Our Physicians and the Temperance Cause
Recently I attended a convention and rally held by the Minnesota United Temperance Organization in Rochester, Minnesota. Meetings were held in the various churches of the city.
Medical Prospects in India
Presentation at morning devotional hour, Southern Asia Division committee meeting, Poona, India, December, 1945.
Safety Zones in Health Work
Somewhere between the two extremes of attitude toward health instruction by our ministers there is a happy and safe middle of the road.
Health Facts Important to You
There are certain health considerations of more immediate concern to us than others. Generally speaking, the more important causes of death might be classified under three principal groups: (1) acute and contagious or infectious diseases, (2) cancer, (3) cardiovascular diseases.
FEATURES: Some Basic Principles of Organization
"Entirely unique in the field of denominational organization are Seventh-day Adventists."
FEATURES: Focus on C.M.E.
"More and more as time goes on the place of the College of Medical Evangelists in our denomination is coming into focus."