W.R. Vail
By W. R. VAIL, Educational Secretary, Congo Union Mission, Africa
Miguel Valdivia
Miguel Valdivia, PhD, is a vice president at Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa, Idaho, United States.
Gil Valentine
Gil Valentine, Ph.D., is vice president, Avondale College, Australia.
Gilbert Valentine
Gilbert Valentine, Ph.D., is vice president for academic administration, Mission College, Muak Lek, Thailand.
Maurice Valentine
Maurice Valentine, MDiv, is a general vice president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Clinton A. Valley
Clinton A. Valley, EdD, is the CEO of Valley Consulting, LLC, and adjunct professor of leadership at the University of the Virgin Islands.
Harryette Van Ausdle
By HARRYETTE VAN AUSDLE, Dietitian, Los Angeles, California
Burrell Van Buren
By BURRELL VAN BUREN, Composer and Arranger, College Place, Washington
Bobbie Jane Van Dolson
Bobbie Jane Van Dolson is supervisor of the junior high curriculum for Home Study International, Takoma Park, Maryland.
L. R. Van Dolson
School of Public Health, Loma Linda University
Leo Van Dolson
Reviewed by Leo R. Van Dolsen, retired Seventh-day Adventist minister and editor.
Henry P. Van Dusen
Henry P. Van Dusen, President, Union Theological Seminary, New York City
Jack R. Van Ens
Jack R. Van Ens, D.Min., is an Evangelical Presbyterian Minister serving with MAJESTY Ministry in Vail, Colorado.
M. Dorothea Van Gundy
M. Dorothea Van Gundy,Nutritionist, International Nutrition Research Foundation, Associate Editor, "Today's Food"
Theodore Van Itallie
Dr. Theodore Van Itallie is a professor at Columbia University's medical school who has gained international fame for his work in nutrition.
Ken Van Ochten
Ken Van Ochten is a retired attorney who has worked in native ministries for more than seven years.
Smuts van Rooyen
Smuts van Rooyen, Ph.D., is senior pastor of the Vallejo Drive Seventh-day Adventist Church, Duarte, California.
George Vandeman
George Vandeman is founder and speaker of the It is Written telecast.
H.A. Vademan
David VanDenburgh
David VanDenburgh, D.Min., is senior pastor of the Kettering Seventh-day Adventist Church and adjunct faculty member of Kettering College, Kettering, Ohio, United States.
Maybelle Vandermark
By MAYBELLE VANDERMARK, Instructor in Religion, Washington Missionary College
Curtis J. VanderWaal
Curtis J. VanderWaal, PhD, is chair and professor of Social Work at Andrews University and director of the Center for Community Impact Research at the Institute for Prevention of Addictions, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States
Fernando V. Vangioni
Fernando V. Vangioni, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Various Authors
Various authors review books
Axel Varmer
By AXEL VARMER, Ministerial Association Secretary, Northern European Division
Hans Varmer
Hans Varmer is the associate pastor of the Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Josѐ Vasquez
Josѐ Vazquez, M.Div., is pastor of the Anderson Seventh-day Adventist Church, Anderson, Indiana, United States, and community services director for the Indiana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Carmel, Indiana, United States.
Sabine Vatel
Sabine Vatel, DMin, is pastor for discipleship at Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church and Adjunct Religion Professor for the Department of Health and Biomedical Sciences at Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Frances Vaughan
By FRANCES VAUGHAN, Bible Instructor, Indiana Conference
H.R. Veach
By MRS. H.R. Veach, Evangelistic Song Director, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Felix Vecchiarelli
Felix Vecchiarelli IV is pastor of the Kinlichee and Window Rock Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Arizona, United States.
Gilbert Vega
Gilbert Vega, PhD, is senior pastor of the Loma Linda Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, Loma Linda, California, United States.
