William Rabior
William Rabior is an associate pastor in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gaylord, Michigan.
William Rabior
William Rabior is a hospital chaplain at St. Mary's Medical Center in Saginaw, Michigan.
Michelle Rader
Michelle Rader writes from Nashville, Tennessee.
Anne B. Radford
Anne B. Radford, Reprinted with permission from "Church Management
Earl D. Radmacher
Earl D. Radmacher is president of Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland, Oregon.
J.C. Raft
By J.C. Raft
Frynn Rahm
By Frynn F. Rahm
Anson F. Rainey
Anson F. Rainey, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Near Eastern Languages at Tel Aviv University at Ramat Aviv, Israel. He translated the book The Land of the Bible: A Historical Geography by the Israeli archeologist Yohanan Aharoni from Hebrew in 1967. He also edited and translated the Armana tablets, numbers 359-379.Ra
G.H. Rainey
G.H. RAINEY, Associate Secretary, Ministerial Department Atlantic Union Conference
B.L. Raith
B. L. Raith, Pastor, Salem and Swedesboro, New Jersey, Churches
Israel Ramos
Israel Ramos, MA, is the director of the Center for Adventist Ministry to Public University Students (CAMPUS) in East Lansing, Michigan, United States.
P.P. Ramos
P. P. RAMOS, Secretary, Radio-TV and Ministerial Association South Philippine Union Mission
Jose Carlos Rando
Jose Carlos Rando is ministerial secretary of the Inca Union of Seventh-day Adventists
Abraham Rangel Flores
Abraham Rangel Flores pastors the Karlsruhe Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Drexel C. Rankin
Drexel Rankin, DMin, is an author and retired Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) minister, residing in Louisville, Kentucky, United States.
Molly Rankin
Molly Rankin, who lives in Auckland, New Zealand, is the author of I Heard Singing and No Chance to Panic.
Leo Ranzolin
Leo Ranzolin ministers in the General Conference Secretariat, serving the Inter-American and South American divisions.
George Semler Rapp
By GEORGE SEMLER RAPP, Pastor, Takoma Park Church, Maryland
Francine Rasco
Francine Rasco, M. D., is a staff psychiatrist and director of the Psychiatric Unit as well as director for the Eating Disorders Program at Harding Hospital, Worthington, Ohio.
Humberto M. Rasi
Humberto M. Rasi, Ph. D., is an associate director of the Department of Education of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Steen Rasmussen
By STEEN RASMUSSEN, Secretary of the Home Missionary Department
A.G. Ratcliffe
A. G. RATCLIFFE, Evangelist, Queensland Conference, Australasian Division
Emma Rath
By EMMA RATH, Resthaven Sanitarium, British Columbia, Canada
Moise Ratsara
Moise Ratsara serves as the pastor of the Kalamazoo Seventh-day Adventist Church, Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States.
Paul S. Ratsara
Paul S. Ratsara, PhD, is president of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, Pretoria, South Africa.
D.S. Rausten
By D. S. RAUSTEN, M.D., C.M.E., 1439, Niobrara, Nebraska
LaVon Ray
Pastor's Wife, Wisconsin Conference
Lowell W. Raymond
Lowell W. Raymond is a retired attorney (United States Hearing Examiner). He has the A.B. (Oberlin College), LL.B. and LL.M. (National University Law School) and D.C.L. (American University School of Jurisprudence).
Davidson Razafiarivony
Davidson Razafiarivony, PhD, is a professor of New Testament Studies, Adventist University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya Africa.
Walter T. Rea
Walter T. Rea is pastor of the Alhambra Seventh-day Adventist church, in the Southern California Conference.
G.W. Reaser
Stephen Reasor
Stephen Reasor, PhD, DMin, is the chair of Religious Studies, Burman University, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Benjamin F. Reaves
Benjamin F. Reaves, D.Min., is assistant professor of preaching at Andrews University Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
J.D. Reavis
J.D. Reavis, Retired Minister, Florida Conference
D. E. Rebok
D. E. Rebok, now retired, spent forty-four years in denominational service, and served in such posts as missionary to China, college Bible teacher and president, president of the SDA Theological Seminary, and secretary of the General Conference.
G. Lloyd Rediger
G. Lloyd Rediger is a pastoral counselor, author, speaker, and consultant specializing in clergy leadership issues. He lives in Roseville, Minnesota.
