Larry Blackmer
Larry Blackmer, EdD, serves as vice president for education for the North American Division, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Coe Neil Cabe
Coe Neil Cabe, who lives Wintersville, Ohio, ministers in the Brentwood/Buena Vista United Methodist church.
Cabungcal, Jan-Harry
Jan-Harry Cabungcal, PhD, is a lecturer and neuroscientist, Vulliens, Switzerland.
Hermenio B. Cabusog
Hermenio B. Cabusog Jr., PhD, is a l ecturer on management at Bukidnon State University, Philippines, and serves as a pastor in Inobulan, Philippines.
Marion E. Cady
By MARION E. CADY, Teacher of Speech, Takoma Park, Maryland
Lael Caesar
Lael Caesar, Ph.D., is associate professor of religion at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Michael Cafferky
Michael Cafferky, DMin, is the Ruth McKee chair for entrepreneurship and business ethics and professor of business and management at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
O.D. Cahdey
By O. D. CAHDEY, Pastor-Evangelist, Marlines, Georgia
Emile Cailliet
Dr. Emile Cailliet held professorships in French literature at Scripps College, the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School, and Wesleyan University (Middletown, Connecticut) before going to Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was Stuart Professor of Christian Philosophy until he became emeritus professor in 1960.
Teresa Scott Caine
Teresa S. Caine is a freelance writer from Grand Bay, Alabama.
Santo Calarco
Santo Calarco is a pastor in the Greater Sydney Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Australia.
Erling E. Calkins
Sabbath School Secretary, Southern California Conference
Fern Calkins
Fern Calkins is the wife of the president of the Southern California Conference.
Harold Calkins
Harold Calkins is a retired Seventh-day Adventist minister and lives in Loma Linda, California.
Carlos C. Camarena
Carlos C. Camarena is a gradutate student at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Earl P. Cameron
Earl P. Cameron, D. Min., is pastor of Mississauga Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
J.G. Cammack
By J. G. CAMMACK, Conference Evangelist, Rhodesia-Bechuanaland, Africa
Herschel Camp
Herschel C. Lamp is director of Health Education and Preventive Medicine at St. Helena Hospital and Health Center in Deer Park, California.
A.J. Campbell
Dennis Campbell
Dennis Campbell is the pastor of the Keene, New Hampshire, and Brattleboro, Vermont, Seventh-day Adventist churches.
J.R. Campbell
By J. R. CAMPBELL, Superintendent of the Zambesi Union Mission
Katelyn Campbell
Katelyn Campbell is an MDiv student at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Kenroy R. Campbell
Kenroy R. Campbell, MA in biblical studies, is a PhD candidate at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
M.N. Campbell
By M. N. CAMPBELL, Vice-President for North American Division
Michael W. Campbell
Michael W. Campbell, PhD, is director of Archives, Statistics, and Research for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, Maryland, United States.
Victor H. Campbell
Victor H. Campbell is professor emeritus of agriculture, Andrews University.
Alcides Campolongo
ALCIDES CAMPOLONGO, Secretary, Public Relations and Radio-TV, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Adly Campos
Adly Campos, a lay evangelist, is the president for Family Well Being International, Laurel, Maryland.
Ruby T. Campos
Ruby T. Campos, MA in Education, is an author, blogger, and associate professor in the School of Arts, Sciences, and Education at Central Philippine Adventist College, Negros Occidental, Philippines.
Elizabeth Camps
Elizabeth Camps is writer and public relations specialist for Adventist Risk Management, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Fernando L. Canale
Fernando L. Canale, Ph.D. is professor of theology and philosophy at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Arthur D. Canales,
Arthur D. Canales, D. Min., is associate professor of theology and ministry at Silver Lake College, in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States.
