I.H. Evans
By IRWIN H. EVANS, General Conference Field Secretary
What Is Preaching?
Preaching has to do with more than imparting knowledge, be it ever so true; it deals with the will as well a s with the reason.
The Preacher's Influence
Today, both in print and from the platform, the minister and his work are frequently ridiculed and spoken of with contempt. Science, philosophy, and modern industrialism are lauded to the skies, while the preacher and his message and influence are belittled.
Gathering the Fragments
Is it becoming for an ambassador from the court of heaven so to conduct himself socially and in the pulpit that he excites sympathy for himself rather than toward the kingdom that he is supposed to represent?
"Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear"
Fear is the weakest motive for action that can be employed. It dethrones reason and makes cowards of all whom it controls.
Let Us Examine Ourselves
Self-Examination is far more profitable to any man than to examine the lives and acts of others. Nevertheless many of us are experienced in sitting in judgment on our fellows, while prone to neglect serious self-examination.
Words that Keep Men on their Feet
The Christian minister is the natural helper of the soul-sick,—men who are timid, weak, fearful,—and he should ever live so near to the Lord that he will be able at all times to speak words of courage and cheer.
"My Soul in Thy Soul's Stead"
"My soul in your soul's stead, if you follow what I preach, and fail of heaven"--John Newton