Alfred S. Jorgensen
Alfred S. Jorgensen is field secretary for the South Pacific Division, New South Wales, Australia.
The Challenge of the Space Age to the Preaching of the Word
What kind of preaching does our age demand?
A Memorial of Divine Guidance
THE ESTABLISHMENT of Avondale College was a significant development in the rapidly expanding work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia in the final decade of the past century. It was raised up under the direct guidance of Ellen G. White, and from the first reflected very largely the ideals of Christian education that are today acknowledged as the norm of the church's educational philosophy. . .
The "Omega" of Apostasy
CHRISTENDOM IS currently in extremely poor shape in many areas of the world. Simply told, the story is one of dwindling membership, a dwindling ministry, and dwindling finances. . .
"Years Behind"
The same sins have delayed the entrance of modern Israel into the heavenly Canaan
The Sabbath—Earth's Reflection of Heaven
The Sabbath as a "sign" of sanctification, not a source of grace.
Preaching from Job
This book has been apotheosized, crystalized, and mummified——but deep insights await the one who is willing to dig for the treasures buried there.
Man of the Word: The ministry of G. Campbell Morgan
A review of Morgan's passion for and use of the Bible in his preaching