, General Conference
E. Joan Barice
E. Joan Barice, M.D., M.P.H., and author of The Palm Beach Long-Life Diet, practices internal and preventive medicine in Palm Beach, Florida. J. Robert Spangler is the editor of MINISTRY, and, like Dr. Barice, a recent "alumnus" of the Weimar Institute's NEWSTART Center.
Randy Barlow
Randy Barlow is the pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Hamilton, Montana.
Jan Barna
Jan Barna, PhD, is lecturer in systematic and biblical theology at Newbold College, Bracknell, Berkshire, England.
L. H. Barnard
Lagaip District Director, New Guinea
Joseph N. Barnes
JOSEPH N. BARNES, Director, New York Center
Doyle M. Barnett
DOYLE M. BARNETT Secretary, Lay Activities Department Southeast Asia Union.
Richard J. Barnett
Richard J. Barnett is public relations director for Faith for Today.
Jean-Paul Barquon
Jean-Paul Barquon, secrétaire de l’Union franco-belge, responsable des départements de la liberté religieuse et des communications.
W.E. Barr
By Mrs. W.E. Barr
Jonathan Barrett
Jonathan Barrett pastors the Seventh-day Adventist churches in Exeter and Torquay, England.
Mary Barrett
Mary Barrett is a pastor's wife and freelance writer living in Gloucestershire, in the United Kingdom.
Tere Barron
Tere Barron, singer, writer, and motivational speaker, currently serves as a certified life coach and resides in Duncanville, Texas, United States.
W.T. Bartlett
By W. T. BARTLETT, Field Secretary, British Union Conference
William E. Barton
Author of Safed and Keturah
Jerry E. Bartram
Jerry E. Bartram is a Seventh-day Adventist certified public accountant who lives in Yucaipa, California.
L. A. Bascom, M.D.
Chairman, Mason City, Iowa Seventh-day Adventist School Board
R.E. Bascom
R. E. Bascom, Layman, Keene, Texas
Doris Batchelder
By DORIS BATCHELDER, Dean of Women, Atlantic Union College
Doug Batchelor
Doug Batchelor is speaker of Amazing Facts, Inc., in Roseville, California.
Andrew Bates
Andrew Bates is a pseudonym.
Eric and Ann Marie Bates
Eric Bates, DMin, and Ann Marie Bates serve as family ministry directors for the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. Eric also serves as lead pastor of the Arden Seventh-day Adventist Church in Asheville, North Carolina.
Peter Bath
Peter Bath, D.Min., is senior pastor of the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church, Takoma Park, Maryland.
Charles T. Batten
By CHARLES T. BATTEN, M.D., Instructor, Department of Nervous Diseases, C.M.E.
O.A. Battista
O. A. Battista, Sc.D., is chairman and president, Research Services Corporation, and president, The American Institute of Chemists. He also serves as adjunct professor of chemistry and director, Center for Microcrystal Polymer Science, University of Texas.
Joseph J. Battistone
Joseph J. Battistone is pastor of the Fletcher Seventh-day Adventist church, Fletcher, North Carolina.
Carl L. Bauer
Carl L. Bauer, M.D., is assistant professor of internal medicine in the School of Medicine, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Stephen Bauer, PhD
Stephen Bauer, PhD, is professor of theology and ethics, Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Lloyd Baum
LLOYD BAUM, D.D.S., M.S., Loma Linda University
Herman Bauman
Herman Bauman is president of the Arizona Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Erich Baumgartner
Erich Baumgartner, PhD, is director of the Global Leadership Institute and professor of leadership and transformation, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Timothy Baze
Timothy Baze, MDiv. is the pastor of Chowchilla and Madera Seventh-day Adventist Churches in the Central California Conference.
Daniel Bazikian
Daniel Bazikian, from Weehawken, New Jersey, holds an M.A. in church history from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Bert B. Beach
Bert B. Beach, Ph.D., is former director of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Gladys Beach
Gladys Beach is the wife of W. R. Beach, a vice-president of the General Conference. She now resides in Loma Linda, California.
