Patricia A. Habada
Patricia A. Habada, Ph.D., is assistant director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Cherry B. Habenicht
Cherry Habenicht is the wife of a pastor in Downers Grove, Illinois, and the author of our monthly Prayers From the Parsonage
Donna J. Habenicht
Donna J. Habenicht, Ed.D., is chairperson of the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Herald A. Habenicht
Herald A. Habenicht, M.D., is associate professor of health education at Andrews University Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Ryahn Hablitzel
Ryan Hablitzel, at the time of this writing, was a graduate student at Andrews University Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Passmore Hachalinga
Passmore Hachalinga, ThD, DMin, is the director of the Ellen G. White Research and Heritage Centre, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.
W.J. Hackett
W. J. Hackett, until his recent retirement, served as a vice-president of the General Conference. He currently makes his home in Virginia.
Douglas Hackleman
Douglas Hackleman is an instructor in the department of psychology on the La Sierra Campus of Loma Linda University.
E.F. Hackman
By E. F. HACKMAN, President, Southeastern California Conference
G. Gordon Hadley
G. Gordon Hadley, M.D., director of the General Conference Department of Health and Temperance.
Henry G. Hadley
HENRY G.HADLEY, M.D. Research Foundation,Inc., Washington, D.C.
Irma Roller Hadley
Pastor's Wife, Kansas City, Missouri
Gladys Haffner
By GLADYS HAFFNER, Student of Dietetics, Loma Linda, California
Karl Haffner
Karl Haffner is the senior pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Tacoma, Washington.
Paul Haffner
Paul Haffner is an associate pastor of the Sunnyside Seventh-day Adventist Church in Portland, Oregon.
Rosalie Haffner
Rosalie Haffner Lee is a Bible instructor living in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and editor of The Bible Instructor Exchange.
Joe Hagan
Joe Hagan is a 1972 graduate of Columbia Union College, and is now an intern of the Potomac Conference attending Andrews Theological Seminary.
James L. Hagle
JAMES L. HAGLE, President, Worthington Foods, Inc.
Hilda Boettcher Hagstotz
By HILDA BOETTCHER HAGSTOTZ, Secretary of Publicity, Colorado Conference
Dieter P. Hain
Minister, Alberta Conference, Canada
Katherine B. Hale
KATHERINE B. HALE, Retired Bible Instructor, Central California Conference
H.F. Halenz
By H. F. HALENZ, Professor of Chemistry, Emmanuel Missionary College, Michigan
Steve Haley
Steve Haley is the pastor of the Stone Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Church, Atlanta, Georgia.
Michael Halfhill
Michael Halfhill, BA, is associate pastor of New Haven Seventh-day Adventist Church in Overland Park, Kansas, United States.
Horace A. Hall
By HORACE A. HALL, Medical Director, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, California
Kenley Hall
Kenley Hall, DMin, is associate professor of Christian Ministry, Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Michael E. Hall
Michael E. Hall, PhD,is a private counseling psychology practitioner residing in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States.
H.K. Halladay
By H. K. HALLADAY, Home Missionary Secretary, Indiana Conference
L.B. Halliwell
By L. B. HALLIWELL, Superintendent, North Brazil Union Mission
Bert Haloviak
Bert Haloviak is assistant director of Archives and Statistics, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Kendra Haloviak
Kendra Haloviak, Ph.D., is assistant professor at the School of Religion, La Sierra University, Riverside, California.
Louis Halswick
By LOUIS HALSWICK, General Secretary, Bureau of Home Missions
Jan Haluska
Jan Haluska is an assistant professor in English at Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists in Collegedale, Tennessee.
Richard L. Halversen
Richard L. Halversen is an evangelist for the North Pacific Union.
Ron Halvorsen, Jr.
Ron Halvorsen, Jr. is pastor/chaplain, Mt. Ellis Academy Church, Bozeman, Montana
Ron Halvorsen
Ron Halvorsen is director of church growth for the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and an evangelist.
Bright Halwindi
Bright Halwindi is president of the South Zambia Field, Zambia, Africa.
