Clean and Unclean Meats
The question arises, Is there confusion in teaching that the record of clean and unclean meats of Leviticus II should be observed today, and at the same time teaching that the ceremonial law as a whole is done away with?
When You Write Poetry for "The Ministry"
Some guiding principles pertaining to the technique of verse writing.
Collecting and Preserving Notes
A variety of personal contacts, a restless seeking for knowledge, a study of national and world problems, a keen awareness of events, and a sensitiveness to all stimuli will condition the potential writer for the fascinating occupation of working with words.
Originality of Expression
The more individuality of thought we use in writing, the more effective will be our presentation—up to a certain point.
The Creative Side of Writing
There are reasons for writing other than for personal aggrandizement or to attain a certain prestige, and this is especially true of Seventh-day Adventist writers.
Brevity, Thou Art a Jewel!
Lengthy speeches, lengthy articles, and lengthy prayers are usually tiresome. Life is short, and we must learn to condense and intensify our thoughts.
Simplicity of Expression
Whether we desire to entertain, inform, instruct, or convince, the objective of all writing is to reach other minds, and big words may defeat our very purpose.
The Outline and Its Structure
Substance of presentation given to class in Advanced Bible Worker Methods, Theological Seminary, March, 1942.