W.R. Beach
W. R. BEACH Secretary, General Conference
Walter Raymond Beach
Walter Raymond Beach, a former secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, is now retired and residing in Loma Linda, California.
Kathy Beagles
Kathy Beagles, M.A., is editor and curriculum specialist for the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Lisa Beardsley-Hardy
Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, PhD, is director of education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Christopher Beason
Christopher Beason is a pastor in the Pine Belt District in Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Donald C. Beatty
DONALD C. BEATTY, Assistant Director, Chaplain Service, Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C.
Lila Beatty
LILA BEATTY, it is Written staff
Stella Mae Beauchamp
By Stella Mae Beauchamp, R. N., Former Missionary to India
Winton H. Beaven
Winton H. Beaven, Ph.D., is dean emeritus of Kettering College of Medical Arts.
E.A. Beavon
E.C. Beck
E.C. BECK, president, Ceylon Union Mission
Reuben Beck
Reuben Beck, Ohio Book and Bible House
Sheryl Beck
Sheryl Beck is the editorial specialist for Ministry.
C. Warren Becker
C. Warren Becker, Music Department, Andrews University.
David A. Becker
David A. Becker, M.Div., served most recently as a hospital chaplain in Fort Worth, Texas, United States. He is currently living in Pueblo, Colorado, United States.
Neal Becker
NEAL BECKER, Pastor, Ohio Conference
Anna M. Beckner
By ANNA M. BECKNER, Spring Valley, N.Y.
David Beckworth
David Beckworth, PhD, is assistant professor of economics at Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, United States.
E.E. Beddoe
By E. E. Beddoe, Pastor, El Reno, Oklahoma
Daniel Bediako
Daniel K. Bediako, PhD, is an associate director of the Biblical Research Institute, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
C.M. Bee
MRS. C. M. BEE, Principal, Fair Oaks Nongraded School Pennsylvania Conference
Emily S. Bee
Emily S. Bee is currently elementary supervisor for the Chesapeake Conference.
Charles R. Beeler
Charles R. Beeler is director, department of communication, Columbia Union Conference.
LaVerne Beeler
Until her recent retirement, LaVerne Beeler was the receptionist at the Christian Record Braille Foundation in Lincoln, Nebraska.
J.H. Behrens
Debbie Beihl
Debbie Beihl is a third-year medical student at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States
David Bell
David Bell is a pseudonym.
George R. Bell
By GEORGE R. BELL, Evangelist, South England Conference
L. Nelson Bell
Ryan J. Bell
Ryan J. Bell is pastor of the Bucks County Seventh-day Adventist Church in Hatboro, Pennsylvania.
Skip Bell
Skip Bell, DMin, is professor emeritus of Christian leadership, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
C.G. Bellah
C.G. Bellah, Retired minister, Central Union Conference
Bernard Belton
By BERNARD BELTON, Publishing Department Secretary, North England Conference
Oliver S. Beltz
By OLIVER S. BELTZ, Professor, Northwestern University School of Music
W.E. Bement
W.E. Bement
Cyril M. Bender
CYRIL M. BENDER, Union Evangelist, Tanzania Union
Marcos De Benedicto
Marcos De Benedicto, D.Min., is magazine and book editor at Brazil Publishing House, in São Paulo, Brazil.
W.A. Benjamin
By W. A. BENJAMIN, Secretary of the General Conference Insurance Service
Douglas Bennett
Douglas Bennett, Ph.D., is professor of religion, Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists, Collegedale, Tennessee.
Esther Benton
Esther Benton, Registrar
Josephine Benton,
Josephine Benton, Ph.D., is a chaplain at Williamsport Retirement Village, Williamsport, Maryland.
Roy L. Benton
By ROY L. BENTON, General Conference Rehabilitation Representative
Dan Bentzinger
Dan Bentzinger is an evangelist associated with the It Is Written telecast.
Gloria Bentzinger
Gloria Bentzinger is the editor of this AEA special report
Anahid Benzatyan
Anahid Benzatyan writes from Redlands, California. Her husband is an associate pastor of the Loma Linda Campus Hill church.