A.L. Ham
A.L. Ham, Retired Leader, Angwin, California
B.W. Hambrick
B. W. Hambrick pastors the Church of the Nazarene in Logon, West Virginia.
Paul Hamel
Dr. Paul Hamel is chairman, Music Department, Andrews University, having been on the music staff at Andrews since 1947, the year before his graduation there. He also holds the Master of Music degree from Van Der Cook College of Music, Chicago, and his doctorate from Chicago Musical College. He has been chairman of the Music Department at Andrews since 1955.
Robert S. Hamilton
Robert S. Hamilton, M.D., is a physician practicing in Conrad, Montana.
Ted Hamilton
Ted Hamilton, MD, is vice president for medical mission, Adventist Health System, Altamonte Springs, Florida, United States.
Eugene Hamlin
Eugene Hamlin, who works with Adventist Information Ministry, writes from Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Richard Hammar
Richard R. Hammar is an attorney and CPA specializing in legal and tax. issues affecting clergy and churches. He is editor of Church Law & Tax Report. This article is reprinted with permission from Church Law & Tax Report, July-August 1989.
Daniel Hammerly
By DANIEL HAMMERLY, Austral Union Evangelist, South America
Richard Hammill
Richard Hammill, Ph.D., served as a vice-president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists prior to his retirement. He now writes from Olympia, Washington.
R.J. Hammond
R. J. Hammond is admissions officer in the School of Health, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Almeda Gustavsen Hamren
By ALMEDA GUSTAVSEN HAMREN, Bible Instructor, Vancouver, Canada
David Hamstra
David Hamstra, BA, at the time of this writing, was pastor of the Fairview and Peace River Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Alberta, Canada. He is now pursuing a Master of Divinity degree at the Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
John H. Hancock
John H. Hancock is World Youth Director of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He is a graduate of Pacific Union College, and has had wide experience in youth work.
Allan Handysides
Allan Handysides, MB, ChB, is director of the Health Ministries Department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
D.J. Handysides
By D.J.HANDYSIDES, Evangelist, North England Conference
J. Handysides
By Miss J. HANDYSIDES, Bible Worker, North England Conference
Lillian Handysides
Lillian Handysides,Minister's Wife, London, England
Raewyn Hankins
Raewyn Hankins, at the time of this writing, was a Master of Divinity student, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks lives in San Jose, Costa Rica, and serves with Minamundo, a ministry to the student world affiliated with the Latin America Mission.
Harold B. Hannum
Loma Linda University, Riverside, California
C.D. Hansen
C. D. Hansen is pastor of the First Church of the Nazarene, Lowell, Indiana.
L.A Hansen
By L. A. Hansen
Martha Hansen
By MARTHA HANSEN, R. N., Supervisor of Instruction, Mountain Sanitarium, N. C.
Richard A. Hansen
Reviewed by Richard A. Hansen, M.D., director, Poland Spring Health Institute, Poland Spring, Maine.
Allen D. Hanson
Allen D. Hanson lives in Ottertail, Minnesota. He regularly lectures and writes on prison ministry since serving a nine-month sentence in the Minnesota State Prison during 1978 for illegal business activities.
Ernest D. Hanson
By ERSTEST D. HANSON, President of the Cape Conference, South Africa
Herbert Hanson
By MRS. HERBERT HANSON, Missionary to Ethiopia
Elise Harboldt
Elise Harboldt, RN, BSN, works for the Health Ministries department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Neville Harcombe
Neville Harcombe is president of the Chesapeake Conference in Columbia, Maryland.
Donald H. Hardcastle
DONALD H. HARDCASTLE, Press Secretary, Glendale, California
Frederick Harder
By MRS. FREDERICK HARDER, Missionary Appointee to Europe, S. D. A. Seminary
Frederick E.J. Harder
Frederick E. J. Harder, Ph.D., is director of the Board of Higher Education of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
James R. Hardin
Pastor, Arizona Conference
George Harding
George Harding, Jr., M.D. is a graduate of Loma Linda University School of Medicine and the Medical Director of Harding Hospital in Worthington, Ohio.
Fred Hardinge
Fred G. Hardinge, D.H.Sc., R.D. (Loma Linda University), is associate pastor and health educator of the Capital Memorial Seventh-day Adventist church in Washington, D.C.
