Nelson, W.E.
W.E. Nelson
W.M. Robbins
By W. M. ROBBINS, President. New Jersey Conference
Melody J. Wachsmuth
Melody J. Wachsmuth, at the time of this writing, was a graduate student at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, United States.
Ralph F. Waddell
Secretary, Department of Health, General Conference
Theodore E. Wade, Jr.
Theodore E. Wade, Jr., Ph.D., is owner of Gazelle Publications, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Kenneth R. Wade
Reviewed by Kenneth R. Wade, ministerial secretary, Southeast Asia Union Mission, Singapore, and former associate editor of Ministry.
Loron Wade
Loron Wade, DRE, is a retired professor residing in McAllen, Texas, United States.
Theodore E. Wade, Sr.
Theodore E. Wade, Sr., is a physician in private practice in Liberal, Kansas. He received the M.D. degree from Loma Linda University.
Anthony Wagenersmith
Anthony WagenerSmith, MDiv,is a church planter in the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, United States.
Robert M. Wagley
Reviewed by Robert M. Wagiey, pastor, Rolla, Missouri.
B.E. Wagner
Elder B.E. Wagner is ...
J. H. Wagner
By J.H. Wagner, President of the Allegheny Conference
Katherine Wagner
By KATHERINE WAGNER, Minister's Wife, Alaska Mission
Lilya Wagner
Lilya Wagner, EdD, CFRE, served most recently as director of Philanthropic Service for Institutions in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and is continuing her association with the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University.
William Wagner
William Wagner, M.D., is an associate director of the General Conference Health Department.
Charles W. Wahl. M.D.
Chief of the Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles.
Clinton Wahlen
Clinton Wahlen, PhD, is an associate director, Biblical Research Institute, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Gina Wahlen
Gina Wahlen, MA, is an editor and project manager at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Scilla Wahrhaftig
Scilla Wahrhaftig is an active member of the Pittsburgh Friends Meeting (Quakers) with a long-term interest in conflict resolution.
Elmer R. Walde
Elmer R. Walde, Secretary, General Conference Radio and Television Department
Ethel Walder
By ETHEL WALDER, R. N., Director, School of Nursing, Loma Linda Sanitarium
N.J. Walforf
G.E. Wales
By Mrs. G.E. Wales
Steve Walikonis
Steve Walikonis, DMin, is associate pastor, College Place Village Seventh-day Adventist Church, College Place, Washington, United States.
Allen Walker
By Allen Walker
Harold L. Walker
Harold L. Walker, Associate Pastor, Memphis, Tennessee
Meric Dale Walker
Meric Dale Walker, PhD, is the executive secretary for the Jamaica Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica.
Stanley Walker
STANLEY WALKER, Chairman of the Music Department, Walla Walla College
Frank E. Wall
Frank E. Wall
Jere Wallack
Jere Wallack is director of the communication and religious liberty departments for the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He resides in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Arnold V. Wallenkampf
Arnold V. Wallenkampf was associate director of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists before his retirement in 1980.
Mary E. Walsh
Mary E. Walsh, Field Representative, Pacific Union conference
Walter Arlys
Arlys Walter is interest coordinator for the Pennsylvania Conference.
Clifton A. Walter
Evangelist, Northern California Conference
Elden Walter
Ministerial Secretary, Southwestern Union Conference
Jonathan Walter
Jonathan Walter is a pastor serving as Ministerial Association media and communications manager, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
M. Daniel Walter
M. Daniel Walter is the president, treasurer, and ministerial secretary of the Sarawak Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Malaysia. Ordained to the ministry in 1976, he has performed well over 1,000 baptisms.
Marvin Walter
By MARVIN WALTER, Bureau of Home Missions Worker, Arizona Conference
Humphrey Walters
Humphrey Walters, MA, serves as a church pastor, South England Conference, United Kingdom
James W. Walters
James W. Walters, Ph.D., associate director of the Ethics Center and associate professor of Christian Ethics.
Daniel Walther
Professor of Church History, Potomac University
H.M. Walton
By H. M. WALTON, M.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, C.M.E.
John C. Walton
John C. Walton, PhD, DSc, is professor emeritus of chemistry, University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland.
Caesar Wamalika
Caesar Wamalika is a seminary student at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Philippines.
