Avoid Being a Hobbyist
A hobbyist is almost always an extremist, and is liable to regard his own special work as the cure for all evils.
Converting Power of Temperance Lectures
There are some ministers who think that temperance lectures are entertaining and illuminating, but that they have no converting power.
Is Debating Profitable?
Both the Scriptures and the Spirit of prophecy discourage debating as a means of winning souls to Christ and promulgating the gospel.
Spearhead Effort Results
A report from the sixth spearhead effort held in the new Seventh-day Adventist church in La Crosse.
Features-Reformation Before Revival. Counting the Cost of Soul Winning. "Your Radio Doctor"
0ur beautiful and impressive cover is a part of the great Reformation monument in Geneva, Switzerland.
Avoid Unwarranted Time Setting
Occasionally we receive letters from staid, loyal Seventh-day Adventists who lament the sensational methods employed by some along the line of time setting.
An Appeal to Pastors and Church Elders
We are grateful to the Ministry for giving us an opportunity to appeal through its columns to the pastors and local church elders concerning the religious liberty campaign for the month of January, 1941.
Status of Reform-Calendar Issue
The calendar-revision question has taken on new life since the International Labor Council succeeded in getting the ear of the League of Nations.