Lydia Sonnenberg

Lydia Sonnenberg is an associate professor of nutrition, Loma Linda University School of Health.

Nutrition Research and Menu Planning

IT HAS been estimated that it takes on the average about seven years of time for findings from scientists' lab oratories to reach the general public. How much time it takes before nutritional findings are even partially implemented into an individual's food practices is anyone's guess. . .

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What About "Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution"?

IN AN unusual intervention, the Council of Foods and Nutrition of the American Medical Association has published a critique* of a best seller: Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution. In the first six months almost a million copies of the book were sold. . .

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Protein--That Vital Ingredient (Part 2)

SINCE MANY Americans equate the word protein with meat and in its absence or insufficiency they feel health and vigor cannot be maintained, Seventh-day Adventist homemakers can share with their neighbors the advantages of a meatless diet. They can assure them of the complete adequacy of such a diet. After all, Seventh-day Adventists have had more than a hundred years of experience with the meatless diet!

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Protein--That Vital Ingredient (Part 1)

FOR MANY people protein has taken on special, almost magic qualities. They have been told it can be counted on as a body builder and also a body slimmer! Because of some popular reducing diets, the notion seems to be widespread that protein either does not contain any calories or it "burns up fat" in some marvelous way!

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