Cheryl McCluskey Jacko
Cheryl McCluskey Jacko is a pastor's spouse serving in a two-church district in West Virginia.
Bill Jackson
Bill Jackson, PhD, is a counselor with South Burnett Counselling, Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia.
Dan Jackson
Dan Jackson, MA in Systematic Theology, serves as president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
F. S. Jackson
By F. S. JACKSON, Pastor, South Wales, Britain
Jackson, Maury
Maury Jackson, DMin, is an associate professor of practical theology at the H. M. S. Richards Divinity School at La Sierra University, Riverside, California, United States.
D.E. Jacobs
By MRS. D. E. JACOBS, Minister's Wife, Salt Lake City, Utah
Douglas Jacobs
Douglas Jacobs, DMin, is professor of religion at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Janet McKibben Jacobs
Janet McKibben Jacobs teaches in the School of Education, Loma Linda University, Riverside, California.
Joseph T. Jacobs
By Joseph T. Jacobs
Don Jacobsen
Don Jacobsen, DMin, now retired, was special assistant to the president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America.
Oliver Jacques
Oliver Jacques is a retired pastor and lives in Fallbrook, California.
Lenard D. Jaecks
Lenard Jaecks serves the Washington Conference as both executive secretary and ministerial secretary. He is a cofounder of the Northwest Ministries Training Center.
Victor Jaeger
Victor Jaeger, PhD, missiologist, pastors the Fort Wayne First Seventh-day Adventist Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States.
Edgar H. James
By EDGAR H. JAMES, Missionary, Central China Union Mission
H.E. James
By H. E. JAMES, M.D., Medical Superintendent, Tatsienlu Dispensary, Sikang, China
J. Ross James
J. Ross JAMES, Missionary to New Hebrides and New Guine
David Jamieson
David Jamieson, DMin, is pastor of Aldergrove Seventh-day Adventist Church, Aldergrove, British Columbia, Canada
Darius Jankiewicz
Darius Jankiewicz, Ph.D., is a lecturer in the theology department, Fulton College, Suva, Fiji.
Edyta Jankiewicz
Edyta Jankiewicz, PhD, serves as assistant professor of discipleship and religious education at the Seventh- day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Douglas L. Janssen
Douglas L. Janssen is a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Sutler Creek, California.
Jacob Janzen
JACOB JANZEN, M.D., President, College of Medical Evangelists Alumni Association
Salim Japas
Saiim Japas, a highly successful evangelist, is ministerial secretary of the Inter-American Division of the General Conference.
David C. Jarnes
David C. Jarnes is an associate editor of Ministry
William T. Jarvis
William T. Jarvis, Ph. D., is a professor of prevention medicine at Loma Linda University and president of the National Council Against Health Fraud.
A.A. Jasperson
By A. A. JASPERSON, Business Manager, llountain Sanitarium and Hospital, Fletcher, N. C.
James H. Jauncey
JAMES H. JAUNCEY, Reprinted by permission from "The Pastor" Magazine
G.T. Javor
G. T. Javor, PhD, is professor emeritus, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California, United States.
George T. Javor
George T. Javor, Ph.D., is professor of chemistry at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Sang-Hoon Jee
Sang-Hoon Jee, PhD, assistant professor,faculty of Religious Studies at Asia-Pacific International University, Muak Lek, Saraburi, Thailand.
W.R. Jefferson
By W. R. JEFFERSON, Pastor, La Crescenta, California
Hedwig Jemison
Hedwig Jemison, retired director, Ellen G. White Research Center, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Clint Jenkin
Clint Jenkin, PhD, is the vice president of research for Barna Group.
H. Reese Jenkins
H. Reese Jenkins is director of trust services for the Lake Union and Andrews University.
Kevin L. Jenkins
Reviewed-by Kevin L. Jenkins, pastor, Elim/New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church, Brooklyn, New York.