John S. Redkoles
John S. Redkoles is a United Methodist pastor, author, wildlife photographer, retired state trooper, and beekeeper residing in Pilesgrove, New Jersey, United States.
Hubert B. Reed
By HUBERT V. REED, Evangelist, South Dakota Conference
Lucas Albert Reed
By Lucas Albert Reed
Mel Rees
Mel Rees, a retired stewardship educator, hasn't really retired yet. From his home base in Woodland, Washington, he continues writing and holding seminars
Teresa Reeve
Teresa Reeve is a freelance writer and lives in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Ferdinand O. Regalado
Ferdinand O. Regalado, PhD, is professor of Old Testament studies, Montemorelos University, Nuevo León, México.
U.D. Register
U.D. Register, Ph.D., is professor of nutrition at Loma Linda School of Health
Don Reiber
Don Reiber pastors the Heppner and Condon, Oregon, Seventh-day Adventist churches.
D.B. Reid
D. B. REID, Buffalo, New York
David Wesley Reid
David Wesley Reid, D.Min., is senior pastor in the First Baptist Church, Reading, Massachusetts.
George W. Reid
George W. Reid, director, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Neil Reid
Neil Reid, D.Min., is the youth/associate pastor of the historic Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church in Harlem, New York.
Elsie Reile
Elsie Reile is a pastor's wife from New Hyde Park, New York. She and her husband served for eighteen years in the Inter-American Division. She is also the author of the Spanish Sabbath school lessons for children.
Norma Reile
Norma Reile is wife of the president of the Carolina Conference.
Edwin W. Reiner
EDWIN W. REINER, M.D., San Diego, California
H.L. Reiner
H. L. REINER, It is Written, Coordinator
Katia G. Reinert
Katia G. Reinert, PhD, RN, CRNP, FNP-BC, PHCNS-BC, is an associate director, Health Ministries department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Milton T. Reiser
MILTON T. REISER, Pastor, Oklahoma Conference
Alex J. Reisig
By ALEX J. REISIG, Departmental Secretczry, Oregon Conference
Gunter Reiss
Gunter Reiss is an associate professor of health promotion and education at the School of Health, Loma Linda University, where he is director of the School for Alcohol Problems and teaches alcohol-and drug dependency-related courses.
Rose Reiswig
By ROSE REISWIG, Bible Instructor, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
P.J. Rennings
BY P. J. Rennings
Clarence A. Renschler
By CLARENCE A. RENSCHLER, Pastor-Evangelist, South Dakota Conference
R. A. Rentfro
Evangelist, Central California Conference
Ada Renzi
Ada Renzi is a pastor's wife residing in Valencia, California.
Leon Relogle
By LEON REPLOGLE, Departmental Secretary, East Brazil Union Mission
Hiram Rester
Hiram Rester, DMin, pastors the Columbia Seventh-day Adventist Church in Columbia, Missouri, United States.
P.J. Retief
P. J. Retief serves in Transvaal Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Fernon Retzer
Fernon Retzer is Sabbath school department director of the Southern Union Conference.
Lila Rex
By LILA REX, Student, Department of Nursing Education, Wash. Miss. College
Daniel Reynaud
Daniel Reynaud, PhD, is assistant dean for the faculty of arts, nursing, and theology, Avondale College of Higher Education, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
David L. Reynolds
Reviewed by David L. Reynolds, a church lay leader in Canby, Oregon.
Don Reynolds
Don Reynolds is an assistant to the General Conference president for special projects and director of Christian Leadership Seminars.
E. Robert Reynolds
Former Evangelist and Teacher, Pakistan; Islamic Historian
E.R. Reynolds
Dr. E. R. Reynolds, Jr., is the academic dean of the Pakistan Union School, Ghuharkana Mandi. Sheikhupura District, West Pakistan. He recently completed his studies and was granted the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Islamics, December. 1966, at the Punjab University in Lahore.
Edwin Reynolds
Edwin Reynolds, PhD, retired professor of New Testament studies, is a research professor for Southern Adventist University, School of Religion, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Glenn G. Reynolds
Glenn G. Reynolds, M.D., is chief of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Stanford University, California.