Orley M. Berg
Orley M. Berg before his retirement served as an associate editor of MINISTRY. He now lives in Oakhurst, California.
William H. Bergherm
William H. Bergherm, Former Chaplain, 47th General Hospital, U. S. Army (at the time of publication)
Torben Bergland
Torben Bergland, MD, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, is an associate director of the Health Ministries department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Brant Berglin
Brant Berglin pastors the Second Mile and Eagle River Valley Adventist Churches, Anchorage, Alaska, United States.
Esther Bergman
By Esther Bergman, R.N.
Jerry Bergman
Jerry Bergman, Ed.D., is assistant professor in the Department of Educational Foundations and Inquiry at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.
M.D. Bermingham
M.D. Bermingham, Pastor, French West Indies Mission
O.O. Bernstein
Isaac Murphy Berry
By ISAAC MURPHY BERRY, M.D., Instructor in Surgery, C.M.E., Loma Linda
Marian G. Berry
Marian G. Berry is educational supervisor for the Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
W.A. Berry
By W.A. Berry, Evangelist, Illinois Conference
Stottlemetem, Bertha
By Bertha Stottlemetem
Ronald A. Bettle
Medical Secretory, Northern New England Conference
John F. Bettler
John F. Bettler is the executive director of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania.
Charles H. Betz
Charles H. Betz is a retired pastor.
Cynthia Hyle Bezek
Cynthia Hyle Bezek, MA, serves as editorial director for Community Bible Study, along with being a blogger and speaker on prayer, and lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
D. J. Bieber
President, Loma Linda University
Mary Bierly
By MARY BIERLY, Bible Instructor, Martinsburg, West Virginia
Lavonne Bierwagen
LAVONNE BIERWAGEN, Minister's Wife, Arizona
Arthur L. Bietz
By ARTHUR L. BIETZ, Pastor, Berkeley, California
Gordon Bietz
Gordon Bietz, Ph.D., is president of Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee.
R.R. Bietz
R. R. Bietz, a former vice-president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, is director of Christian Leadership Seminars.
Darold Bigger
Darold Bigger, Ph.D., is a professor of religion and social work at Walla Walla College and former senior pastor of the church at College Place, Washington.
C.H. Biggins
By C. H. BIGGINS, M.D., Instructor in Physiology, C.M.E., Loma Linda
Lloyd E. Biggs
Lloyd E. Biggs, President, Oregon Conference
Derrell L. Billingsley
DerrellL. Billingsley was minister of music at the First Baptist Church, Columbia, Tennessee, when he wrote this article.
Richard L. Binggeli
Richard L. Binggeli, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and director of the Christian Counseling Center of Southern California.
E. Randall Binns
E. Randall Binns, a retired college professor living in England, is author of the book Archaeology of the Mind, from which this article is excerpted. See Shop Talk for special price on book.
Alf Birch
Alf Birch, D.Min. (retired), has served the Adventist Church as union ministerial director, division and union secretary, union and conference president, pastor, and currently serves as an associate pastor for the Meadow Glade Church in Clackamas, Oregon.
A.F. Bird
By A. F. BIRD, Minister, North England Conference
H.E. Bisel
By MRS. H. E. BISEL, Minister's Wife, Lafayette, Indiana
Wilson B. Bishai
WILSON B. BISHAI, Graduate Student, The Johns Hopkins University
Jackie Bishop
Jackie Bishop is director of children's ministries in the Rocky Mountain Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Stephen L. Bishop
Stephen L. Bishop is senior pastor of the multinational, interdenominational Union Church of Bogota, Colombia.
Todd R. Bishop
Todd R. Bishop is the lead pastor of Church Unleashed, Commack, New York, United States.
Erling Bjaanaes
By ERLING BJAANAES, Evangelist, East Norway Conference
Barry C. Black
After a career as a military chaplain (most recently as Rear Admiral and Chief of Navy Chaplains), Barry C. Black now serves as Chaplain to the United States Senate.