Leslie Hardinge
Department of Religion, Pacific Union College
Mervyn G. Hardinge
Mervyn G. Hardinge, M.D., Ph.D., is professor emeritus at the School of Public Health, Loma Linda University. This article is provided by the Department of Health and Temperance of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Miriam Hardinge
Teacher's Wife, Pacific Union College, California
Keith Hardy
Keith Hardy is a 16-year-old high school student writing from Seneca, South Carolina.
Leonard Hare
Leonard Hare, Ph.D., is professor of biology, Andrews University.
Robert Hare
By ROBERT HARE, Veteran Minister, New-South Wales, Australia
S.T. Hare
By S.T. Hare
Kathy Hargrave
Kathy Hargrave is instructor of health education at Loma Linda University School of Health, Loma Linda, California.
H.E. Hargreaves
H. E. HARGREAVES, M.D., Director, Adventist Eye Clinic, Tabriz, Iran
Joseph Harker
By JOSEPH HARKER, Departmental Secretary, British Union Conference, England
Muriel Harlow
By MURIEL HARLOW, Church School Teacher, Northern California Conference
Dan Harman
Dan Harman, a pastor, writes from Highland, California.
Ruth Harms
Conference Treasurer's Wife Ohio Conference
Michael Harpe
Michael Harpe, MA, is director of Stewardship Ministries for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, Maryland, United States.
Pete Harper
Pete Harper,a retired minister, writes from Young, New South Wales, Australia.
John Harrell
John Harrell has been published in Your Church magazine.
Feryl Harris
Feryl Harris is Children's Ministries Director for the Mountain View Conference in West Virginia.
H. J. Harris
Lay Activities and Sabbath School Secretary, Columbia Union
Harri Harris
Harri Harris is a consultant dietitian for nursing homes in the Walla Walla, Washington, area. Following his graduation from Union College, he continued his education at Loma Linda University, receiving a Master of Science degree. For three years he was instructor in home economics at Walla Walla College.
James H. Harris
James H. Harris is associate director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries.
John F. Harris
John F. Harris, Evangelist, Bangkok, Thailand
Mel Harris
Mel Harris, Technical Representative, General Conference Insurance Service
Richard E. Harris.
By RICHARD E. HARRIS, Director, Visual Aids Department, Washington Missionary College
Roy E. Harris
Professor, Department of Religion, Union College
Daniel Harrison
Daniel Harrison is a Master of Divinity student with a concentration in pastoral counseling, Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, Ohio, United States.
Stuart C. Harrison
Stuart C. Harrison is pastor of the Denver First Seventh-day Adventist Church in Denver, Colorado.
Archibald D. Hart
Archibald D. Hart, Ph.D., F.P.P.R., is professor of psychology at the Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, in Pasadena, California. He is the author of the book The Anxiety Cure, published by Word, that can provide additional help for the reader.
Richard H. Hart
Richard H. Hart, M.D., Dr. P.M., is professor and chairman, Department of Preventive Medicine, Loma Linda University.
R.E. Hartbauer
R. E. Hartbauer, Ph. D., is chairman of the Department of Communicative Disorders of Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
B.E. Harter
By B.E. Harter
L.H. Hartin
L.H. Hartin, Dean, School of Theology, Atlantic Union College.
lan Hartley
lan Hartley is pastor of the Red Deer Seventh-day Adventist Church, Alberta, Canada.
B.F. Hartman
By MRS B. F. HARTMAN, Minister's Wife, Olean, New York
Carl Hartman
Carl Hartman is the director of pastoral nurture for the Iowa- Missouri Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
David Hartman
David Hartman, DMin, is a professor in the school of religion at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
R.E. Hartreb
By R.E. Harteb
H.C. Hartwell
Jeanne Hartwell
Jeanne Hartwell is the family life director and associate ministerial director for the Pennsylvania Conference.
Mary Hartwell
By MARY HARTWELL, Bible Instructor, Northern California Conference
R.H. Hartwell
By R. H. HARTWELL, Evangelist, Formerly of Shanghai, China
Ray Hartwell
Ray Hartwell, MDiv, is the director of Grateful Living, the Stewardship and Planned Giving Trust Services ministry of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference, Calhoun, Georgia, United States.