Louis B. Reynolds
Associate Secretary, Sabbath School Department, General Conference
Donald Rhoads
Donald Rhoads, Ph.D., is self-employed in Bloomington, Indiana.
Gayle Rhoads
Gayle Rhoads, Ed.D., is the principal of Loma Linda Academy, Loma Linda, California.
John Rhodes
John Rhodes is Ministerial director of the Southeastern California Conference.
Rhone, Denton
Denton Rhone, PhD, DMin, is the lead pastor of the Houston International Seventh-day Adventist Church, Houston, Texas, United States.
Alan Rice
Director of Health Center Programs at St. Helena Hospital and Health Center, St. Helena, California.
George E. Rice
George E. Rice, Ph.D., is the pastor of the Triadelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church, Clarksville, Maryland, United States.
J.W. Rice
By J.W. Rice
M.L. Rice
By M. L. RICE, President of the Atlantic Union Conference
Richard Rice
Richard Rice, PhD, is professor of religion at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.
J. Walter Rich
J. Walter Rich, Pastor, Redwoods, California.
K. E. H. Richards
Associate Pastor, Azure Hills Church, Colton California
Colin T. Richardson
Colin T. Richardson, MS, is the pastor of Griffith, Narrandera, and Broken Hill churches in New South Wales Conference, Australia.
Gayland Richardson
Pastor, Texas Conference
Jill Richardson
Jill Richardson, DMin, is a pastor at Real Hope Community Church, Oswego, Illinois, United States.
William E. Richardson
William E. Richardson, Ph.D., is chair of the Department of Religion, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Cristina S. Richie
Cristina S. Richie, MDiv, is adjunct instructor of ethics and world religions, Newbury College, Brookline, Massachusetts, United States
Alfred Richli
By ALFRED RICHLI, Missionary Appointee, Southern European Division
Claude Richli
Claude Richli, MDiv, MBA, is an associate secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Donald P. Richmond
Donald P. Richmond pastors the Gillam Gospel Chapel in Gillam, Manitoba, Canada.
W. Ray Ricketts
W. Ray Ricketts is chaplain of Atlantic Union College in South Lancaster, Massachusetts.
Hattie Lee Rider
Hattie Lee Rider lives in Oklahoma City, where her husband is president of the Oklahoma Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Robert Rider
Robert Rider is the president of the Oklahoma Conference.
A.H. Riffel
A.H.RIFFEL, President, Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission
Joyce Rigsby
Joyce Rigsby is a freelance writer from Hanford, California
Ethel Hudak Rima
Ethel Hudak Rima, Missionary Wife, Aruba, N.W.I.
G.W. Rine
BY G. W. Rine
David Ripley
David Ripley, D.Min., is ministerial director of the British Columbia Conference, Sumas, Washington.
Lynn Ripley
At the time of this writing, David (DMin) and Lynn (MAMin) served as ministerial secretary and associate ministerial secretary, respectively, of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, Seoul, Korea.
E.H. Risley
By E. H. RISLEY, M. D., Dean, College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda
William C. Risley
WILLIAM C. RISLEY, Pastor-Evangelist, Southeastern California Conference
C.J. Ritchie
By C. J. Ritchie, Home Missionary Secretary, Southeastern California Conference
Robert J. Ritchie
By ROBERT J. RITCHIE, Pastor-Evangelist, Karachi, India
G.W. Rite
By G.W. Rite
R. M. Ritland
Director, Geoscience Research Institute
Floyd O. Rittenhouse
FLOYD O. RITTENHOUSE, President, Emmanuel Missionary College
Virginia-Gene Rittenhouse
Virginia-Gene Rittenhouse, D.M.A., is professor of music, Atlantic Union College.
Curtis Rittenour
Curtis Rittenour, MDiv, is associate pastor, Spokane Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, Spokane Valley, Washington, United States.
David M. Ritter
David M. Ritter is an assistant professor of business administration at Columbia Union College, Takoma Park, Maryland.
Rolando Rizzo
Rolando Rizzo teaches practical theology at the Adventist Institute of Florence, Italy, and pastors the central church in the city.
Robert A. Roach
Robert A. Roach is founder and president of the University Stamp Club in Loma Linda, California. He has an M.A. in speech pathology from the University of Redlands and an M.P.H. in health education from Loma Linda University.
