Elizabeth Ostring
Elizabeth Ostring, MB ChB, PhD, a physician and theologian, is an adjunct research officer for Avondale University, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
Enoch was distinguished; Adam was distracted. What about you? Follow this refreshing interpretation subtly couched in the book of Genesis.
Praying and anointing: A look at James 5:14–16
Praying for the sick has many benefits—find out how even the church can be blessed.
Living in expectation of the second coming of Jesus
“How does one’s understanding of eschatology impact daily living?” asks the author. And how can a pastor help parishioners hasten the day that they long for?
The Sabbath: A celebration of God’s work
This essay argues that the fourth commandment Sabbath sanctity is not only about a day’s rest but also about total commitment to God seven days a week.
Murmuring discontent: A lethal spiritual addiction
Look out for a hidden enemy within your church—a common but deadly condition that infects most congregations.