Frank M. Hasel
Frank M. Hasel, PhD, is an associate director of the Biblical Research Institute, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Gerhard Hasel
Gerhard Hasel, PhD., is professor of Old Testament at the Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Michael G. Hasel,
Michael G. Hasel, Ph.D., is the director of the Institute of Archaeology and professor of Near Eastern studies and archaeology at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Michael G. Hasel
Michael G. Hasel, PhD, is director of the Institute of Archaeology and professor of Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology, Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Michael G. Hasel
Michael G. Hasel, PhD, is director of the Institute of Archaeology and professor of Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology, Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States
Joe S. Haskell
By Joe S. Haskell, M. D., Instructor in Medicine, C. M. E., Los Angeles
Bob Haslam
Bob Haslam is a retired pastor and editor who lives in Hermitage, Tennessee, United States.
William C. Hatch
William C. Hatch is president of the Colorado Conference.
Engelbert Hatzinger
Engelbert Hatzinger is secretary-treasurer of the Austrian Union.
Helmut Haubeil
Helmut Haubeil is a retired pastor residing in Bad Aibling, Bavaria, Germany.
Vance Havner
Vance Havner is an evangelist who lives in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Judi Hawkins
Judi Hawkins is a senior journalism student at Andrews University.
Don Hawley
Don Hawley is the editor of Life and Health magazine.
Tulio R. Haylock
Tulio R. Haylock is an associate director of the General Conference Communication Department.
Carlyle B. Haynes
Carlyle B. Haynes retired in 1 955 after fifty years as a minister, administrator, and evangelist.
William A. Haynor
Former Associate Pastor, Sligo Church, Takoma Park, Md.
B.M. Heald
By B. M. HEALD, Pastor, Staten Island Church, New York
Elva Heald
By MRS. ELVA HEALD, Bible Instructor, New York Conference
Roger Heald
Roger Heald is a physician associated with Youngberg Memorial Adventist Hospital, Singapore, and is health secretary for the Southeast Asia Union. He holds the M.D. and M.P.H. degrees from Loma Linda University and is a member of the American College of Physicians. Since 1958 he has been in mission service in the Far Eastern Division, serving in hospital administration and health evangelism in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Manila, and Singapore.
Ossie R. Heaton
Ossie R. Heaton is assistant director of the pastoral care department of the Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, Ohio.
H.G. Hebard
By H. G. HEBARD, M. D., Medical Director, Penang Sanitarium
Warren Heckman
Warren Heckman is pastor of the Madison Gospel Tabernacle, Madison, Wisconsin.
Ursula M. Hedges
Macksville, New South Wales, Australia
Michelle Heed
Michelle Heed, a former missionary of eight years in Tanzania, is currently a home care nurse residing in upstate New York, United States.
Ray Hefferlin
Ray Hefferlin, Ph.D., is professor of physics at Southern Missionary College.
John Hegeman
By the late JOHN HEGEMAN
Roland R. Hegstad
Roland R. Hegstad is the editor of Perspective Digest, and a former editor of Liberty.
Stella Hegstad
Minister's Wife, Washington, D.C.
O. L. Heinrich
Church Development Secretary, Southern Union Conference
Daniel Heinz
Daniel Heinz, dean, Theological Seminary at Bogenhofen, Austria.
Hans Heinz
Hans Heinz, Th.D., is a retired professor of theology at Marienhohe Seminary, Germany
Lyell V. Heise
Lyell V. Heise, senior pastor of the La Sierra Collegiate church, Riverside, California, writes both as a worship leader and as a musician
Roger Helland
Roger Helland, M.Div., is pastor of discipleship at Vernon Alliance Church in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada.
Aimo Helminen
Aimo Helminen, DMin, is director of the Media7 Bible School located in Helsinki, Finland.
Auvo Helminen
Auvo Helminen is director of the Bible Correspondence School in Finland.
Margaret Hempe
Margaret Hempe was an associate pastor of the Loma Linda University Seventh-day Adventist Church. She has since retired.
Gordon L. Henderson
GORDON L. HENDERSON, Director, Field Evangelism, The Voice of Prophecy
Edward A. Henkel
Edward A. Henkel is an electronics consultant for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Lorraine Henri
Lorraine Henri is the hostess for the Visitors' Center at the General Conference headquarter in Washington, D.C.
