David E. Thomas

David E. Thomas, DMin, is dean, School of Theology, Walla Walla University, College Place, Washington, United States.

The Need for Military Chaplains

Did you ever think you would like to be a military chaplain?

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What the church needs most

While the cement of Adventism is doctrine, could it be that we expend more efforts in constructing a theological system than we do in caring for people's needs?

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Pastoring in a complex world

One pastor's journey from idealism to realism

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The internal dynamic of credible preaching

Preaching can be considered an audacious thing for humans to do-daring to stand in the pulpit to speak for God because God is not there in person to speak for Himself.1 Nevertheless, preachers are driven by the belief that preaching is a divinely mandated mechanism by which they can affect lives. As did the apostle Paul, preachers live under the urgency of the words: "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one...

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