Edmund W. Robb
Edmund W. Robb is minister of St. Paul Methodist Church in Midland, Texas, which in twenty-nine months has received 500 members into its congregation, now numbering about 950. He is a member of the Northwest Texas Conference of The Methodist Church and formerly was chairman of its Board of Evangelism.
F.H. Robbins
By F. H. ROBBINS, President of the Ohio Conference
W.M. Robbins
By W. M. ROBBINS, President. New Jersey Conference
Fred E. Robert
By Fred E. Robert
Giles N. Roberts
By GILES N. ROBERTS, Pianist, Boothby- Mansell Evangelistic Company, D. C.
John Roberts
John Roberts is a pseudonym.
Randall L. Roberts
Randall L. Roberts, DMin, is the senior pastor of the Loma Linda University Seventh-day Adventist Church, Loma Linda, California, United States.
V.L. Roberts
V. L. Roberts is the stewardship director for the Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
W. H. Roberts, M.D.
W. H. Roberts, M.D., is professor of anatomy in the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. Prior to joining the LLU faculty, he was resident physician at Rest Haven Hospital and Sanitarium in British Columbia, Canada. He has taken post-doctoral work at the White Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles and at Edinburgh University in Scotland.
Doug Robertson
Doug Robertson, DMin, is senior lecturer in ministry and missions, and associate director of field education, Avondale College, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
George R. Robie
George R. Robie, D.Min., is the chaplain of Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Alta Robinson
ALTA ROBINSON Member of the Ellen G. White Estate Staff
D.E. Robinson
D. E. ROBINSON, Member, E. G. White Publications Staff.
Gail D. Robinson
Gail D. Robinson writes from Greenwood, Indiana.
Haddon Robinson
Haddon Robinson, Ph.D., is the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Marlon C. Robinson
Marlon C. Robinson, PhD, is a therapist and chaplain who serves as adjunct faculty at AdventHealth University and director of pastoral care at AdventHealth Manchester, Manchester, Kentucky, United States.
Randy Robinson
Randy Robinson is the treasurer of the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Decatur, Georgia, United States. At the time he wrote this article, he was vice president for finances, Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Gladstone, Oregon, United States.
J.I. Robison
By J. I. ROBISON, Associate Secretary of the General Conference
Calvin B. Rock
Calvin B. Rock, Ph.D., is a recently retired general vice president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
A.Z. Roda
A. Z. RODA, Ministerial Association Secretary, Central Philippine Union Mission
Pascal Rodet
Pascal Rodet, pasteur, responsable du pôle éducation de l’Union franco-belge des adventistes du septième jour.
Angel J. Rodriguez
Angel J. Rodriguez, DMin, is the senior pastor of the Houston Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, Houston, Texas, United States.
Ángel Manuel RodrÍguez
Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, ThD, is a part-time associate director of the Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Peter Roennfeldt
Peter Roennfeldt is ministerial secretary for the Trans-European Division, St. Albans, Hertsfordshire, England.
H.E. Rogers
By H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary of the General Conference
Ryan Rogers
Ryan Rogers is the pastor of the Palmer Seventh-day Adventist Church in Palmer, Alaska, United States.
Viola M. Rogers
VIOLA M. ROGERS, Bible Instructor, Greater Sydney Conference
Wendi Rogers
Wendi Rogers is a reporter for the Adventist News Network (ANN).
Hugo Eli Rojas
Hugo Eli Rojas, DMin, is an associate director for the North American Division Evangelism Institute, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Frankie Roland
Frankie Roland, who says she has been the "parsonage queen" for a United Methodist minister for more than 30 years, teaches third grade. Her book, These Are My People, was published in 1988.
Robert E. Romanelli
Robert E. Romanelli is a writer and copy editor for Life and Health magazine. He holds a B.A. degree from Columbia Union College and an M.A. degree from Villa nova University. He taught in the English department of West Chester State College from 1964 to 1969, and at Antillian College in Puerto Rico in 1970.
Elma Rood
By ELMA ROOD, Professor of Health Education, Madison College, Tennessee
Cecil M. Roper
Cecil M. Roper, Ph.D., is on the faculty of the School of Church Music, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.
David Roper
David Roper is pastor of the Cole Community Church, Boise, Idaho, and a religious columnist for the Idaho Statesman.
F.G. Roper
MRS. F. G. ROPER is a Minister's wife.
