Laszlo Gallusz
Laszlo Gallusz, PhD, is a senior lecturer in New Testament studies, Newbold College of Higher Education, Binfield; Bracknell, Berkshire, United Kingdom.
Leonard Johnson
Leonard Johnson, DMin, is executive secretary of the Inter-American Division, Miami, Florida, United States.
Minner Labrador Jr.
Minner Labrador Jr., MDiv, is pastor of the Sharon Seventh-day Adventist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. He also serves as the coordinator for men's ministries for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America.
Herbert Camden Lacey
By HERBERT CAMDEN LACEY, Pastor, La Crescenta, California
Michael Ladra
Michael Ladra is the senior pastor of the Corona Presbyterian church, Denver, Colorado.
Tim F. LaHaye
Pastor, Scott Memorial Baptist Church, San Diego, California
Jud Lake
Jud Lake, ThD, DMin, is a professor of preaching and Adventist studies, School of Religion, Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Percy W. Lamb
PERCY W. LAMB, Pastor-Evangelist, Michigan Conference
Ruth S. Lamb
By Ruth S. Lamb, Bible Worker, Colorado Conference
Herschel C. Lamp
Herschel C. Lamp is health-and-temperance secretary, Arizona Conference. A graduate of Columbia Union College, he holds the M.D. degree from Loma Linda University and the M.P.H. degree from Harvard School of Public Health. He has served over seas in Nigeria and with the Middle East Division as medical secretary; also as assistant professor with the School of Health, Loma Linda University.
J.G. Lamson
By J.G. Lamson
W. M. Landeen
History Deportment, Loma Linda University
Peter Landless
Peter N. Landless, MB, BCh, MFamMed, MFGP (SA), FCP (SA), FACC, FASNC, a cardiologist and ordained minister, is the director of the Health Ministries Department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Lillian Lane
By LILLIAN LANE, R.N., Acting Dietitian, Paradise Valley Sanitarium
James Alan Laneis
James Alan Laneis lead pastor at New Life Assembly of God in Landisburg, Pennsylvania, United States.
J. Carl Laney
J. Carl Laney, ThD, is a professor of biblical literature, Western Baptist University, Portland, Oregon, United States.
K. Robert Lang
K. Robert Lang is associate professor of health education at the SDA Theological Seminary and director of the Andrews University Medical Center. He received his M.D. degree from Loma Linda University.
Jack Lange
Jack Lange is a pastor in New South Wales, Australia.
Oliver W. Lange
Oliver W. Lange.
Helen Lanham
By HELEN LANHAM, Bible Instructor, Orlando, Florida
W.E. Lanier
By W.E. Lanier
Lawrence LaPierre
Lawrence L. LaPierre, MDiv, is a retired hospital chaplain living in San Jose, California, United States.
Hans K. LaRondelle
Hans K. LaRondelle, Th.D., is professor emeritus of systematic theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Charles Larsen
By MRS. CHARLES LARSEN, R. N., Former Missionary to China Division
Herb Larsen
Lay Activities Secretory, Alberta Conference
Ralph Larsen
Ralph Larsen, Evangelist, North California Conference
Robert L. Larsen
Pastor, Nevada-Utah Conference
Alfrida Larson
By ALFRIDA LARSON, Bible Instructor, Akron, Ohio
David Larson
David Larson, Ph. D., director of the Loma Linda University Ethics Center and associate professor of Christian Ethic.
Jeanne Larson
Jeanne Larson's team ministry has carried her to the Philippines, where her husband teaches at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Far East.
Elisabeth Larsson
Elisabeth Larsson, now retired in Los Angeles, is a native of Sweden. She migrated to the United States in 1920, where she continued her education, graduating from Broadview Academy and College. She holds the M.D. degree from Loma Linda University and is a Fellow of both the American College of Surgeons and the American College of Obstetrics and Cynecology. She taught on the faculty of Loma Linda University from 1935-1963, at which time she became emeritus clinical professor. In 1961 she was accorded the Honored Alumna Award by the School of Medicine Alumni Association and received the Woman of the Year award from the Swedish American Historical Foundation.
