Unfeigned Faith
This talk, given at the morning worship hour during the 1956 Spring Council, seems particularly appropriate for this special issue on pastoral work.
Spirit-directed Administrators
Seventh-day Adventist leaders must be spiritual men. No one can succeed or make a contribution of any value to the church who is not Spirit directed. Talents, experience, enthusiasm, hard work, and even education are valueless unless through them all there is the breath of heaven.
"A Sound From Heaven"
Summary of talk given by R. R. Figuhr at opening of 1957 Spring Council.
Spirituality the Prime Requisite
Every worker in the cause of God, irrespective of the place or position he occupies, must recognize the spiritual implications of his calling. Therefore, in selecting workers, spirituality is the prime requisite.
Questions on Doctrine
Does this new book represent the work of one man or the combined work of a large representative body?
The Seventh-day Adventist Educational Emphasis
Commencement address, Potomac University, Sligo church, August 13, 1959.