EfraÃn Velázquez II
EfraÃn Velázquez II, PhD, is academic dean, Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary, Puerto Rico
Mario Veloso
Mario Veloso, Th.D., is an associate secretary of the General Conference of Seventhday Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Jack S. Veltkamp
Jack S. Veltkamp is a high-school student residing in Rock Hill, South Carolina, United States.
Fred Veltman
Fred Veltman, Ph.D., was the chairman of the Religion Department of Pacific Union College, Angwin, California. He continues to teach halftime in that department while chairing a different, newly-formed department.
D.E. Venden
By D. E. VENDEN, Evangelist, Philadelphia
Leonard Venden
Pastor (Attending Andrews University)
Louis D. Venden
Louis D. Venden is associate professor of preaching at Andrews University.
Morris Venden
Morris Venden is pastor of the Azure Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church, Grand Terrace, California.
Robert L. Veninga
Robert L. Veninga, Ph.D., author of four books on grief and stress management, is a professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota.
Julia Vernon
Julia Vernon is an elder at the Salt Lake City Central Church and the Chaplain and Bereavement Coordinator at South David Hospice in Grantsville, Utah.
Norman Versteeg
Norman Versteeg is pastor of the Garden Grove Seventh-day Adventist church, Garden Grove, California.
Robert John Versteeg
Robert John Versteeg is pastor of the Oak Hills United Methodist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Frank E. Vessels
Pastor, Cincinnati, Ohio
Galdino N. Viera
By GALDINO N. VIEIRA, M.D., Medical Director, Sao Paulo Clinic, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Juan Carlos Viera
Juan Carlos Viera is director of the Ellen G. White Estate, Silver Spring, Maryland.
A. A. Villarin
President, Davao Mission, Philippine Union
Roland A. Vince
By ROLAND A. VINCE, Evangelist, South England Conference
Tara VinCross
Reviewed by Tara VinCross, pastor, Chestnut Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
Cedric Vine
Cedric Vine, M.A., is pastor of the Derby District of churches in the North England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, headquartered in Nottingham, England
Conrad Vine
Conrad Vine, DMin, is president of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc., Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
M.H. Vinkel
By M. H. VINKEL, M.D., Crestline, Ohio
Domenico Visigalli
Domenico Visigalli, Evangelist, Rome
Steven P. Vitrano
Steven P. Vitrano, PhD, is professor emeritus of preaching, worship, and evangelism, Andrews University Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
H. Vogel
President, Central European Division
M. Ellen Vogel
By M. ELLEN VOGEL, R. N., Assistant Director, White Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, Los Angeles
Esther L. Vogt
Esther L. Vogt is a free-lance writer living in Hillsboro. Kansas.
Miroslav Volf
Miroslav Volf, Th.D., is Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology at Yale University Divinity School, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.
Ernestine Volkers
By ERNESTINE VOLKERS, Bible Worker, Southeastern California Conference
H.W. Vollmer
H.W. Vollmer, M.D., Medical Secretary, Pacific Union Conference
Elisabeth Ferguson Von Hesse
By ELISABETH FERGUSON VON HESSE, Famous Voice and Speech Teacher
F.J. Voorthuis
F. J. Voorthuis was editor of the Dutch Signs of the Times for more than 40 years, and for 21 years president of the Netherlands Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
C.L. Vories
By C. L. Vories, Evangelist, Spokane, Washington
Thelma Jean Voss
Thelma Jean Voss is wife of the president of the Nebraska Conference.
W.B. Votaw
By W. B. VOTAW, Director of the Patna Station, India
David Voth
E.W. Voyles
E. W. VOYLES, Pastor, Upper Columbia Conference
Jean Vuilleumier
By JEAN VUILLEUMIER, Veteran French Editor, Paris, France
Irma B. Vyhmeister
Irma B. Vyhmeister, Ph.D., M.P.H., is an associate professor of nutrition, School of Health, Lorn a Linda University, and coauthor of Commonsense Nutrition.
Nancy Vyhmeister
Nancy Vyhmeister, PhD, is professor emeritus of missions, at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Werner Vyhmeister
Department of Religion, River Plate College