Aurora Canals
Aurora Canals is the editor of Stronger Together and an associate ministerial secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Ramon J. Canals
Ramon J. Canals, DMin, is ministerial association secretary for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
W. John Cannon
Former Assistant Secretary, Education Department, General Conference
Betty Canon
By BETTY CANON, Office Assistant, South American Division Headquarters
Nancy Canwell
Nancy Canwell is a special assistant editor of Ministry.
Howard J. Capman
By HOWARD J. CAPMAN, Pastor, Birmingham, Alabama
Joseph Capman
By Joseph Capman
Theodore Carcich
Theodore Carcich, former vice-president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, is now retired and living in Colton, Washington.
O.D. Cardey
By 0. D. CARDEY, Evangelist, Albany, New York
Paul C. Cardey
By PAUL C. CARDEY, Horne Missionary Secretary, Georgia-Cumberland Conference
Arthur E. Carey
By ARTHUR E. CAREY, Secretary-Treasurer. British Union Conference
R. M. Cargill
Evangelist, Costa Rica Mission
Rich Carlson
Rich Carlson is chaplain at Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Robert R. Carlson
Robert Carlson, MDiv, pastors the Minot and Bottineau Seventh-day Adventist Churches, North Dakota, United States.
Robert R. Carlson
Robert Carlson, MDiv, pastors the Minot and Bottineau Seventh-day Adventist Churches, North Dakota, United States.
Robert J. Carlson
Robert J. Carbon, D.Min., is an ordained minister of the Mennonite Church and is the director of the outpatient clinic in Wichita, Kansas, for the Prairie View Psychiatric Hospital.
Chad Carlton
Chad Carlton is a seminary student at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Eldon Carman
Orthodontist, Marietta, Georgia
Verjannia F. Carman
Verjannia F. Carman writes from Alloway, New Jersey.
Sean Carney
Sean Carney is president of TAGnet and lives in Mountain View, California.
Craig Carr
Craig Carr, DMin, serves as vice president for administration, Washington Conference, Federal Way, Washington, United States.
Harold E. Carr.
Harold Carr, Retired Minister, Australasian Division
Inez Storie Carr
Mark Carr
Mark Carr, Ph.D., is theological co-director. Center for Christ/an Ethics, and associate professor of Christian ethics, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Carol Carrell
Carol Carrell, M.A., M.F.C.C., licensed in California as a marriage, family, and child counselor, is the associate clinical director of the Redwood Family Institute in Eureka, California.
Floyd C. Carrier
By FLOYD C. CARRIER, Secretary, American Temperance Society
Erik C. Carter
Erik C. Carter, PhD, DMin, is an associate professor at the School of Religion, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.
G. Tom Carter
G. Tom Carter is director of Trust Services for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. An attorney and ordained minister, he pastored for 11 years before entering trust services work 22 years ago.
J.B. Carter
By J. B. CARTER, Chaplain, Porter Sanitarium, Denver, Colorado
John J. Carter
John J. Carter, an evangelist in the Greater Sydney Conference, is engaged in a continuing crusade in the prestigious Sydney Opera House.
Ronald L. Carter
Ronald L Carter, Ph.D., is dean of the school of science and technology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Charles C. Case
Charles C. Case is youth director of the Lake Union Conference.
Steve Case
Steve Case, D.Min., is president of Piece of the Pie Ministries, Sacramento, California.
George Casebeer Jr.
By GEORGE CASEBEER JR. Singing Evangelist, Tacoma, Washington
Homer D. Casebeer
By HOMER D. CASEBEER, Secretary, North American Indian Department
Bonnie L. Casey
Bonnie L. Casey was the editorial assistant for the Sligo church staff at the time of the interview.
D. E. Caslow
D. E. Caslow is lay activities secretary of the North Pacific Union. He is a graduate of Andrews University and a registered nurse in the State of Michigan.
John L. Casteel
Reviewed by John L. Casteel, professor of practical theology, retired from Union Theological Seminary, New York.
Michael Cauley
Michael Cauley, DMin, is president of the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Winter Park, Florida, United States.
