W.L. Burgan
Don't Abuse Press Card Privileges
In order to assist workers in securing information that may be helpful in presenting current matters that re-enforce the truthfulness and seriousness of the advent message, the General Conference Committee has provided press cards through its Press Bureau, giving holders of the same the status of newspaper reporters.
What Constitutes Press News
Our gospel commission embraces the use of the public press, which daily reaches millions who perhaps could never be reached with a Seventh-day Adventist publication.
Capitalizing the Press
The estimate of the value of newspaper publicity on the part of the head of the Roman Catholic Church ought to awaken in the minds of God's heralds of the advent message its pressing importance.
Newspaper Publicity
In these days when every wind of doctrine is blowing and there are constantly increasing allurements and attractions to lead men and women away from God, it becomes essential that for success in evangelism there must be understood and properly applied the up-to-date methods which attract the attention of the public.