Robert S. Folkenberg
Robert S. Folkenberg is the former president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
2, 000 Baptized!
Laymen and ministers in El Salvador unite in the most productive evangelistic effort in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Church structure-servant or master?
Has the structure of our church overwhelmed its mission? Why and how could this happen, and what can we do about it?
Robert and Anita Folkenberg share their views
The Folkenbergs speak out on their dreams for the church and share their priorities.
Folkenberg three years later
Has the president changed his views since the publication of his article on church structure three years ago?
Needed: gospel preaching
The everlasting gospel of God's free grace is still the good news, the only news that counts.
Let's preach the distinctives
Adventist preaching finds its distinctiveness in the context of the gospel in its end-time setting.
Let's preach the distinctives
Adventist preaching finds its distinctiveness in the context of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ.
Needed: biblical preaching
The General Conference president shares his conviction and concerns in a three-part serial on preaching.
When culture doesn't count
An appeal for Seventh-day Adventists to retain a biblical perspective