Agnes Lewis Caviness
By Agnes Lewis Caviness
Andrew Levi Cavins
Andrew Levi Cavins, DSL, is a strategist and consultant residing in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States.
Mario Ceballos
Mario Ceballos, DMin, a chaplain certified by the Association of Professional Chaplains, serves as director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries and the World Service Organization for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Roland K. Cemer
By ROLAND K. CEMER, Evangelist, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Miguel Angel Cerna
Miguel Angel Cerna is a special assistant editor of Ministy.
E. Stanley Chace
Chairman, Department of Education and Psychology Walla Walla College
Emmer Chacón
Emmer Chacón, PhD, is a professor of Old Testament studies at the University of Montemorelos, Montemorelos, Nuevo León, México.
Arthur V. Chadwick
Arthur V. Chadwick, Ph.D., is associate professor of biology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Fernando Chaij
Fernando Chaij, Spanish Department Editor, Pacific Pres
Morris Chalfant
Morris Chalfant is chaplain of Heritage Village, Kankakee, Illinois.
Enrique Chaij
ENRIQUE CHAIJ, Secretary, Radio-TV and Public Relations, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Linwood Chamberlain
Linwood Chamberlain, D.Min., is co-pastor of the First Lutheran Church in Lorain, Ohio.
Damian Chambers
Damian Chambers, MA, is an assistant professor in the School of Religion and Theology, Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville, Jamaica.
Anthony Chandler
Anthony Chandler, MDiv, MPA, is a chaplain residing in Stewartstown, Pennsylvania, United States.
F.L. Chaney
F.L. Chaney, Retired Minister, Venturer, California
Elizabeth Chapman
By ELIZABETH CHAPMAN, R.N., Supervisor, Washington (D.C.) Sanitarium
Zeno L. Charles-Marcel
Zeno L. Charles-Marcel, MD, is an associate director of the General Conference Health Ministries department, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Paul Charles
Paul Charles, Ph.D., is education and communication director of the Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Southern Africa, headquartered in Bloemfontein, South Africa.
Vijayan Charles
Vijayan Charles, M.D., local church elder, Bladensburg, Maryland.
James David Chase
James David Chase is assistant professor of broadcast evangelism at Andrews University. He resides in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Mrs. Mildred L. Chase
Assistant Administrator, Kettering Memorial Hospital
This is a computer-generated article by artificial intelligence (AI). It is written by ChatGPT, utilizing Model: GPT-4 (May 24, 2023 Version).
Jolivê Chaves
Jolivê Chaves, MTh, is director of personal ministries for the Adventist Church in South America, Brasília, Brazil.
Steven Chavez
Steven Chavez is managing editor of the Adventist Review.
Philip S. Chen
By PHILIP S. CHEN, Professor of Chemistry, Atlantic Union College, Massachusetts
Isabel Russell Chester
By ISABEL RUSSELL CHESTER, Choir Director, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Justin Childers
Justin Childers, MDiv, served as a local church pastor and is currently a chaplain at AdventHealth Celebration in Celebration, Florida, United States.
Randall R. Childress
Randall R. Childress served in four churches over forty-five years of full-time ministry, retiring after thirty years as senior minister of the Kempsville Christian Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States.
A.D. Chilson
A.D. CHILSON,Pastor, Wisconsin
Vera Chilton
By VERA CHILTON, Zenana Worker, Northwest India Union Mission
Gordon Chilvers
Gordon Chilvers writes from Norwich, England.
Saviour Chimfwembe
Saviour Chimfwembe is a pastor in the Mpulunga Mission District, Zambia, Africa.
Lee Chokewoh
Lee Chokewoh, MPTh, is senior pastor, Mountain View Adventist Church, and chaplain, Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong.
Dowell Chow
Dowell Chow, MBA, is president of Adventist World Radio
Donny Chrissutianto
Donny Chrissutianto, PhD, is an assistant professor of historical and theological studies and Master of Divinity program director at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Herbert Christensen
Herbert Christensen, Pastor and Radio Evangelist, Texas
Otto H. Christensen
Otto H. Christensen, former pastor, mission director, and college professor of religion, is now retired and lives in Tennessee.
