Roger H. Ferris
Roger H. Ferris, Ed.D., is pastor of the Volunteer Park Seventh-day Adventist church in Seattle, Washington.
Read This—Before Building a Baptistry
It is the rare pastor who has not faced the problem of arranging for installation of a baptistry at some point of his ministry. It is the equally rare pastor who is not conscious of costs in making such arrangements.
Blinded or Blended?
"Everything that Christians do should be as transparent as the sunlight."— Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, p. 68.
Evangelistic Conservation
THERE is the possibility that one fourth of your church members will apostatize in the next ten years if the trend of the past ten years continues. According to recent statements by a General Conference leader more than 325,000 persons have left our worldwide church in apostasy since 1958.
Family Doom or Family Boom?
Families long to hear the reassurance that comes from a reaffirmation of their chosen life style within the pattern of scriptural morality.