Clifford F. Black
CLIFFORD F. BLACK, Minister, Ohio Conference
Jeffrey Black
Jeffrey Black teaches at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania.
W. J. Blacker
President, Pacific Union Conference
Richard A Blackmon
Richard A Blackmon, PhD., is a clinical psychologist specializing in clergy and their families in Pasadena and Westlake Village, California.
Frances E. Blake
By FRANCES E. BLAKE, Bible Instructor, Michigan Conference
Ivan Charles Blake
Ivan Charles Blake, DMin, is pastor of the Fletcher Seventh-day Adventist Church, Fletcher, North Carolina, United States.
John Blake
John Blake is pastor of the Bentley Seventh-day Adventist Church and coordinator of the deaf ministry department of the Alberta Conference, in Alberta, Canada.
James W. Blakenship
By James W. Blankenship, Ph.D., associate professor of applied physiology in the School of Health, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Gary Blanchard
Gary Blanchard is the Youth director for the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Maurice Blanchard
Pastor, Austin-Second Baptist Church, Chicago
Jack Blanco
Jack Blanco, ThD, is professor emeritus at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Jack Blanco
Jack Blanco, ThD, is professor emeritus at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Jack J. Blanco
Reviewed by Jack J. Blanco, Department of Religion, Southern College, Collegedale, Tennessee.
Marcos Blanco
Reviewed by Marcos Blanco, editor-in-chief, South American Spanish Publishing House, Oeste, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Frank L. Bland
Vice-President, General Conference
Claude L. Blandford
By CLAUDE L. BLANDFORD, Pastor, Temple Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Kenneth Blanton
Kenneth Blanton, Pastor, Carolina Conference
Ronald Blau
Ronald Blau pastors the St. Paul Lutheran Church in Phoenix, Arizona.
Ivan T. Blazen
Ivan T. Blazen is professor of religion at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, United States.
John Blewitt
John Blewitt, pastor, Faith Presbyterian Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States.
Thomas Blincoe
Thomas Blincoe, Ph. D., was dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University before his retirement. He now lives in San Marcus, California.
Peter Blitchington
Dr. Peter Blitchington, a clinical psychologist in the family practice residency at Florida Hospital, Orlando, Florida.
Daniel I. Block
Daniel I. Block, D.Phil., is professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, United States.
Ralph Blodgett
Ralph Blodgett is assistant director, General Conference Communication Department, and sysop for the Adventists Online on CompuServe.
H.M. Blunden
By H. M. BLUNDEN, Secretary, Publishing Department, General Conference
I.F. Blue
Mark L. Blue
Mark L. Blue, Ed.D., formerly associate superintendent of education, now executive secretary for the Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Pleasant Hill, California, United States.
Dennis Blum
Dennis Blum is chairman of the Health Science Department, Columbia Union College.
Alan Boag
Alan Boag is currently engaged in postgraduate research on the book of Revelation at St. Andrews University in Fife, Scotland.
Adrian Bocaneanu
—Adrian Bocaneanu, MA, is pastor and Internal Director of Speranta TV for the Adventist Media Center, Bucharest, Romania.
Andreas Bochmann
Andreas Bochmann, pastor and doctoral student in pastoral counseling, Columbia, Maryland.
Klaus Bockmuehl
Klaus Bockmuehl is professor of theology and ethics at Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Paul Bogacs
Paul Bogacs, MSc, is a lecturer and counseling strand convenor, Avondale College of Higher Education, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia. He is pursuing a PhD focusing on the relationship between faith, spirituality, and mental health.
Anthony J. Boger
J. Anthony Boger is pastor of the Westminster Good Samaritan Seventh-day Adventist Church in Westminster, California.
B. Preston Bogia
B. Preston Bogia is director of chaplaincy services, Topeka State Hospital, and a faculty member of the Menninger School of Psychiatry, Topeka, Kansas.
A.D. Bohn
Samuel Boi
Member of Tanzania Union Evangelistic Team
James Montgomery Boice
James Montgomery Boice, Th.D., is minister of the Tenth Presbyterian church in Philadelphia and the speaker on the radio Bible Study Hour.