Reo M. Christenson
Reo M. Christenson, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of Miami University and lives in Miamisburg, Ohio.
Ed Christian
Ed Christian, Ph.D., teaches English and Bible at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania.
J.W. Christian
By J.W. Christian
Jon Christian
Jon Christian is a psuedonym.
L. H. Christian
President, European Division (1922-1928), Northern European Division (1928-1936)
Ritchie Christianson
Ritchie Christianson is a literature evangelist in the Greater Pittsburgh area.
H.K. Christman
H. K. Christman is a retired minister living in Yucaipa, California.
Gordon E. Christo
Gordon E. Christo, PhD, serves as executive secretary, Southern Asia Division, Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Gordon E. Christo
Gordon E. Christo, PhD, is secretary of the Southern Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Larry Christoffel
Larry Christoffel is the associate pastor of the Loma Linda Campus Hill Church, Loma Linda, California.
L.C. Christofferson
By MRS. L.C. CHRISTOFFERSON, R.N. Council Bluffs, Iowa
Ginger Mostert Church
Ginger Mostert Church, editorial secretary for Insight magazine, is the mother of two teenage sons and writes from Williamsport, Maryland.
Monte Church
Monte Church is mission evangelist in Alaska. Most of his ministry has been spent in conference evangelism.
Orathai (Saw) Chureson
Orathai (Saw) Chureson, PhD, is the coordinator of the Ministerial Spouses Association and director of Children and Family Ministries in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Jon Ciccarelli
Jon Ciccarelli is senior pastor at Calimesa Seventh-day Adventist Church, Calimesa, California, United States.
Petr Činčala
Petr Činčala, PhD, is an associate professor and serves as director of both the Institute of Church Ministry and the Doctor of Missiology program at Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Tami Cinquemani
Tami Cinquemani, MAWS,is worship director, Florida Hospital Church, Orlando, Florida, United States.
J. Norman Clapp
By J. NORMAN CLAPP, Chaplain, Mountain Sanitarium, Fletcher, North Carolina
Dennis Clark
Dennis Clark is an intern in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference.
Douglas R. Clark
Douglas R. Clark, Ph.D., is professor of Biblical Studies and Archaelogy at Walla Walla College, College Place, Washington.
Ernest Clark
Pastor, Little Rock, Arkansas
Greg Clark
Greg Clark
H.W. Clark
H.W. Clark, Professor Emeritus of Biology, Pacific Union College
M.E. Clark
M. E. Clark is professor of theoretical and applied mechanics and bioengineering in the College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
A. Wellington Clarke
By A. WELLINGTON CLARKE, Pastor-Evangelist, West Medford, Mass.
Robert C. Clarke
Robert C. Clarke is a pastor-evangelist in the Pennsylvania Conference.
Ben Clausen
Ben Clausen, Ph.D., is a scientist at the Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda California, United States.
Conrad D. Clausen
Conrad D. Clausen, Ph.D., is assistant professor of biology, Graduate School, Loma Linda University.
M. M. Claveria
M. M. Claveria is president of the South Philippine Union Mission. After several years as auditor and treasurer in the Philippines, he served as assistant auditor of the Far Eastern Division before assuming his present position in 1969.
Bessie Cleary
By BESSIE CLEARY, Bible Instructor, North England Conference
Celia M. Cleveland
Minister's Wife, Washington, D.C.
Clyde C. Cleveland
Business Manager, Columbia Union College
Edward Earl Cleveland
Edward Earl Cleveland, D.D., is a retired ministerial association secretary of the General Conference and a world-renowned evangelist.