James D. Wang
James D. Wang is director of the Institute for Purposeful Living in Knoxville, Illinois, a Christian community providing a balanced work-study living program in conjunction with the Good Samaritan Sanitarium and Hospital. Born in China, Dr. Wang first entered denominational service in 1930 as dean of studies at Hankow Sanyu Academy. He continued in educational work in China, serving in the 1940's as president of China Training Institute and Sanyu Theological Seminary, having earned the Doctor of Philosophy degree in psychology at the George Peabody College for Teachers in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1941. After three years on the faculty of Andrews University, he entered the field of clinical psychology in Galesburg and Knoxville, Illinois. Dr. Wang was ordained in Chungking, China, in 1944 by W. H. Branson.
Paul Wangai
Wangai, Jr., M.D., U.P.H., is a physician living in Nairobi, Kenya.
Cedric Ward
Cedric Ward, Ph.D., is associate professor of history at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Crystal E. Ward
Crystal E. Ward, MDiv, MPA, serves as the executive pastor at Spencerville Church, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Eric Calvin Ward
Eric Calvin Ward is a special assistant editor of Ministry.
Grant E. Ward
Philip Ward
Philip Ward is rector of St. Marie s Anglican Church in St. George, New Brunswick, Canada.
Scott R. Ward
Scott Ward, DMin, previously a youth pastor and teacher, is an assistant professor of discipleship and lifespan education.
Ivan Leigh Warden
—Ivan Leigh Warden, DMin, serves as associate director, Ellen G. White Estate, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
George Wargo
By GEORGE WARGO, Professor of Viola, Peabody Conservatory of Music, Baltimore
Ada E. Warhurst
ADA E. WARHURST, Bible Instructor, South India
Wayne M. Warner
Wayne M. Warner is a retired Church of God pastor and lives in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Mervyn Warren
Mervyn A. Warren, PhD, DMin, is provost and professor of preaching, Oakwood College, Huntsville, Alabama, United States.
Timothy S. Warren
Timothy S. Warren, Ph.D., is professor of pastoral ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary, Rockwell, Texas.
E.R. Wasemiller
E. R. WASEMILLER, M.D., Wahpeton, North Dakota
James A. Washington
James A. Washington is presently secretary-treasurer of the Allegheny West Conference. He received the M.A. degree from Andrews University.
J.A. Wassenmiller
By J. A. WASSENMILLER, Pastor, Chicago, Illinois
S. Douglas Waterhouse
S. Douglas Waterhouse is an associate professor of religion at Andrews University. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan.
Vernon T. Waters
Vernon T. Waters, MDiv, is the pastor of Serenity Seventh-day Adventist Church, Martinsburg, West Virginia, United States.
Robert B. Watkins
Reviewed by Robert B. Watkins, pastor, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Alrick Watson
Alrick Watson pastors the Westminster and New Life Seventh-day Adventist Churches in British Columbia, Canada.
Brad Watson
Brad Watson, MA, is a lecturer in international development studies, Avondale College, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
C.H. Watson
By C. H. WATSON, Former President of the General Conference
O.H. Watson
By O.H. Watson
W. Ronald Watson
W. Ronald Watson is the director of the Department of Planned Giving, Loma Linda University, California.
D. R. Watts
Secretary, Ministerial Association South India Union
John Watts
John Watts, D.Min., Ph.D., is senior lecturer on the faculty of education, Avondale College, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
Kit Watts
Kit Watts is an assistant editor of the Adventist Review.
Ralph S. Watts III
Ralph S. Watts III is senior pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ukiah, California.
Ron Watts
Ron Watts is personal ministries director of the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
William W. Watts
William W. Watts, Ph.D., who is registrar, director of institutional research, and associate professor of physics at The King's College, Briarcliff Manor, New York.
Ritchie Way
Ritchie Way has just planted a new Seventh-day Adventist church in Auckland, New Zealand.
Katelyn Campbell Weakley
Katelyn Campbell Weakley, MDiv, MSW, is the pastor of the Mount Tabor Seventh-day Adventist Church, Portland, Oregon, United States.
C.E. Weaks
By C. E. Weaks, Secretary of the Publishing Department
A.G. Wearner
By A.G. Wearner
Alonzo J. Wearner
By ALONZO J. WEARNER, Chairman, Department of Religion, Union College, Nebraska
Robert C. Wearner
Bible teacher at Shenandoah Valley Academy, New Market, Virginia.
Ronald L. Wearner
Ronald L. Wearner is captain of the Luzeiro IV and a district pastor in the Central Amazon Mission. He received the M.S.P.H. degree from Loma Linda University.