Mark L. Lastimoso
Mark L. Lastimoso is an AIIAS seminary student in Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Jerry Lastine
Jerry Lastine is director of trust services and stewardship coordinator, Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, Maryland.
Blair Sumner Latshaw
Blair Sumner Latshaw, Pastor Emeritus, Epworth Methodist Church, Chicago, Illinois
Vergel L. Lattimore
Vergel L. Lattimore, Ph. D., is a professor of pastoral care and director of alcoholism and drug-abuse ministry, Methodist Theological School, Delaware, Ohio.
Benjamin Lau
Benjamin Lau, M.D., Ph.D., is professor of microbiology and immunology at the School of Medicine, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Caris H. Lauda
By CARIS H. LAUDA, M. V. Secretary of the Southern Union Conference
Beverly Lauderdale
Beverly Lauderdale was born and reared in the Midwest. She wasgraduated from Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, with a B.A. degree. After teaching at the junior high school level in Pittsburg, California, she turned to free-lance writing and has had articles published in several magazines.
Russ Laughlin
Russ Laughlin is pastor for youth ministries, Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church, Keene, Texas, United States.
J. Parker Laurence
By J. PARKER LAURENCE, Licensed Minister, Lake Region Conference
Adrian R.M. Lauritzen
By ADRIAN R. M. LAURITZEN, Director, Department of Music, Union College, Nebraska
Esther Lausten
Esther Lausten is an elementary teacher at South Bend Junior Academy in South Bend, Indiana.
Florence Lawrance
By Florence Lawrance
Errol A. Lawrence
Errol A. Lawrence, DMin, is ministerial secretary and Church Growth and Evangelism coordinator for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ontario, Canada.
Wales S. Lawrence
By WALES S. LAWRENCE, District Leader, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Warren S. Lawrence
By WARREN S. LAWRENCE, Intern,Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Justin Lawrie
By JUSTIN LAWRIE, Director of Music, Foundry Methodist Church, Washington, D.C
Lindsay J. Laws
Lindsay J. Laws is pastor of the Avondale Memorial Seventh-day Adventist church, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
D.E. Lawson
D. E. Lawson is Ministerial secretary of the Northern Europe-West Africa Division.
Michael J. Lay
Michael J. Lay, pastor, Kingston, Ontario.
T. A. Layon
President, Mindanao Mission, Philippines
Elise Lazarus
Elise Lazarus, pasteure stagiaire, France-Nord
Daniel Lazich
Daniel Lazich, an aerospace engineer, has studied the relation of physics to theology for many years. He is the principal engineer of the kinetic energy weapons project of the United States Strategic Defense Command.
Clarence V. Leach
By CLARENCE V. LEACH, President of the Chesapeake Conference
Richard I. Learned
Richard I. Learned is pastor emeritus of the Good Shepherd Congregation in Meridith, New Hampshire.
Donn W. Leatherman
Donn W. Leatherman, PhD, is a professor emeritus of Southern Adventist University School of Religion, residing in Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada.
Catherine Lebedoff
By CATHERINE LEBEDOFF, Mission Appointee to Haiti
Mary Lebedoff
By MARY LEBEDOFF, Bible Instructor, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference
Rose LeBlanc
Rose LeBlanc is a registered nurse in oncology and writes from Fallston, Maryland.
Steve Leddy
Steve Leddy is the evangelism and church planting director for the Potomac Conference. He also serves part-time at the North American Division Evangelism Institute, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Stanley Ledington
By STANLEY LEDINGTON, Music Instructor, Glendale, California
C.W. Lee
Don H. Lee
Bible Teacher, Columbia Academy, Washington
Gordon A. Lee
President and Radio-TV Secretary Central Pacific Union Mission
Jacklyn Lee
Jacklyn Lee, MDiv, is associate pastor, Loma Linda Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Jerry W. Lee
Jerry W. Lee, Ph.D., is chairman of the Department of Psychology, Loma Linda University, La Sierra Campus, Riverside, California.