H.L. Cleveland
H.L. CLEVELAND Pastor, Cleveland, Ohio
W. J. Cleveland,
President, Southwest Region Conference
H. E. Clifford
H. E. Clifford is medical director of the Sydney Adventist Hospital.
J. Clifford
By J. CLIFFORD, President, Gold Coast Mission Field, West Africa
James Clinton
James Clinton is a pseudonym.
Caroline Louise Clough
By Caroline Louise Clough
Neville Clouten
Neville Clouten, Ph.D., currently is a lecturer in architectural design at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Newcastle,Australia.
Lisa Clouzet
Lisa Clouzet, DMin, LPC, is associate director, Ministerial Association/ Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, Northern Asia-Pacific Division, Ilsan, South Korea
Ron Clouzet
Ron E. M. Clouzet, DMin, is the former ministerial secretary for the Northern Asia-Pacific Division. He currently pastors in Tennessee, United States.
James A. Cobb
James A. Cobb, DDivS in Pastoral Studies, is a retired educator and currently minsters at his local church in Chesterfield, Virginia, United States.
Perrie L. Cobb
Perrie L. Cobb, Teacher's Wife, Mount Aetna Academy
Harold H. Cobban
By HAROLD H. COBBAN, Assistant Treasurer of the General Conference
Hazel Coe
Hazel Coe is the wife of W. O. Coe, president of the Central Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Lincoln, Nebraska.
G. A. Coffen
Pastor, Berrien Springs, Michigan
Richard W. Coffen
Richard W. Coffen is assistant to the president, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, Maryland.
Cecil Coffey
Public Relations, North Pacific Union
Frank A. Coffin
By FRANK A. COFFIN, Proofreader, Southern Publishing Association, Tennessee
Harold G. Coffin
Harold G. Coffin is a member of the Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda, California, and holds a Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Southern California.
James Coffin
James Coffin is senior pastor of the Markham Woods Seventh-day Adventist Church in Longwood, Florida.
Leonie Coffin
Leonie Coffin, a homemaker in Burtonsville, Maryland, says she is trying to achieve the kind of fulfillment by not earning money that many people try to achieve by earning it.
Carl Coffman
Carl Coffman is chairman of the Department of Religion, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Jeffrey L. Cohen
Jeffrey L. Cohen is instructor in behavioral sciences at Santa Monica College in California.
Keith K. Colburn
Keith K. Colbum, M.D., is chief of rheumatology at the Jerry Pettis Memorial VA Hospital and assistant professor of medicine at Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
William Colburn
William Colburn is pastor of the Ventura Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ventura, California.
Frank O. Colby
By FRANK 0. COLBY, Orthoepist, Houston, Texas
Michael G. Coleman
Michael G. Coleman, MDiv, MA, a pastor in New York for 26 years, is completing a doctor of ministry degree in organizational leadership at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Collective review group
A collective review by Kris Berner, Michael W. Campbell, Seth Coridan, Steve Gillham, Aaron Hatfield, Blake Jones, Michael Kissner, Jim Moon,
Gordon Collier
Pastor, Jackson, Tennessee
Gasper F. Colon
Gaspar Colón, PhD, is a retired pastor, administrator, professor, researcher, and missionary currently residing in Kaneohe, Hawaii, United States.
Jac Colon
Jac Colon is field secretary and personal ministries director, Washington Conference, Auburn, Washington.
Mary-Ellen Colon
May-Ellen Colón, PhD, is an assistant director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, and director of Adventist Community Services International, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
E.R. Colson
By E. R. COLSON, Treasurer of the Northern European Division
J. F. Coltheart
Former Ministerial Association Secretary, Northern European Division
Gerald F. Colvin
Assistant Professor, Department of Education Union College
J.J.B. Combrinck
By J.J.B. COMBRINCK, Associate Director, Voice of Prophecy Bible School, South Africa
Darryl Comstock
Darryl Comstock is a religion and history teacher at Hawaiian Mission Academy, Lawai, Hawaii.
Mary Jane Comstock
Mary Jane Comstock is a free-lance writer living in Sparks, Oklahoma.
