James J. Londis
James J. Londis' most recent pastorate lasted for 10 years at the Sligo Church of Seventh-day Adventists, Takoma Park, Maryland. Currently he is with New England Memorial Hospital, Stoneham, Massachusetts.
I Am a Pastor
Read a portion of James J. Londis' intriguing diary. Londis, pastor of a 3,500 member congregation, claims that human needs always exceed human resources, and that there is no other profession which causes a person to give his best so consistently and in so many areas.
God's finger wrote freedom
To the nonbeliever, God's law means restriction; to the child of God, it provides safeguards that enable him to enjoy real freedom.
Thinkers v. doers?
Church history reminds us that there has traditionally been an uneasy truce between theologians and pastors. Recent events in our own church indicate that theologians must not work out their theology in isolation from the "real world" of the church, nor must pastors become dependent on theologians for ready made packages of theology.
Can the church tolerate open minds?
Should the church's schools produce dissenters? Should there be a little of the dissenter in each of us?
Where there's smoke there should be ire
Is smoking a moral issue? Can the church continue to ignore it?
A case for the case study approach
Seminary students who have tackled true-to-life problems in the classroom may find it easier to handle pastoral life.