Andre Henriot
ANDRE HENRIOT, President, East France Conference
S.M.I Henry
Mrs. S. M. I. Henry (1839-1900) became a Seventh-day Adventist in the late summer of 1896 while a patient at Battle Creek Sanitarium, where she was recovering from a heart ailment. Before her contact with Adventism she had been a nationally known figure in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and after her recovery and baptism she continued this work, combining with it a plan for what she called, "woman ministry." Stressing the themes of temperance and the role of the mother in the moral education of society, she lectured before Adventist and non-Adventist groups throughout the United States and Canada. She also contributed many articles for the various publications of the church, as well as books and pamphlets.
Mitchell Henson
Mitchell Henson is pastor of the Glendale Seventh-day Adventist Church in Glendale, California.
Edward Heppenstall
Edward Heppenstall, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of theology and Christian philosophy, SDA Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Margit Strom Heppenstall
Minister's Wife, Loma Linda, California
Sally Herigstad
Sally Herigstad, CPA, is a writer in Kent, Washington, United States.
H.E. Herman
H.E. HERMAN, M.D., Director, Corona Hospital. Corona, California
Edwin I. Hernandez
Edwin I. Hernandez, PhD, serves as provost of the Adventist University of Health Sciences, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Ingrid Hernández
Ingrid Hernández, MS, is the stakeholder communications manager for AdventHealth corporate headquarters in Altamonte Springs, Florida, United States.
Roger Hernandez
Roger Hernandez, Mdiv, is Hispanic ministries and evangelism coordinator, Oregon Conference of Seventhday Adventists, Gladstone, Oregon, United States.
Bunnie Herndon
Bunnie Herndon is a physician's wife who lives in Corona, California.
Larry G. Herr
Larry G. Herr, Ph.D., is professor of Old Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Seminary, Manila.
Laurie S. Herr
Laurie S. Herr, a freelance writer and pastor's spouse, writes from Burnsville, North Carolina.
Theodore G. Herr
By THEODORE G. HERR, Singing Evangelist, South Dakota Conference
Sir Leslie Herron
Chief Justice of New South Wales, Australia
Jessie M. Heslip
By Jessie M. Heslip, Bible Worker, Battle Creek, Michigan
Earl W. Heslop
EARL W. HESLOP, Pastor-Evangelist, Scranton, Pennsylvania
M. Carol Hetzell
Formerly an Associate Secretary, GC Bureau of Public Relations
Paul C. Heubach
Paul C. Heubach is emeritus professor of applied theology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, and a member of The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education and The National Council on Family Relations.
John Heuss
JOHN HEUSS, Rector, Triiuty Church, New York City
Fillmer Hevener, Jr.
Fillmer Hevener, Jr., an associate professor of English at Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia, is a member of the Potomac Conference executive committee and lay pastor of the Farmville, Virginia, Seventh-day Adventist church.
D.R. Hiatt
By D. R. HIATT, Poster Designer, Takoma Park, D.C.
Tim Hibsman
Tim Hibsman, EdD, is a tenured associate professor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania, United State.
Richard Hickam
Richard Hickam, MMEd,is minister of music at Florida Hospital Seventh-day Adventist Church, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Jeff Hickman
By Jeff Hickman, Lay Evangelist, Stearns, Kentucky
John Hickman
By JOHN HICKMAN, Gospel Musician, Baltimore, Maryland
Howard H. Hicks
HOWARD H. HICKS, Retired Minister, California
Andrew E. Higgins
By ANDREW E. HIGGINS, Pastor, Provo, Utah
W. A. Higgns
Former Associate Secretary, Publishing Department, General Conference
Rebecca E. Hight
Rebecca E. Hight, a registered nurse and pastor's wife, does free-lance writing in her "spare time" from her home in Marion, Ohio.
Earle Hilgert
Formerly in Religion Department, Andrews University
Edna A. Hill
By EDNA A. HILL, Home Economics Department, University of Kansas
Melvin Hill
Melvin Hill, Chairman, Music Department, Union College
Prudence Halstead Hill
By PRUDENCE HALSTEAD HILL, Minister's Wife, Trenton, New Jersey
Ralph B. Hill
By RALPH B. HILL, Pastor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Roland J. Hill
Roland J. Hill is pastor of the New Covenant Seventh-day Adventist Church, Memphis, Tennessee
Seth Hill
Seth Hill is coordinator for data strategy and millennial marketing, Adventist Review, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Wayne C. Hill
Chaplian Wayne C. Hill, Parks Air Force Base, California
Wilfred M. Hillock
Wilfred M. Hillock is chairman of the Department of Business and Economics at Loma Linda University, and associate professor of accounting and management.