Ruth Conard
By Ruth Conard, Editorial Secretary, Review and Herald
Arthur A. Cone
By ARTHUR A. CONE, Pastor-Evangelist, Orlando, Florida
Paul Cone
Paul Cone, Ph.D., was head of business administration, graduate, and executive programs at the University of Southern California.
George Conforth
By GEORGE CORNFORTH, Dietitian, New England Sanitarium, Massachusetts
George Conforth
By GEORGE E. CORNFORTH, Dietitian, New England Sanitarium and Hospital
M.G. Conger
By M. G. CONGER. President of the New Jersey Conference
J.B. Conley
J. B. CONLEY, Association Secretary
J.G. Conmack
J.G. Conmack, Evangelist, Carolina Conference
Jerry Connell
Reviewed by Jerry Connell, pastor, University Seventh-day Adventist Church, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan.
Conners, Kenneth Wray
Kenneth Wray Conners is a free-lance writer and a member of the First United Methodist church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
R.C. Connors
R. C. Connors is associate Ministerial secretary of the Lake Union Conference.
Claude Conrad
By CLAUDE CONARD, Statistical Secretary of the General Conference
Richard Constantienescu
Richard Constantienescu, MDiv, pastors the Ardmore, Oklahoma Seventh-day Adventist church, Ardmore, Oklahoma, United States
Claudio Consuegra
Claudio Consuegra, DMin, serves as the family life director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Claudio and Pamela Consuegra
Claudio Consuegra, DMin, and Pamela Consuegra, PhD, are Family Ministries directors of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, Maryland, United States.
Pamela Consuegra
Pamela Consuegra, PhD, along with her husband Claudio, are Family Ministries directors for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Alvin E. Cook
Ministerial Secretary, Trans-Africa Division
David J. Cook
David J. Cook is associate pastor of the McDonald Road Seventh-day Adventist Church, Apison, Tennessee;
David J.H. Cook
David J. H. Cook pastors St. Matthew's United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Joan Marie Cook
Clinton J. Coon
By CLINTON J. COON, President, West Virginia Conference
Ethel Numbers Coon
ETHEL NUMBERS COON, Syracuse, New York
Miles Coon
By MILES COON, Evangelist, Columbus, Ohio
Roger W. Coon
Roger W. Coon, Ph.D., former associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate, is retired and lives in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.
Betty Cooney
Betty Cooney is communication director for the Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Drew Coons
Drew Coons is a retired missionary and family ministry speaker residing in Port Orchard, Washington, United States.
Douglas Cooper
Self-supporting Worker, Kodiak, Alaska
Reviewed by L C. Cooper, associate secretary, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Lowell Cooper
Lowell Cooper is a general vice president for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Rhona Cooper
Rhona Cooper, until recently a research assistant in the Health and Temperance Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, first presented the contents of this article at a Women for Christ meeting during the 1985 General Conference session.
Richard Cooper
Richard Cooper pastors the Belfast and Lame Seventh-day Adventist churches in Northern Ireland.
Robert G. Cooper
Robert G. Cooper, Manager of Patient Business, White Memorial Medical Center
Victor Cooper
Victor Cooper, Bracknell, Berkshire, England.
David R. Copsey
DAVID R. COPSEY, Pastor, Michigan Conference
Alain Coralie
Alain Coralie, PhD, is the executive secretary of the East-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Nairobi, Kenya.
John G. Corban
JOHN G. CORBAN, Evangelist, Delhi, India
Anneris Coria-Navia
Anneris Coria-Navia, EdD, serves as director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and an associate professor of curriculum and instruction at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
William J. Cork
William J. Cork, associate pastor, Houston International Seventh-day Adventist Church, Houston, Texas, United States.
A.W. Cormack
By A. W. CORMACK, Associate Secretary of the General Conference
William Cormack
By WILLIAM CORMACK, Associate Secretary of the General Conference
Fred Cornforth
Fred Cornforth is the executive director of Service Station in Boise, Idaho.
