Edward J. Ubquhart
By Edward J. Ubquhart
H. A. Uhl
H. A. Uhl is communication secretary of the New York Conference.
Louise Ulmer
Louise Ulmer is the author of Theatercraft for Church and School; she writes from Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
Margie Littell Ulrich
Margie Littell Ulrich is a clinical audiologist, Dayton, Tennessee.
Gaius A. Umahi
Gaius A. Umahi, PhD, is a pastor and teacher in the religious studies department, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria.
E.J. Underwood
E.J. Underwood, M.D., is a member of the executive of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Perth, Australia.
F. Unger
F. Unger, Public Relations and Publishing Secretary, Southern African Division
P.E. Uniat
P.E. Uniat, Pastor-Evangelist, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference
T.E. Unruh
T.E. Unruh, Associate Field Secretary, Southeastern California Conference
Charles D. Utt
By Charles D. UTT, Instructor in English, Pacific Union College
Richard H. Utt
Book Editor, Pacific Press Mountain View, California