John K. Lee
John K. Lee is chaplain of the Bangkok Adventist Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.
Kris Lee
The author is a pastor's wife and mother of two children. She writes under a pen name.
Leonard Lee
MRS. LEONARD C. LEE, Minister's Wife, Ohio Conference
Leonard C. Lee
By LEONARD C. LEE, Pastor-Evangelist, Des Moines, Iowa
Leslie L. Lee
Leslie L. Lee, Ph.D., is superintendent of schools in the Greater New York Conference.
Lucia Hudson Lee
By LUCIA HUDSON LEE, Bible Instructor, Nashville, Tennessee
M. Lee
M. Lee is a historian and teacher in the United States.
Rosalie H. Lee
Bible Instructor, Wilmington, Ohio
Stan T. Leeder
STAN T. LEEDER, Pastor, Victoria, Australia
Phillip Leenhouwers
Phillip Leenhouwers is a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in London, England.
Donna Lehman
Donna Lehman is a free-lance writer living in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
J.W. Lehman
J.W. Lehman is pastor of the Campus Hill church in Loma Linda, California
Richard P. Lehmann
Richard P. Lehmann, Ph.D., is the president of Saleve Adventist University, Collongessous-Salève, France.
Roland Lehnhoff
Illinois Conference Evangelist
Hans-Gunther Leib
Hans-Gunther Leib received the Ph.D. degree from the California Graduate School of Theology. He also holds the M.A. and M.Div. degrees from Andrews University.
A.A. Leiske
A. A. LEISKE, Moderator of the American Religious Town Meeting, Inc.
Rachel May Lemon
By RACHEL MAY LEMON, Worker, Southern Union Conference
Robert Lemon
—Robert Lemon serves as treasurer, General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
H. Lloyd Leno
H. Lloyd Leno is an associate professor of music at Walla Walla College. He received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Arizona.
Billy Leonard
Reviewed by Billy Leonard, pastor, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Dublin, Republic of Ireland.
W.H. Lesovsky
W.H. Lesovsky, M.D.
Aimee Leukert
Aimee Leukert, PhD, is an assistant professor at La Sierra University and an assistant director of the Center for Research on K–12 Adventist Education, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Theodore N. Levteroy
Theodore N. Levterov is director of the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.
J.R. Lewis
By J. R. LEWIS, Pastor-Evangelist, Welsh Mission
John E. Lewis
John E. Lewis, Ph. D., is associate professor of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, and chair of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, School of Allied Health Professions, Loma Linda University.
Kathy Lewis
Kathy Lewis, who is not a Seventh-day Adventist, is the clinical supervisor at Clearview Alcohol and Drug Recovery Program, Center of Health Promotion, Loma Linda University.
Robert A. Lewis
Robert A. Lewis is the associate pastor of the Crouch End Seventh-day Adventist Church, Watford, Hertfordshire, England.
Philip R. Li Calzi
Philip R. Li Calzi is pastor of the Westside Baptist church, Port Morris, New Jersey.
Kathie Lichtenwalter
Kathie Lichtenwalter is a free-lance writer, violin teacher, full-time mother, and pastor's wife who lives in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Larry L. Lichtenwalter
Larry L. Lichtenwalter, PhD, serves as dean of philosophy and theology and director of the Institute for Islamic and Arabic Studies, Middle East University, Metn, Lebanon.
Harold Lickey
Harold Lickey is professor of music at Walla Walla College. He holds the M. Mus. degree from Texas Christian University and the D. Mus. degree from Indiana University.
