Charles D. Brooks
Charles D. Brooks is a General Field Secretary (retired) General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland.
289 Souls Won in the "City of Brotherly Love"
What a privilege the Lord gave to us in Philadelphia, the "City of Brotherly Love" this past summer!
Public Evangelism and the Busy Pastor
Recently I made it my business to be near a TV set. It was an eventful morning, one of those that will be referred to in history classes by our children's children, if time should last. Prodded by a recent Russian success, America made her first attempt to put a man in space.
Preach what you believe!
Charles D. Brooks, a well-known Adventist preacher, is not so much interested in the mechanics of preaching as in the reality of the message. He turns away from concern about how the sermon is prepared to concern with how the preacher is prepared. His message will make you stand tall in the pulpit!
The narrowness of Jesus
The confining limits Jesus imposed upon Himself and His work gave Him power, just as a river gains force through a narrow chasm.
Heaven wills a completed task! Spiritual empowerment and revival
The foundational need for authentic spiritual preparation in the work of the evangelist