Catherine Anthony Boldeau
Catherine Anthony Boldeau, MA in creative writing, is a freelance English lecturer, writer, and public relations consultant residing in Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
Artur Boldt
Artur Boldt, a student working on his MA in religion in Cernica, Romania, Institutul Teologica.
Wiletta Bolinger
Wiletta Bolinger, Pacific Union College
Luis A. Bolivar
Luis A. Bolivar, President, Pacific Colombia Mission
C.P. Bollman
By C.P. Bollman
Alexander Bolotnikov
Alexander Bolotnikov, PhD, is pastor of the Hope Advent Center, Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Hugh J. Bolst
Hugh J. Bolst, Evangelist, Adelaide, Australia
Marcos Faiock Bomfim
Marcos Faiock Bomfim, MA, is the director of Stewardship Ministries for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
C. Lester Bond
By C. LESTER BOND, General Conference Missionary Volunteer Department
Gary Bondurant
Gary Bondurant is a pastor turned layman whose insights from both sides of the pulpit prove enlightening.
Shawn Boonstra
Shawn Boonstra is speaker/director of Voice of Prophecy, Loveland, Colorado, United States.
Jean Boonstra
Jean Boonstra is Children’s Ministries director for It Is WrItten Television.
Rose E. Boose
ROSE E. BOOSE, Retired Bible Instructor, Santa Ana, California
A.S. Booth
By A.S. Booth
Ronald W. Booth
Ronald W. Booth, MBA, pastors four churches in Minnesota, United States.
Walter M. Booth
Walter M. Booth, Ph.D., is retired and lives in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Robert L. Boothby
Ministerial Association Secretary Lansing, Michigan
Diego Boquer
Diego Boquer, MPAM, is pastor of the Baltimore White Marsh Seventh-day Adventist Church, Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
Edith Borbe
Bible Instructor, Central European Division
Paul F. Bork
Paul F. Bork, Ph.D., is associate professor of religion at Pacific Union College, Angwin, California.
A.D. Born
By A. D. BORN, Evangelist, Spokane, Washington
Galen C. Bosley
Galen C. Bosley, D.H.Sc., R.D., is a science research associate in the Department of Health and Temperance of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Bill Bossert
Bill Bossert, DMin, pastors the Naples Seventh-day Adventist Church, Naples, Florida, United States.
Genevieve Bothe
Genevieve C. Bothe is the executive secretary of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. She says she received much inspiration for this article from the book by W. Ross Foley, You Can Win Over Weariness (Glendale, Calif.: Regal Books, 1978).
Gordon Botting
Gordon Botting, Dr.Ph., CFC, is financial education and stewardship director of the Pacific Union Conference, Westlake Village, California.
R.C. Bottsford
R.C. BOTTSFORD Departmental Secretary, Bahia Sergipe Mission, Brazil
Philip Bova
Philip Bova is a writer and lives in Apopka, Florida.
Francois Bovon
Francois Bovon, Th.D. is Frothingham Professor of the History of Religion, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.
Bruce R. Boyer
Pastor, Tifton, Georgia
Patrick Boyle
Patrick Boyle, MA, is a retired pastor living in Watford, Hertsfordshire, England.
Laurent Brabant
Laurent Brabant, IRLA
Shawn Brace
Shawn Brace, MDiv, pastors four Seventh-day Adventist churches in Claremont, New Hampshire, South Newbury, Vermont, Springfield, Vermont, and West Lebanon, New Hampshire, United States.
Francis J. Braceland
Francis J. Braceland, M.D., Sc.D., F.A.C.P., is a graduate of LaSalle College and Jefferson Medical College. He is at present Senior Consultant and Chairman of Planning and Development at The Institute of Living, Hartford, Connecticut.
Jeffrey Bradburn
Jeffrey Bradburn is a master of divinity student at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University.