A.H. Liebelt
A.H. LIEBELT, Pastor, Colorado Conference
B.J. Liebelt
B.J.LIEBELT, Sabbath School and Religious Liberty Secretary, Southern Union
Jerry Lien
Pastor, Walla Walla College Church, College Place, Washington
L.J. Lilly
By L. J. LILLY, M.D., White Memorial Hospital
Raymond L. Lilly
Raymond L. Lilly, D.D.S., is associate professor of oral surgery, School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University.
Stephen Lim
Stephen Lim, D.Min., is associate professor of Leadership at Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, Missouri.
Richard Lindquist
Richard Lindquist, Pastor, First Presbyterian church of Hollywood, California.
G.A. Lindsay
By G. A. LINDSAY, President, East Nordic Union Conference
Rose L. Lindsey
By ROSE L. LINDSEY, Bible Instructor, Cincinnati, Ohio
BM Holger Lindsjo
BM HOLGER LINDSJO, Associate Professor of Biblical Languages, Theological Seminary
S.H. Lindt
W.C. Liney
By W. C. LINEY, Factory Superintendent, Stanborough Press, England
C.L. Lingenfelter
O. Afton Linger
O. Afton Linger is a retired Baptist minister residing in Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Paul Lippi
Paul Lippi is a research student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Richard Litke
Richard Litke, PhD, is professor emeritus at Walla Walla University, College Place, Washington, United States.
Charles D. Litt
By Charles D. Litt
Paul E. Little
Paul E. Little is associate professor of evangelism at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He is the author of four books, and is one of the U.S. leaders of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
Ruth Little
By RUTH LITTLE, Dietitian, White Memorial Hospital, Los Angeles
Herbert Liu
By HERBERT LIU, M.D. Medical Director, Chungking Medical Center, China
A.D. Livengood
By A. D. LIVENGOOD, Pastor- Evangelist, Lowell, Massachusetts
Dave Livermore
Dave Livermore, MA, is a retired president of the Gulf States Conference, Montgomery, Alabama, United States.
Livesay, Don
—Don Livesay serves as president of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Kenneth H. Livesay
Kenneth H. Livesay is the executive secretary and treasurer of Adventist-Laymen's Services and Industries of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Carolyn M. Livingston
Carolyn Livingston, a teacher and a nurse, has an M.A. in religion. She writes from Queensland, Australia.
Eric Livingston
Eric Livingston is a pastor-evangelist in Emerald, Queensland, Australia.
Ernest Lloyd
Pastor Ernest Lloyd was editor of Our Little Friend magazine.
Marjorie Lewis Lloyd
Marjorie Lewis Lloyd is a free-lance writer living in Newbury Park, California. The author has written 18 books, numerous articles, and 50 songs. For 15 years she wrote scripts for the international telecast, It Is Written.
Robert H. Lloyd
Robert H. Lloyd is pastor of the Kailua Seventh-day Adventist Church in Hawaii.
Trevor G. Lloyd
TREVOR G. LLOYD, Supervisor of Primary Teacher Training Avondale College, Australia
F.H. Loasby
By F. H. LOASBY, Superintendent, Northeast India Union Mission
Roland E. Loasby
Retired Professor, SDA Theological Seminary
Harwood Lockton
Harwood Lockton is senior lecturer of geography and chairman of the Depart ment of Humanities, Avondale College, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
W.P. Lockwood
By W. P. LOCKWOOD, Pastor-Evangelist, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Gertrude Loewen
Minister's Wife, Washington, D.C.
Graeme Loftus
Graeme Loftus is pastor of the Bishopdale Seventh-day Adventist Church in South New Zealand.
Alf Lohne
Alf Lohne is a general vice-president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Michael R. Lombardo
Michael R. Lombardo, DMin, pastors the Rossville and Ringgold Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Georgia, United States.
James J. Londis
James J. Londis' most recent pastorate lasted for 10 years at the Sligo Church of Seventh-day Adventists, Takoma Park, Maryland. Currently he is with New England Memorial Hospital, Stoneham, Massachusetts.