George Hilton
George Hilton, Ph.D., is a professor of mathematics and director of institutional research at Pacific Union College.
Margarete Hilts
Margarete Hilts is chairman of the Department of Modern Languages at Loma Linda University. She holds a Ph.D. degree from Western Reserve and has also studied at the University of Mexico and at the Sorbonne in Paris.
David W. Hinds
David W. Hinds, Sr., D.Min., pastors the Caffin Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church in Orleans, Louisiana.
Philip Hiroshima
Philip Hiroshima, J.D., who practices law in Sacramento, California, has represented church entities over the past 20 years in a variety of legal actions.
Charles B. Hirsch
Charles B. Hirsch, retired vice president of the General Conference.
T. Edward Hirst
By T. EDWARD HIRST, Veteran Tent Master, North Middleboro, Massachusetts
Russel T. Hitt
Editor, Eternity Magazine
Len Hjalmarson
Len Hjalmarson, DMin, is an adjunct professor at Tyndale Seminary, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Kristy L. Hodson
Kristy L. Hodson is a master of divinity student at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
David Hoehn
By DAVID HOEHN, M.D., Former Director, Matanuska Valley Hospital, Alaska
G. H. Hoehn
G. H. HOEHN, M.D., Temple City, California
Tom Hoehner
Tom Hoehner, MDiv, is pastor of the Covington United Methodist Church, Covington, Indiana, United States.
R.E. Hoen
R.E. Hoen, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of chemistry at Pacific Union College.
Patrica Hofer
Patricia Hofer is an associate pastor at Forest Lake Church.
James R. Hoffer
James Hoffer, MA in New Testament, is a retired pastor living in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, United States.
J. Reynolds Hoffman
J. Reynolds Hoffman, evangelist and author, is now retired and lives in Roseburg, Oregon.
Jay Hoffman
Jay Hoffman, Director of Times Square Center (Jewish), New York
Leo Hogendorp
Leo Hogendorp, Teacher, Bible and Evangelism, Home Study Institute
S.J. Hoknyak
By S. J. HOKNYAK, Pastor, Traverse City, Michigan
Lloyd Holbert
By MRS. LLOYD HOLBERT, Magazine Secretary, Columbia Union Conference
Frank B. Holbrook
Frank B. Holbrook is an associate director of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and secretary of the Daniel and Revelation Committee.
W.B. Holden
Bernie Holford
Bernie Holford, MDiv, MSc, is the president of Scottish Mission and pastor of Crieff Seventh-day Adventist Church, Scotland.
Karen Holford
Karen Holford, MA, is associate director of Children's Ministries for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in south England.
Betty G. Holland
Betty Holland, who authored this Thanksgiving feature, is a graduate assistant at Northeast Louisiana University at Monroe where she is working on a Master's degree in English.
Christopher Holland
Christopher Holland, DMin, is the senior evangelist for Hope Channel International and president of the Living Hope School of Evangelism, Haymarket, Virginia, United States.
D.E. Holland
D. E. Holland directs the youth and temperance activities in the Southern Union Conference.
Glenn Holland
Glenn Holland is pastor of the Norfolk Seventh-day Adventist Church in Norfolk, Virginia.
Kenneth J. Holland
Kenneth J. Holland, Editor, "These Times," Southern Publishing Association
Roger Holley
Evangelist, Georgia-Cumberland Conference
Mayme Hollingsworth
By MAXME HOLLINGSWORTH, Bible Instructor, Michigan Conference
M.A. Hollister
By M. A. HOLLISTER, General Conference Medical Department
Keith C. Holman
By KEITH C. HOLMAN, Pastor, Granger, Washington
Winifred L. Holmden
By WINIFRED L. HOLMDEN, Professor of Ancient Languages, Walla Walla College
C. Raymond Holmes
C. Raymond Holmes, D.Min., is professor of preaching and worship at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
Josephine Holmes
By JOSEPHINE HOLMES, Former Missionary to the China Division
R. Leslie Holmes
R. Leslie Holmes, DMin, PhD, is senior pastor of Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church in Lexington, South Carolina.