George Roper
By GEORGE ROPER, Evangelist, South England Conference
Bill Rorick
Bill Rorick is a director of the Christian Republic Foundation, and is presently pursuing graduate work in theology and economics at Yale University. The Christian Republic Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to showing the relationship between creationism and the preservation of liberty. Their address is: 21 Middle Road, Hamden Branch, New Haven, Connecticut 06514.
Caleb Rosado
Reviewed by Caleb Rosado, professor of sociology, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California.
Alvin C. Rose
Alvin C. Rose is pastor of the Jennings and Dresden United Methodist churches in Jennings, Kansas.
Sanford H. Roseman
Pastor, Times Square Center
Glenn Rosendahl
Glenn Rosendahl, M.D., is a physician in private practice in Kelowna, British Columbia.
Leola Rosenvold
Leola Rosenvold is a wife and homemaker in Hope, Idaho.
Lloyd K. Rosenvold
By LLOYD K. ROSENVOLD, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor, C.M.E., Loma Linda
Osmund H. Rosier
By OSMUND H. ROSIER, Minister, South England Conference
Edward Eugene Ross
Edward Eugene Ross is a freelance writer and researcher in Grants Pass, Oregon.
Gary M. Ross
Gary M. Ross, Ph.D., is the associate director of public affairs and religious liberty of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland.
James B. Ross
By JAMES B. Ross, Camp Pastor, Southwestern Union Conference
A.A. Roth
Reviewed by A. A. Roth, Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda, California.
Ariel A. Roth
Ariel A. Roth, PhD, is a retired professor, Geoscience Research Institute director, and author residing in Centralia, Washington, United States.
Daniel F. Roth
Daniel F. Roth was a German-speaking Seventh-day Adventist minister.
Carol Rottmiller
By CAROL ROTTMILLER, R. N., Student, Washington Missionary College
Esa Rouhe
Esa Rouhe is the assistant pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Tampere, Finland.
Olavi Rouhe
Editor, Finland House
E. Harold Roy
E. Harold Roy served for four years as a hospital chaplain. Current!)' he is pastor of the Wooster Seventh-day Adventist Church in Wooster, Ohio.
Ruthven J. Roy
Ruthven J. Roy, D.Min., is a church consultant for strategic ministry, Hagerstown, Maryland.
Linda Royer
Linda Royer writes from New Market, Virginia.
W.A. Ruble
By W. A. RUBLE, M. D., Former Medical Director, New England Sanitarium
Edward B. Rudge
By EDWARD B. RUDGE, President, British Union Conference
Peter Rudowski
Peter Rudowski is the senior pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Adam Rudy
Pastor, Medford, Oregon, Church
H. L. Rudy
Retired Administrator, Portland, Oregon
A.F. Ruf
By A. F. RUF, Secretary, Home Missionary Department, Northern New England
Caesar Rufano
By Caeser Rufano, Italian Worker, Central California Conference
R. Ruhling
R. RUHLING, Former Field Secretary, General Conference
Jean-Claude Rukundo
Jean-Claude Rukundo, MA, is a PhD student in New Testament at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Leona Glidden Running
Leona Glidden Running, professor emerita of biblical languages, SDA Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
Ronald Edwin Ruskjer
Ron Ruskjer pastors the East Lansing University and Williams ton churches in the Michigan Conference.
S.A. Ruskjer
BX S. A. Ruskjer
Fredrick Russell
Fredrick Russell is pastor of the Miracle Temple Church in Baltimore, Maryland.
Gary E. Russell
Gary E. Russell, Dowagiac, Michigan.
Hal Rutherford
By HAL RUTHERFORD, Song Director, Shuler Evangelistic Company, Des Moines
Mark Rutland
Mark Rutland, PhD, pastor, author, and educator, is founder and director of the National Institute of Christian Leadership, Buford, Georgia, United States.
Peter Rutter
Peter Rutter, M.D., is a psychiatrist, practicing in San Francisco.
Mike Ryan
Mike Ryan, Ed.D., is general field secretary for global mission, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland
Ella M. Rydzewski
Reviewed by Ella M. Rydzewski, editorial assistant, Ministry.
Marcos Torres
Marcos Torres is pastor of the Victoria Park and Joondalup Seventh-day Adventist churches in Western Australia.