Charles H. Betz
Charles H. Betz is a retired pastor.
Evangelism-Winning Men for God
With this basic idea and many hours of planning and praying together there slowly evolved the following described plan which God has used to bring 185 dear souls into our San Diego churches.
How to Have a Full Treasury
NO MINISTER enjoys pleading for funds or employing gimmicks to squeeze money out of unwilling people. The pastor need not assume the role of a fund raiser if he will seriously undertake his commission, "Teaching them to observe all things what soever I have commanded you." If you have financial problems in your church, may I suggest that you seriously undertake a program of STEWARDSHIP EDUCATION. . .
Enlarge your church through Sabbath school
The pastor who begins to view Sabbath school as an important part of his church's ministry will have discovered a powerful soul-winning and spirit-building tool Discover how to vitalize your church through the Sabbath school
What's going on at 9:30?
''What can you do to transform your Sabbath school into a place of vital learning and growing? Help the teachers in all divisions to be more person-centered, more caring and sensitive to the hurts and felt needs of learners. ''
Grow a strong church
Is preaching without teaching enough? Or is teaching without preaching enough? If you re among the majority of pastors, who spend nearly as much time concerned with the church's janitorial services as with its educational work, we challenge you to rethink your priorities.