Gene G. Bradbury
Gene G. Bradbury, MDiv, MA in Theopoetics and Writing, is a retired pastor, author, and chaplain, residing in Sequim, Washington, United States.
Charles Bradford
Charles Bradford, D.D., former president of the North American Division.
Graeme Bradford
Graeme Bradford, D.Min., is ministerial director for the Trans-Tasman Union, New South Wales, Australia.
Robert Bradford
Robert C. Bradford is a retired American Baptist minister, living in Arlington, Washington, United States.
Lilian G. Bradley
By LILIAN G. BRADLEY, Bible Instructor, South Africa
T. Patrick Bradley
T. Patrick Bradley is a hospital chaplain at the United Medical Center, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
W. P. Bradley
President, White Publications, General Conference
John Bradshaw
John Bradshaw is speaker/director for It Is Written, Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States.
Lillian J. Bragan
Lillian J. Bragan
Joses Nunes Branco
By JOSE NUNES BRANCO, Teacher, Seminario Adventista, Portugal
Leonard Brand
Leonard Brand, Ph.D., is professor of biology and paleontology at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Ernest L. Branson
By ERNEST L. BRANSON, Superintendent of the Middle East Union Mission
Roy Branson
Roy Branson, Ph.D., is the director of the Washington Institute in Takoma Park, Maryland.
Alice Brantley
Bible Instructor, Jamaica, New York
Greg Bratcher
Greg Bratcher is the Adventist Development and Relief Agency director for Yemen.
Whitny Braun de Lobatón
Whitny Braun de Lobatón, PhD, is an associate professor at the School of Religion, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Sebastien J. Braxton
Sebastien J. Braxton, MA in Communication, is the CEO of Fiat Lux, a Christian mentorship and creative agency, and The New Life Challenge, a corporate wellness start-up, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States.
Frank Breaden
FRANK BREADEN Pastor-Evangelist, North New Zealand
Ellen Bresee
Ellen Bresee is the director of Shepherdess International.
Mark Bresee
Mark Bresee is pastor of the Hamilton Community Church of Seventh-day Adventists in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
W. Floyd Bresee
Floyd Bresee, Ph.D., is a former secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association, and continues to pastor and preach in Oregon, where he and his wife, Ellen, live in retirement.
Robert Bretsch
Robert Bretsch is senior pastor of the Sunnyside Seventhday Adventist Church in Tualatin, Oregon.
Verna Bretz
By VERNA BRETZ, Bible Instructor, Fremont, Ohio
Gentiane Breuil
Dr Gentiane Breuil, département santé de l’Union franco-belge.
N.F. Brewer
N. F. BREWER, General Conference Field Secretary
R. Bruce Brigden
R. Bruce Brigden is pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Alva, Oklahoma.
William Brigden
William Brigden is pastor of the Healy United Methodist Church, Healy, Kansas.
Ansel L. Bristol
Ansel L. Bristol is pastor of the Sunnyvale, California, Seventh-day Adventist church.
A. Bristow
A. Bristow is president of the Zambia Union of Seventh-day Adventists.
Sean Brizendine
Sean Brizendine, MDiv, pastors in a three-church district in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, United States.
Paul Brock
Paul Brock, who resides in Sooke, British Columbia, Canada, and is a member of the Society of Magazine Writers as well as a frequent contributor to Reader's Digest and many other publications.
K.D.L. Brook
By K. D. L. BROOK, Missionary, Fiji Islands
C. L. Brooks
Secretory, Sabbath School Department, Southern Union Conference
Charles D. Brooks
Charles D. Brooks is a General Field Secretary (retired) General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Mable E. Brooks
By MABLE E. BROOKS, Bible Worker, British Union Conference
Reuben H. Brooks
Reuben H. Brooks is assistant professor in the department of geography, at George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tennessee.
Shaun Brooks
Shaun Brooks, DMin, pastors the Atlanta All Nations Seventh-day Adventist Church, Lilburn, Georgia, United States.