Elsa Lonergan
Elsa Lonergan is with her husband, Lester Lonergan, at Solusi College in Bulawayo, Rhodesia.
Lester H. Lonergan
Phillip Long
Phillip Long, M.A., is associate professor of biblical studies at Grace Bible College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States.
Rod Long
Rod Long pastors four church districts and lives in Chadron, Nebraska.
Thomas G. Long
Thomas G. Long, Ph.D., is Bandy professor of preaching at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Warrick Long
Warrick Long, MA, is head of the business school, Avondale College of Higher Education, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
June Loor
June Loor is wife of the Ministerial Association secretary of the Potomac Conference and a practicing R.N.
Igor Lorencin
Igor Lorencin, PhD, is associate professor of New Testament Studies at Friedensau Adventist University, Friedensau, Germany.
Felix A. Lorenz
Felix A. Lorenz, Department of Religion, Columbia Union College
Don R. Loutsenhiser
By DON R. LOUTSENHISER, Pastor-Evangelist, Fallen, Nevada
Eric Louw
Eric Louw, MDiv, is a pastor pursuing a PhD at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Edna Maye Loveless
Edna Maye Loveless is an associate professor of English at Columbia Union College in Takoma Park, Maryland.
William Loveless
William Loveless, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Educational Services, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, Loma Linda, California, United States.
V.P. Lovell
By MRS. V. P. LOVELL, Berrien Springs, Michigan
David Lowe, M.D.
Dr. David Lowe is a pediatrician practicing in Camarillo, California.
Lawton G. Lowe
Former President, Ceylon Union
G.G. Lowry
By G. G. LOWRY, Superintendent, South India Union Mission
W.G. Lowry
W. G. Lowry is ministerial secretary of the Southern Asia Division.
Christine Lubinski
Christine Lubinski is the Washington, D. C., representative of the National Council on Alcoholism.
M. Lucas
M. Lucas
Cezar Luchian
Cezar Luchian is the former editor of the Romanian Signs of the Times and is currently a postgraduate student at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee.
Fred E. Luchs
Fred E. Luchs, pastor and author, writes from Athens, Ohio.
Matthew J. Lucio
Matthew J. Lucio, MDiv, pastors in the Iowa-Missouri Conference and resides in Mason City, Iowa, United States.
Edwin Ludescher
Edwin Ludescher is president of the Euro-Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
Charles Ludwig
Charles Ludwig is a writer and evangelist. He received the B.S. degree from Anderson College and formerly served as a pastor in the Church of God. He is the author of thirty books.
Edward Lugenbeal
Edward Lugenbeal, Ph.D., is a staff member of the Geoscience Research Institute, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
H.A. Lukens
Morris Lukens
By Morris Lukens
Miguel Luna
Miguel Luna, PhD, is the ministerial secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for the Northern-Asia Pacific Division, headquartered in Goyang City, Republic of Korea.
Jerry M. Lund
Jerry M. Lund was for many years associated with Dr. Clifford Anderson as a medical secretary.
Paul Hou Kang Luo
Paul Hou Kang Lou, a scriptwriter, editor, and assistant director of the Program Department of Adventist World Radio Asia, writes from Hong Kong.
Earnest Lutz
Earnest Lutz, Sr., served for many years as a missionary in China. He is now retired and lives in Loma Linda, California.
Viola R. Lutz
Viola R. Lutz, formerly on the editorial staff of The Ministry and Life and Health journals, has just received her Master of Public Health degree in nutrition from Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Lewis E. Lyman
LEWIS E. LYMAN, Evangelist, Oklahoma
John A. Lyons
John A. Lyons is pastor of the New Minas Seventh-day Adventist church in New Minas, Nova Scotia, Canada.
H.E. Lysinger
By H. E. LYSINGER, President,Georgia-Cumberland Conference
M.C. Lysinger
By M. C. LYSINGER, Business Manager, St. Helena Sanitarium