Reathel Jenkins
By REATHEL JENKINS, Bible Instructor, Southern California Conference
Howard Jennings
Howard Jennings, Church Elder, Longview, California
Fred B. Jensen
By FRED B. JENSEN, Field Director of Evangelism, Pacific Union College
Gary Jensen
Gary Jensen, pastor, Atholton Seventh-day Adventist Church, Columbia, Maryland.
Kathryn L. Jensen
By Kathryn L. Jensen
Marenus Jensen
By MARENUS H. JENSEN, Pastor, Rio Grande Valley, Texas
William Jensen
William Jensen
Charles V. Jenson
Charles V. Jenson is the pastor of Chapel Oaks Seventh-day Adventist Church in Kansas City, Kansas.
W.G. Jenson
W.G. JENSON Lay Activities and Radio-TV Secretary, Northwestern India Union
Clayton R. Jepson
Clayton R. Jepson is a retired minister in Loveland, Colorado.
W.S. Jesske
W. S. JESSKE, Director of Field Service, Voice of Prophecy
Maywald Jesudass
Maywald Jesudass is the pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Richard Jewett
Pastor and Teacher, Shenandoah Valley Academy
George H. Jeys
Manager, Pacific Union College, Angwin California
Daniel Jiao
Daniel Jiao, DMin, is president of the Chinese Union Mission, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, Hong Kong.
Maud Joachim-Celestin
Maud Joachim-Celestin, is a MPH student, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Lawrence E. C. Joers
By LAWRENCE E. C. JOERS, Tacoma, Washington
J. Johannes.
By J. JOHANNES, M. D., Superintendent, Gopalganj Hospital, Bengal, India
E.J. Johanson
By E. J. JOHANSON, President, South New Zealand Conference
John Rossel
John Rossel is a pastor and author
Rick L. Johns
Rick L. Johns, MDiv, is a district pastor in the Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Stone Ridge, Virginia, United States
Varner J. Johns
Minister, Loma Linda, California
Warren H. Johns
Warren L. Johns, Esq., a retired lawyer and editor of Creation Digest, lives in Brookeville, Maryland
Carsten Johnsen
Carsten Johnsen, Ph.D., has dual citizenship (American and Norwegian), dual doctorates (philosophy, University of Montepellier, France, and theology, Faculte de Theologie Protestant, Montpellier), and a wide teaching experience in six countries. Presently he is a professor of theology at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Alton D. Johnson
Alton D. Johnson, MA, is a retired pastor, chaplain, and chief audio technician, living in Calimesa, California, United States.
Audray R. Johnson
Minister's Wife
Ben Campbell Johnson
Ben Campbell Johnson, D.Min., Ph.D., is professor emeritus of Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia.
C. Richard Johnson
C. Richard Johnson, MD, is a psychiatrist and a long-time member of the Green Lake Church of Seventh-day Adventists in Seattle, Washington, United States.
Clarence T. Johnson
By CLARENCE T. JOHNSON, Evangelist, Central California Conference
Del Johnson
Del Johnson is associate administrator of the North American Division Retirement Plan.
Doug Johnson
Doug Johnson is an M.Div. student at the Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Emma Johnson
By EMMA JOHNSON, Student Dietitian, College Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda
Gilbert H. Johnson
By GILBERT H. JOHNSON, M.D. Radiologist, Bakersfield, California
I.J. Johnson
I.J. Johnson, pastor, Mobile, Alabama
Jan G. Johnson
Jan G. Johnson pastors the Seventh-day Adventist church in Granger, Washington
John C. Johnson
John C. Johnson is pursuing a Master of Divinity degree, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, Missouri, United States.
Juleun A. Johnson
Juleun A. Johnson, MDiv, pastors a two-church district in Greenwood and Panama City, Florida, United States.
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson is an associate treasurer of the Northern New England Conference.
Kurt Johnson
Kurt Johnson is the Bible School Director for The Voice of Prophecy, Simi Valley, California.
Johnson, Patrick
Patrick Johnson, DThMin, is the Ministerial Association secretary of the Trans-European Division, Wokingham, Berkshire, United Kingdom.