Walterene L. Brooks
WALTERENE L. BROOKS, Minister's Wife, Cleveland, Ohio
Lona Brosi
By Mrs. Lona Brosi
Greg Brothers
Greg Brothers, Ph.D., pastors the Lincoln City Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lincoln City, Oregon.
George Brown
George Brown is president of the Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
Gertrude Brown
GERTRUDE M. BROWN, M.D., Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland
Henry F. Brown
By HENRY F. BROWN, Associate Secretary, Home Missionary Department
J.L. Brown
By J. L. BROWN, Departmental Secretary, South American Division
Jeffrey O. Brown
Jeffrey O. Brown, PhD, is the associate editor of Ministry and an associate ministerial secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Kenneth S. Brown
Kenneth S. Brown is pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Jerome, Idaho.
Lary Brown
Lary Brown, D.Min., is pastor of the Florence and Heedsport Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Oregon.
Laurie Wright Brown
Laurie Wright Brown, M. P. H., R. D., is a nutrition consultant in private practice. This article is provided by the Health and Temperance Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Maurice Brown
Maurice Brown, DMin, ministered as a lay preacher in London, England. In his retirement, he serves as an elder for the Mandeville Seventh-day Adventist church in Mandeville, Jamaica
R.H. Brown
R. H. Brown resides in Yucaipa, California.
Walton J. Brown
Walton J. Brown, Ph.D., is director of the Education Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Orville Browne
Orville Browne, ThD, is Clinical Pastoral Education supervisor and director of spiritual care and education, Meritus Medical Center, Hagerstown, Maryland, United States.
Kathleen Brownell
By KATHLEEN BROWNELL, Bible Instructor, Richmond, Virginia
Mike Brownhill
Mike Brownhill is the pastor of the Pine Rivers Seventh-day Adventist Church in Kallangor, Queensland, Australia.
R.E. Browning
By R. E. BROWNING, Pastor, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Harmon C. Brownlow
HARMON C. BROWNLOW, Revivalist, Georgia-Cumberland Conference
David Brubaker
David Brubaker writes from the Conflict Resolution Center International, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Dewane A. Brueske
Dewane A. Brueske, M.D., Hong Kong Sanitarium and Hospital
Reinder Bruinsma
Reinder Bruinsma, Ph.D., is the retired president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Netherlands, Huis ter Heide, Netherlands.
John Brunt
John Brunt, Ph.D., is senior pastor of Azure Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church, Grand Terrace, California, United States.
C. Dale Brusett
Conference Evangelist, British Columbia, Canada
B.F. Bryan
By B.F. Bryan
G. Alexander Bryant
G. Alexander Bryant, MDiv, is the secretary for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America.
R.A. Bryne
R. A. Bryne is loss-prevention consultant in the West Coast office of the General Conference Risk Management Services.
Donald L. Bubna
Donald L. Bubna is pastor of the Salem Alliance church, Salem, Oregon.
Francis D. Buckle
By Francis D. Buckle, Secretary-Treasurer of the North England Conference
E.A. Buckley
By E. A. BUCKLEY, Departmental Secretary, North Bantu, Mission
R.A. Buckley
R.A. BUCKLEY, Director, Emmanuel Mission Station, South Africa
Nora M. Buckman
By NORA M. BUCKMAN, Editorial Secretary, Review and Herald
Gary A. Buddoo-Fletcher
Gary A. Buddoo-Fletcher, DMin, JP, is a pastor and the chief chaplain of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, Kingston, Jamaica.
A. Buerger
A. BUERGER, Secretary, Central European Division
Brian Bull
Brian Bull, M.D., is Chair of Pathology and Human Anatomy at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Stanley Bull
By STANLEY BULL, Minister, South England Conference
Raymond Bullas
By RAYMOND BULLAS, Pastor-Evangelist, Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia
Jill Buller
Jill Buller, MD, is a resident physician at Adventist Health Ukiah Valley, Ukiah, California, United States.
Alejandro Bullón
Alejandro Bullón is Ministerial Association Secretary of the South American Division, Brasilia, Brazil.