Robert F. Correia
Pastor, Fredericksburg, Virginia
Joanne Cortes
Joanne Cortes is an associate pastor at Beltsville Seventh-day Adventist Church, Beltsville, Maryland, United States.
Félix H. Cortez
Félix H. Cortez, PhD, is a professor of New Testament literature at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Carl P. Cosaert
Carl P. Cosaert, PhD, is associate professor of New Testament and early Christianity, Walla Walla University, College Place, Washington, United States.
Margaret Cosby
By MARGARET COSBY, Bible Instructor, Paterson, New Jersey
Nancy Costa
Nancy Costa is the Planned Giving and Trust Services officer for It Is Written and resides in Laurel, Maryland, United States.
Robert Costa
Robert Costa is an associate secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association.
H.W. Cottrell
By H.W. Cottrell
Raymond F. Cottrell
Associate Book Editor, Review and Herald
Gary R. Councell
Chaplain (Colonel) Gary R. Councell, U.S. Army retired, currently serving as associate director/military endorser of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Molleurus Couperus
By MOLLEURUS COUPERUS, M. D., Dermatologist, Skin and Cancer Unit, New York City
Cyril B. Courville
By CYRIL B. COURVILLE, M. D., Professor of Neurology, C. M. E., Los Angeles
Jon Coutts
Jon Coutts, at the time of this writing, was pursuing an MA in Theology, Briercrest Seminary, Caronport, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Brian Cowin
Brian Cowin pastors the Central Louisiana and Marthaville Seventh-day Adventist Churches, Louisiana, United States.
Daphne Cox
DAPHNE COX, New South Wales, Australia
David Cox
David Cox is director of personal ministries and church growth, British Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Watford, Hertsfordshire, England.
James J. C. Cox
James J. C. Cox, Ph.D., is an associate professor of New Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
James J.C. Cox
James J. C. Cox, Ph.D., is professor of New Testament, Andrews University Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Leon G. Cox
Ministerial Association Secretary, Allegheny West Conference
William E. Cox
Pastor of the Mount Hope Baptist Temple, Mount Hope, West Virginia
Norma Crabtree
Norma Crabtree, mother of six and a registered nurse, served as a missionary wife in the South Pacific for sixteen years. She now lives in Glendale, California, where her husband is a pastor.
Cynthia Cradduck
Cynthia Cradduck, from the United Methodist Church, is a managing partner at Cecilia Russo Marketing, Savannah, Georgia, United States, and was recognized as a “40 Under 40” leader by Georgia Trend Magazine.
C.P. Crager
By C. P. CRAGER, Superintendent of the Central American Union Mission
F. C. Craig
F. C. Craig is general manager of the Sanitarium Health Food Company.
Doris Crandall
Doris Crandall is a housewife and mother living in Amarillo, Texas.
Walter T. Crandall
Walter T. Crandall, Editor, "The Youth's Instructor"
Donald E. Crane
Donald E. Crane is an associate secretary of the Ministerial and Stewardship Association of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Lee F. Crane
Lee F. Crane, D.D.S., practices general dentistry in Carmichael, California.
Milton G. Crane
Milton G. Crane is research professor of medicine at Loma Linda University School of Medicine. A graduate of La Sierra College, he received his M.D. degree from Loma Linda University. He has been associated with Loma Linda School of Medicine as a researcher and teacher since 1952.
Winona Crane
Winona Crane, Bookstand Director
Nancy Cranwell
Nancy Cranwell is a special assistant editor of Ministry.
E.E. Craven
By E. E. CRAVEN, Superintendent of the Irish Mission
Erwin A. Crawford, M.D.
Assistant Dean for Administration and Research, Loma Linda University
Kenneth Crawford
Kenneth Crawford, MA, is a retired pastor, administrator, and author residing in College Place, Washington, United States.
