Wadie Farag
Pastor, Lacombe Church on the campus of Canadian Union College
The Nature and Person of Christ
The first seven centuries of the Christian Era witnessed the church battling courageously against several heresies that mainly dealt with: a. the status of Christ as God, and b. the incarnate relationship between His divine and human natures. These two problems, both relating to Christ, were the subject of protracted controversies known as the Trinitarian and Christological controversies. While the Trinitarian controversy rocked the church in the first four centuries of the Christian Era, the Christological controversy followed it from the fifth to the seventh century, or until the rise of Islam.
"What Think Ye of Christ?"
Although the term "Trinity" is not scriptural, the concept it expresses is certainly Biblical. In the Scriptures we note that there are three distinct persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
"What Think Ye of Christ?"
Although Jesus made sure that men understood His divinity and oneness with God, there are countless millions who through the ages have denied this.
Should We Enlarge Our Sanitariums and Hospitals? (Part 3)
The conclusion to this three-part series.
Should We Enlarge Our Sanitariums and Hospitals? (Part 2)
The second installment of this series.
One-Day Seminar on the Book of Daniel
AN UNPRECEDENTED interest in the study of the book of Daniel is manifest among the members of the Lacombe church, on the campus of Canadian Union College in Alberta, Canada. Ten different groups meet once each week on different evenings and on Sabbath afternoon to study a portion of the prophetic book. . .