Ada May Bunch
By ADA MAY BUNCH, Dietitian, Sydney Sanitarium, Australia
Ruth Jaeger Buntain
Ruth Jaeger Buntain, for 27 years a public school teacher, is now a free-lance writer living in Angwin, California.
J.A. Burden
By J. A. BURDEN, Veteran Sanitarium Manager
Gary Burdick
Gary Burdick, PhD, is professor of physics, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Francis M. Burg
By FRANCIS M. BURG, Dean, School of Theology, Walla Walla College
W.L. Burgan
Kenneth I. Burke
Kenneth I. Burke, Ph.D., R.D., is a food chemist and an associate professor of nutrition in the School of Health, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Denis P. Burkitt
Denis P. Burkitt, M.D., eminent British surgeon, is a former member of the External Scientific Staff of the Medical Research Council.
S.G. Burley
By S.G. Burley
Robert J. Burman
Robert J. Burman is an architect in Glendale, California.
Martin J. Burne
Martin J. Burne, Ph.D., O.S.B., is abbot president, American Cassinese Federation (of Benedictines), and resides in Morristown, New Jersey.
D. Lots Burnett
Gary Burns
Gary Burns is the pastor of the Dakota Adventist Academy church, Bismarck, North Dakota.
Nelson C. Burns
BY NELSON C. BURNS, Evangelist, Tasmanian Conference
Reginald J. Burns
By REGINALD J. BURNS, Evangelist, North New Zealand Conference
G. Burnside
Ministerial Association Secretary, Australasian Division
Doug Burrell
Doug Burrell, a Baptist pastor from Rome, Georgia, is the director of Discovery Resources.
Russell Burrill
Russell Burrill, D.Min., is director of the North American Division Evangelism Institute (NADEI) and chair of the Department of Christian Ministry, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
C.B. Burt
Rev C.B. Burt, Pastor, First Methodist Church, Grenada, Mississippi
Merlin D. Burt
Merlin D. Burt, PhD, is the director of the Ellen G. White Estate in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Judy Burton
Judy Burton, president of the Home and Health Library Association in De Soto, Kansas, creates and publishes family worship and children's witnessing materials. She created the Gideon's Band material used in many children's Sabbath school departments.
Keith A. Burton
Keith A. Burton is associate professor of New Testament at Oakwood College, Huntsville, Alabama.
Callie Buruchara
Callie Buruchara, MA in education, is a software engineering student, Hagerstown, Maryland, United States.
David Buruchara
David Buruchara is a clinical mental health counseling master’s student with a background in supply chain and procurement. He resides in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, United States.
Francis F. Bush
Francis F. Bush is Ministerial secretary of the Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Andre Bustanoby
Andre Bustanoby resides in Bowie, Maryland.
Oleta Butcher
By Oleta Butcher
Harold Butler
Harold Butler, D.D.S., is director of development and planning at the Office of Global Mission at the General Conference.
J. L. Butler
Chaplain, Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital Nashville, Tennessee
O.K. Butler
By O. K. BUTLER, District Leader, Indiana Conference
Peg Butler
Peg Butler has made her home in Adelphi, Maryland, since coming to the United States from the Australasian Division when her husband was elected treasurer of the General Conference at the Dallas session in 1980. This article is adapted from a presentation she gave at a morning worship service for the General Conference office staff.
William A. Butler
By WILLIAM A. BUTLER, Acting Secretary, Home Missionary Department
William A. Butler
By WILLIAM A. BUTLER, Acting Secretary, Home Missionary Department
L.A. Butterfield
By L. A. BUTTERFIELD, Pastor, Memphis, Tennessee
M.B. Butterfield
Jack E. Bynum
Jack E. Bynum, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of sociology at Southern Oregon University.
Carlton P. Byrd
Carlton P. Byrd, DMin, is speaker/director of Breath of Life television ministries and senior pastor, Oakwood University Church, Huntsville, Alabama, United States.
M.E. Byrkit
M.E. Byrkit, M.D. , Williamsport, Maryland
Bordes Henry Saturné
Bordes Henry Saturné, PhD, is chair of the Leadership Department, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.