Alfred E. Holst
Alfred E. Host, Chaplain, Doctors General Hospital, San Jose, California
Leonard Holst
Leonard Hoist is pastor of the Dighton Community Church in South Attleboro, Massachusetts.
B. Russell Holt
B. Russell Holt, associate editor of Signs of the Times, is a former executive editor of MINISTRY.
Velva B. Holt
By VELVA B. HOLT, Minister's Wife, Yakima, Washington
Charles Holtry
Charles Holtry II, assistant director of the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism, resides in Madison, Virginia, United States.
Elmer George Homrighausen
Elmer George Homrighausen contributed to the book Issue One: Evangelism, edited by Rueben P. Job and Harold K. Bales
E. W. Hon
E. W. Hon is an instructor at the School of Health, Loma Linda University. Before coming to this position he served as health secretary for the Trans-Tasman Union Conference in the Australasian Division. He is also the author of A Call to Personal Ministry.
Daniel L. Honore
Daniel L. Honore, JD, PhD, is president of the Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Jamaica, New York, United States.
Milton Hook
Pastor, SDA Mission, Mount Hagen, New Guinea
Carol June Hooker
Carol June Hooker, R.N., M.S., parish nurse, Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church, Takoma Park, Maryland.
William M. Hooker
William M. Hooker, PH.D., teaches neuro-anatomy at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
Wayne Hooper
Wayne Hooper was the director of music for the King's Heralds for the Voice of Prophecy. He is now retired and lives in California.
Opal Hoover
Opal Hoover Young writes from Niles, Michigan.
Gary Hopkins
Gary Hopkins, Dr.PH., is an associate director for the Institute for Prevention of Addictions, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
La Donna Hopkins
La Donna Hopkins is an executive director of the Association of couples for Marriage.
Mary D. Hopkins
By MARY D. HOPKINS, Bible Worker, Southern California Conference
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins is an executive director of the Association of Couples for Marriage Enrichment, Inc.
Helen P. Hopp
Helen P. Hopp, Ph.D., is associate professor in the School of Public Health, Loma Linda University
Joyce Hopp
Joyce Hopp, Ph.D., is professor emeritus, School of Public Health, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.
James Hopps
James Hopps is pastor of the Bryan and Waller Seventh-day Adventist churches
Siegfried H. Horn
Siegfried H. Horn is professor emeritus of archeology at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Patricia Horning
Patricia Horning is associate editor of Listen.
Ken Hornok
Ken Hornok, D.Min., is the pastor of Midvalley Bible church, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Marcia K. Hornok
Free-lancer Marcia K. Hornok writes from Salt Lake City, Utah.
Grant S. Hosford
By GRANT S. HOSFORD, Radio Evangelist, Bradford, Pennsylvania
Standish Hoskins
By STANDISH HOSKINS, Leader, Foreign Mission Band, W. M. C.
Robert R. Hostetler
Robert R. Hostetler is pastor of leadership and teaching at Cobblestone Community Church in Oxford, Ohio.
Harold F. House
By HAROLD F. HOUSE, Superintendent, Mexican Union Mission
Murray House
Murray House, DMin, is senior lecturer in theology, Avondale College, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
Logan E. Houser
By Logan E. Houser, Evangelist, Upper Columbia Conference
Roscoe J. Howard III
Roscoe J. Howard III, D.Min., is secretary of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Grace Clifford Howard
By GRACE CLIFFORD HOWARD, Staff Member, American Temperance Society, General Conference
Harold Howard
Harold Howard is director of stewardship for the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
J.M. Howard
J. M. Howard is a retired minister living in England.
James Howard
James Howard is the director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
James F. Howard
James F. Howard is a freelance writer residing in Valdosta, Georgia, United States.
Nick Howard
Nick Howard, PsyD, is the founder of Cypress, a leadership development firm that specializes in providing coaching and training services for Christian leaders and executives.
S.R. Howard
S. R. Howard, a Seventh-day Adventist pastor, is the president of Sabbath House Ministries, Thorsby, Alabama.
Jane T. Howell
Jane T. Howell is a pastor's wife living in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Melinda Howes
Melinda Howes is a free-lance writer and former newspaper and television reporter who works from her home in Great Cacapon, West Virginia.
