Charles B. Hirsch
Charles B. Hirsch, retired vice president of the General Conference.
The Middle East--Cradle of Strife!
Ever since Noah's ark docked somewhere in the vicinity of Mount Ararat, the leading nations of the world have managed to focus their sights on that geographical area that is today commonly referred to as the Middle East.
Some Second Thoughts
Some questions to consider: Can we expect our Christian educational program to survive when we constantly increase our annual operating deficits?
MISSION '72 and SDA Education
THIS year, 1972, has been declared by the church as MISSION 72, with the purpose of an all-out thrust for soul winning such as we have never before witnessed. Hours and hours of preparation have gone into the approaches and materials now being used. The signal has been sounded and the great army of God in North America is on the offensive. . .