Andrew Fearing
Former Associate Secretary, Ministerial Association, GC
Streetcar Ads Are Effective
Teaching the vast masses of our large cities is indeed a problem, one which necessitates the use of nearly every form of advertising to make certain that the evangelistic campaign is well known in the city.
The Choir in Soul Winning
Truly an effective source of strength in an evangelistic series of meetings is the support of a choir well versed in the message and melody of evangelistic gospel hymns.
Special Publicity Features in Evangelism
Paper presented at the Columbia Union ministerial institute.
Exalting the Ten Commandments
There is no visual aid which I use more frequently than the Ten Commandments, painted in large letters on plywood, resembling two tables of stone.
The Worker's Clipping File
No generation of gospel workers has been more blessed with a variety, volume, and quality of material aids for spiritual guidance than the Adventist ministry of today.
Visualizing the Sanctuary
The ancient sanctuary and the entire ceremonial system were given to Israel to enrich their understanding of the fundamental principles of the plan of salvation from sin.
Planning for the New Year
Developing a well-rounded diet of spiritual food to meet the needs of your people.
The Master's Skill
Humility cannot be counterfeited or put on like a coat when the need is felt.