Kevin Howse
Kevin Howse is a lecturer in the theology department, Newbold College, Bracknell, England.
Roy L. Hoyte
ROY L. HOYTE, PR Secretary, Caribbean Union Conference
John S.C. Hsuen
John S. C. Hsuen, M.D., is a pediatrician and vice-president for medical affairs, at Hongkong Adventist Hospitals. He is also an ordained minister, combining his medical and ministerial roles into a blended ministry to the whole man.
Dean L. Hubbard
Ministerial Association Secretary Korean Union Mission
Reuben A. Hubbard
Reuben A. Hubbard is assistant professor of health education at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Candace Huber
Candace Huber, MPH, BSN, is director of the Florida Hospital Center for Community Health Ministry Parish Nurse Institute, Orlando, Florida, United States.
William J. Hubert
William J. Hubert, Director, General Conference Church Development Service
Willie E. Hucks II
Willie Edward Hucks II, DMin, is an associate professor of pastoral theology and homiletics and chair of the Department of Christian Ministry, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Franklin W. Hudgins
Station Relations Director, Faith for Today
R.T. Hudson
R.T Hudson, President, Northeastern Conference.
Stan Hudson
Stan Hudson, D. Min., pastors the Spokane Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church in Spokane Valley, Washington, United States.
J.F. Huenersardt
By J. F. HUENERSARDT, Editor, Christlicher Hausfreund, Brookfield, Illinois
Barbara Huff
Besides her part-time position as a medical secretary for a health clinic, Barbara Huff serves with her husband as the national pastoral couple for Seventh-day Adventist Marriage Encounter. Together they also present family finance seminars for church groups. Mrs. Huff writes from Mound, Minnesota.
Edgar Hulbert
Edgar Hulbert is a retired pastor who lives in Watford, Hertsfordsh/re, England-
Victor Hulbert
Victor Hulbert is a pastor in the South England Conference of Great Britain.
Dr. Jack Hules
Pastor, First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana
J. Stanley Hull
J. Stanley Hull
William B. Hull
William B. Hull is field service director for the Faith for Today television program at Newbury Park, California.
Virgil p. Hulse
By Virgil P.Hulse
Donald Humbert
Donald Humbert, MDiv, MBA, is a nondenominational lay pastor and marketing manager residing in Santa Clara, California, United States.
Auldwin Humphrey
Auldwin Humphrey is the adult ministries director of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Angela Elwell Hunt
Angela Elwell Hunt, a free-lance writer, lives in Largo, Florida. One of her latest books, If God Is Real, Where on Earth Is He? is published by Here's Life.
J.N. Hunt
J. N. Hunt is an associate director of the General Conference Publishing Department.
Marvin Hunt
Marvin Hunt, MA , is a retired pastor living in Columbia, South Carolina, United States.
Bob Hunter
Student, Andrews University
Donald W. Hunter
By DONALD W. HUNTER, Y.P.M,V. Secretary, Michigan Conference
Mary Katherine Hunter
MARY KATHERINE HUNTER Minister's Wife, Washington, D.C.
Arthur Huse
By ARTHUR HUSE, M.D., C.M.E. '27, Handsworth, Birmingham, England
William L. Husk
William L. Husk is the assistant director of behavioral sciences in the Center for Dependent Behavior at Loma Linda University. He is also an instructor in the health sciences.
Don Hustad
Don Hustad is senior professor of church music at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.
G.T. Hutches
Educational Secretary, Lake Union Conference
Helen M. Hyatt
By HELEN M. HYATT, Teacher, Helderberg College, South Africa
Willis Leroy Hyatt
By WILLIS LEROY HYATT, Pastor, Oakland, California
C.T.J. Hyde
C. T. J. HYDE, Secretary, Church Development and Radio-TV, Trans-Africa Division
Gordon M. Hyde
Gordon M. Hyde is an associate director of the General Conference Sabbath School Department. This article was adapted from an address presented September 8, 1981, at Southern Missionary College, Collegedale, Tennessee.
Ramona L. Hyman
Ramona L. Hyman, PhD,is an associate professor of English, Oakwood University, Huntsville, Alabama, United StatRamona L. Hyman, PhD,is an associate professor of English, Oakwood University, Huntsville, Alabama, United States.