W.R. French
By W. R. FRENCH, Professor, Pacific Union College
Meaning of "Breath" and "Soul"
In 1 Kings 17:17, 22, we find the expressions, "There was no breath left in him," and "The soul of the child came into him again, and he revived." Kindly give an effectual explanation for believers in immortality, and also give the Hebrew meaning of "breath" and "soul." Are they identical words?
"The Dew of Herbs"
What is the meaning and force of the passage in Isaiah 26:19, which reads: "Thy dew is as the dew of herbs"?
Keys to the Old Testament
The Pentateuch is the foundation division of the Bible. When read with this thought in mind, the superstructure is better understood.
Gibbon's July 27, 1299, Date Sustained
A few years ago a search was made at the Library of Congress for evidence supporting Gibbon's date, July 27, 1299, for the first invasion of Othman into Nicomedia.
"The Two Anointed Ones"
The title of this study is found in Zechariah 4:14. This verse is the culmination of a wonderfully encouraging prophecy which God had given to Zerubbabel through his prophet Zechariah.