Ruth Johnson
Ruth Johnson, Agency, Time Buyer
Simon R. Johnson
Simon R. Johnson,Pastor, Potomac Conference
Stanley Johnson
By STANLEY JOHNSON, Superintendent, Iraq Mission
Washington Johnson, II
Washington Johnson, II, DMin, is captain, Chaplain Corps, United States Navy Reserve, and the assistant director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, Maryland, United States.
Williard B. Johnson
By WILLARD B. JOHNSON, Pastor-Evangelist, Manhattan, Kansas
Noelene Johnsson
Noelene Johnsson, editor of Mission for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Church Ministries Department, writes from Washington, D.C.
William Johnsson
William G. Johnsson is a former editor of the Adventist Review.
Bruce Johnston
Bruce Johnston is director of Church Growth for the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Cameron, Johnston
Cameron Johnston is pastor of a Seventh-day Adventist congregation in Newfoundland.
Eldred Johnston
Eldred Johnston is rector emeritus St. Mark's Church, Columbus, Ohio.
F.W. Johnston
Madeline S. Johnston
Madeline S. Johnston, a developmental psychologist, is a freelance writer and editor in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Johnston, Madeline Steele
Madeline Steele Johnston, MA in developmental psychology, is a retired educator residing in Berrien Center, Michigan, United States.
Robert M. Johnston
Robert M. Johnston, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of New Testament studies at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Emma Jondahl
Erma Jondahl
Ted T. Jones II
Ted Jones is pastor of the Sharon Seventh-day Adventist church in Portland, Oregon.
Brian D. Jones
Brian D. Jones, Ph.D., is pastor of Berkley Springs and Charles Town Seventh-day Adventist churches in West Virginia.
Doris Ewell Jones
Minister's Wife, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
G.F. Jones
An Interview With G. F. Jones, of the Solomon Islands
J.N. Jones
By J.N. Jones
John K. Jones
By JOHN K. JONES, President of the Southern Union Conference
Llewellyn Jones
Llewellyn Jones, Public Relations Secretary, Victoria Conference, Australia
Marvene C. Jones
By MARVENE C. JONES, Dietitian, Riverside Sanitarium, Nashville, Tennessee
Mike Jones
Mike Jones is a retired pastor and former editor of Insight .
Patricia S. Jones
Patricia S. Jones, R.N., Ph.D., is associate dean and director of the graduate program at the School of Nursing, Philippine Union College, Manila.
R. Clifford Jones
R. Clifford Jones, PhD, DMin, is dean of the School of Theology, Oakwood University, Huntsville, Alabama, United States.
Costin Jordache
Costin Jordache, MA, MBA, is senior pastor, Dallas First Church of Seventh-day Adventists, Dallas, Texas, United States.
Jeffrey Jordan
Jeffrey Jordan, MDiv, pastors the Southern Deaf Fellowship, Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Alfred S. Jorgensen
Alfred S. Jorgensen is field secretary for the South Pacific Division, New South Wales, Australia.
Ainsworth E. Joseph
Ainsworth E. Joseph, DMin, is ministerial secretary, Northeastern conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Jamaica, New York, United States.
Lou Joseph
Lou Joseph is manager of the Media Relations of the Bureau of Public Information of the American Dental Association. He is a member of the National Association of Science Writers and a member of the Executive Committee of the American Medical Writers Association.
Denise Josephs
Denise Josephs, at the time of this writing, was a Master of Divinity student, Northeastern Seminary, Rochester, New York, United States.
Natalie Joy
Natalie Joy is a pseudonym.
Robert S. Joyce
By ROBERT S. JOYCE, President, North England Conference
S.G. Joyce
By S. G. JOYCE, Evangelist, North England Conference
Morten Juberg
Marten Juberg is the communication director for the North Pacific Union Conference.
Kima Jude
Kima Jude, a pastor's wife, mother of four, and freelance writer, lives in Rockledge, Florida.
Abraham J. Jules
Abraham J. Jules, D.Min., is senior pastor of the Kingsborough church, Brooklyn, New York.