Thelma Weatherall
Thelma Weatherall, Bible Instructor, Potomac Conference
Andrew J. Weaver
Andrew J. Weaver, Ph.D., is a United Methodist pastor and clinical psychologist working in New York City, New York, United States.
Alfred J. Webb
Alfred J. Webb is pastor of the Grand Junction, Colorado, SDA church. He received the B. Th. degree from Canadian Union College and previously served pastorates in Oklahoma and Washington.
Joseph A. Webb
Joe A. Webb, DMin, is pastor of the Nambour and Yandina churches in South Queensland, Australia.
Agnes E. Webber
By Agnes E. Webber
P.A. Webber
By P. A. WEBBER, Former Principal, Japan Junior College
Harry J. Weber, M.D.
Physician, Corvallis, Oregon
Hazel Ausherman Weber
By HAZEL AUSHERMAN WEBER, Dietitian, Uruguay Academy, Uruguay, South America
Jean Weber
Jean Weber is a pseudonym.
Martin Weber
Martin Weber, DMin, is communication director for the Mid-America Union of Seventh-day Adventists, headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States.
Clyde L. Webster
Clyde L. Webster, Jr., Ph.D., is chairman of the chemistry department at Loma Linda University, Riverside, California. Prior to joining the Loma Linda University faculty, he was engaged in private industry and research on mineral deposits.
Eric Webster
Eric Webster is director of the Bible Correspondence School, Cape Town, South Africa.
Errol Webster
Errol Webster is the pastor of the Orange Seventh-day Adventist Church in New South Wales, Australia.
Neville G. Webster
Neville G. Webster, D.Com., is associate professor of Business Administration, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Canon Theodore O. Wedel
Canon Theodore O. Wedel is a published author.
Amy Weems
Amy Weems, poet, is author of the collection Kneeling in Jerusalem.
Stephanie Weems
Stephanie Weems works as a nurse/health educator in Uniondale, New York.
Clara N. Weight
Clara N. Weight, Minister's Wife, Florida Conference
Mark Weir
Mark Weir, a pastor in the Minnesota Conference, was a research assistant for Andrews University's Institute of Church Ministry at the time he coauthored this article.
William L. Weis
William L Weis, Ph.D., CPA, has written numerous articles on the cost consequences of smoking at the workplace and on current levels of discrimination against smokers at the hiring point. He is professor and chairman of accounting at Seattle University.
Frank M. Weiskel
FRANK M. WEISKEL, Minister of the Congregational Church of Amherst, New Hampshire
Herold Weiss
Herold Weiss, Ph.D., is chairman of the department of religious studies, St. Mary's College, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana.
Samuel Weiss
Samuel Weiss, Pastor, Spanish American Church, Los Angeles, California
Lowell W. Welch
By LOWELL W. WELCH, Bible Teacher Walla Walla College, Washington
Shirley Welch
Shirley Welch writes for Shepherdess
A.H. Welkin
By A. H. WELKLIN, Chief Electrical Inspector, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Willietta Weller
Bible Instructor, Oak Park, Illinois
Arthur F. Wellman
By ARTHUR F. WELLMAN, Evangelist, Central California Conference
S.A. Wellman
By S. A. WELLMAN, General Conference Sabbath School Department
Thelma S. Wellman
Thelma S. Wellman, Takoma Park, Maryland
George W. Wells
By GEORGE W. WELLS, Field Secretary of the General Conference
Quernande P. Wells
Quernande P. Wells, EdD, is an English instructor at Young Middle Magnet School, Tampa, Florida, United States.
Joy Wendt
Joy Wendt is a freelance writer and ghostwriter residing in Pikeville, Tennessee, United States.
R.H. Wentland
By R.H. Wentland, Home Missionary Secretary, Southern Union Conference
Louis F. Were
By Louis F. Were
A.W. Werline
By A.W. Werline*
Linda J. Werman
Linda J. Werman is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Mansfield, Ohio, and edits the church's newsletter.
G.E. West
W.H. Westermeyer
By W.H. Westermeyer
Bette Westfall
Bette Westfall, who has moved 24 times in 32 years, now makes her home in Michigan, where her husband pastors the Eau Claire and Coloma Seventh-day Adventist churches.
Brandon Westgate
Brandon Westgate is a pastor serving in the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference, Bonnerdale, Arkansas, United States.