R.E. Crawford
R. E. CRAWFORD, Public Relations, Georgia-Cumberland Conference
Gordon G. Creighton
Gordon G. Creighton is a chaplain at Harding Hospital, Worthington, Ohio.
James A. Cress
James A. Cress is the Ministerial Secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
John C. Cress
John C. Cress is the campus chaplain at Walla Walla College, College Place, Washington.
Sharon Cress
Sharon Cress is an associate ministerial secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States, with the privilege of serving pastoral families.
Heather Crews
Heather Crews, DMin, is an associate director for the North American Division Evangelism Institute, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Charles C. Crider
Chairman, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Andrews University
C.C. Crisler
By C.C. Criblee
L.T. Crisler
By L.T. Crisler
Kenneth S. Crofoot
Kenneth S. Crofoot, Chaplain, Washington Sanitarium
Darren Croft
Darren Croft is the pastor of the Lilydale Seventh-day Adventist Church, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia.
June Croft
June Croft, R.N., is director of the Adventist Nurse Service Agency, New York Center, New York.
E.G. Crosier
By E.G. Crosier
E.G. Croiser
By E. G. Croiser
Tim Crosby
Tim Crosby is pastor of the Wiliowbrook Seventh-day Adventist Church in Boonsboro, Maryland.
C.G. Cross
C. G. CROSS, General Manager, Christian Record Braiile Foundation
Edith Cross
By Edith Cross
Fred E. Crowell
Fred E. Crowell is pastor of the Adventist church in Columbia, Missouri.
Robert J. Cruise
Robert J. Cruise, Ph.D., is professor of research and statistical methodology at Andrews University's School of Education.
Maud Crump
By MAUD CRUMP, Bible Instructor, Danville, Virginia
Fred J. Crump
Seminary Student, Andrews University
Celia Meijia Cruz
Celia Mejia Cruz, General Conference Women's Ministries, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Judi Chaffee Culbertson
JUDI CHAFFEE CULBERTSON, formerly on the editorial staff of Eternity Magazine.
Everett E. Cumbo
EVERETT E. CUMBO, Ministerial Secretary, Georgia-Cumberland Conference
Paul O. Cumings
By PAUL 0. CUMINGS, Minister, South England Conference
Des Cummings. Jr.
Des Cummings, Jr., Ph.D., is the director of the Institute of Church Ministry.
L.O.N. Cummings
L.O.N. Cummings, Evangelist, Montana Conference
V.B. Cummings
By MRS. V. B. CUMMINGS, Bible Worker, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Elaine Cunningham
Elaine Cunningham has lived in parsonages all her married life. Along with being a pastor's wife she is a free-lance writer.
Louis F. Cunningham
Retired Minister, Kernersville, N.C.
James O. Cunnington
James O. Cunnington is stewardship and development director of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and has been heavily involved with church building programs for more than twenty years.
Guiseppe Cupertino
Guiseppe Cupertino, a retired minister living in Switzerland, has written many articles and is the author of the book Have You Solved These Problems?
Ellen Curran
ELLEN CURRAN, Bible Instructor, Southern California Conference
H. Ellen Curran
By H. ELLEN CURRAN, Radio Reading Roam, Los Angeles, California
Howard A. Currant
By HOWARD A. CURRANT, Pastor, Ventura, California
David Currie
David Currie, ministerial secretary for the Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists, writes from St. Albans, England.
J.B. Currier
J.B. Currier, Pastor, Garden Grove, California
Stephen Currow
Stephen Currow, D.Min., is senior lecturer in ministry and mission, Avondale College, New South Wales, Australia
Ken Curtis
Ken Curtis, DMin, is associate pastor at Calimesa Seventh-day Adventist Church, Calimesa, California, United States
Kenneth Curtis
Kenneth Curtis, Ph.D., is general manager of Gateway Films in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
George L. Cutton
George L. Cutton in The Watchman-Examiner, Aug. 7, 1941.