Learning From Others
Would you like to glean the very best from the experience of other foreign mission societies, working by our side in every land?
White Memorial Dispensary
The reason for the establishment of this institution was to provide clinical contacts for students of medicine.
Realizing on Our Investments
A survey of our unused resources and our unguided man-power assets.
Selection of Medical Missionaries
E. Let us correct some wrong impressions in the selection of medical missionaries.
The Bangkok Sanitarium
The spirit of prophecy gives a number of criteria which will characterize the ideal medical institution. All Seventh-day Adventist sanitariums and hospitals are founded with these ideals in mind.
World Mission Conference
A report from the Annual World Missions Conference in Columbus, Ohio.
"None Other Name Under Heaven"
Are we failing to put proper religious emphases in the lives of our children?
Analysis of Adventist Health Emphasis: Concluded
Adventist health emphasis originated at times in counsel to specific individuals or institutions to meet or correct certain conditions or errors in that time and place. At other times the. counsel was of a general nature with general application. These facts should be borne in mind in any study or application of Spirit of Prophecy counsel.