Helen M. Weston
Helen M. Weston, Bible Instructor, Southern New England
Barbara Westphal
Barbara Westphal, author of seven books, is a graduate of Pacific Union College and has her Master's degree in librarianship from San Jose State College. With her husband, Henry, she served for 32 years as a missionary in South and Central America.
Chester E. Westphal
By CHESTER E. WESTPHAL, Chaplain, Washington Sanitarium, Maryland
F.H. Westphal
By F. H. Westphal.
J.W. Westphal
By J. W. Westphal
W.A. Westworth
By W.A. Westworth
Thomas E. Wetmore
Thomas E. Wetmore, Associate General Counsel, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
William Whalen
Dr. William J. Whalen is professor of history at the University of Purdue.
Walton Whaley
Walton Whaley is the Ministerial Secretary Africa-Indian Ocean Division of SDA
Ira F. Wheeler.
By IRA F. WHEELER, R.N., Florida Sanitarium and Hospital, Orlando
Joseph Leininger Wheeler
Joseph Leininger Wheeler, Ph.D., is emeritus professor of English at Columbia Union College; cofounder and executive director of the Zane Grey's West Society; Senior Fellow for Cultural Studies, Center for the New West (1995-2002); general editor at Focus on the Family, and considered to be one of America's leading anthologizers of stories.
Lee S. Wheeler
By LEE S. WHEELER, Secretary, American Reading Circle
Penny Estes Wheeler
Penny Estes Wheeler is a mother, homemaker, author of The Appearing, and advice columnist!
Walter R. Wheeler
By WALTER R. WHEELER, Choir Director, Brasil College, South America
J.E. Whelpley
By Mrs. J.E. Whelpley, Bible Instructor, Alabama-Mississippi Conference
Woodrow W. Whidden
Woodrow W. Whidden, Ph.D., is professor of historical and systematic theology, Theological Seminary of the Adventist Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite Province, Philippines.
Lucille Whisnant
Lucille Whisnant, Bible Instructor, Arkansas-Louisiana Conference.
Arthur White
Arthur White is the grandson of Ellen White and the author of a new book on her life.
C.L. White
C.L. White, Conference Evangelist, Missouri Conference
E.E. White
E. E. WHITE, Educational Secretary. Australasian Division
Edward White
Edward White, PhD., a retired minister and music teacher, writes from Bracknell, Berks., England. He is the author of Singing With Understanding.
H. C. White
Pastor, British Columbia Conference, Canada
J. Ina White
J. Ina White is the copy editor of the Ministry.
Janet White
Janet White is a pastor's wife living in Flint, Michigan.
Julia A. White
By JULIA A. WHITE,* M.D., Glendale, California
Julius Gilbert White
By Julius Gilbert White, Madison College, Tennessee
Kim White
Kim White is a Seminary student
L. G. White
L G. White, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., is associate medical editor of Good Health and honorary medical adviser for the British Union Conference.
Major C. White
Major C. White, formerly the executive secretary of the Pacific Union Conference, is retired and lives in Compton, California.
Mildred J. White
Mildred J. White serves at the side of her husband, who has interrupted his retirement to be pastor of the Adventist church in Bellingham, Washington.
Millie White
Millie White is a case manager at Chattanooga Cares in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Ruth M. White
Ruth M. White, Ph.D., is an associate director of the Health Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Stemple White
By the late STEMPLE WHITE, Nevada, Iowa
W.C. White
W.C. White
Wayne White
Mrs. WAYNE WHITE, Minister's Wife, Michigan Conference
Ron Whitehead
Ron Whitehead is the director of the North American Center for Youth Evangelism.
Jerald Whitehouse
Jerald Whitehouse, DrPH, is director of the Global Center for Adventist Muslim Relations, Department of Global Mission, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Tina Whiteman
Tina Whiteman is an author, worship leader, and stay-at-home mother residing in Clovis, New Mexico, United States.
R.E. Whitey
R.E. Whitey, Bible Teacher, Indiana Academy, Indiana
Albert S. Whiting
Albert S. Whiting, M. D., is associate director for medical affairs, Health and Temperance Department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. This artice is provided by the Department of Health and Temperance.
David C. Whitley
Layman, Scappoose, Oregon
Paul Whitlow
By PAUL WHITLOW, Pastor, Burlington, Iowa
Dean H. Whitney
Dean H. Whitney is associate pastor at the International Christian Center, Staten Island, New York.
Marvin and Corrie Whitney
Marvin Whitney pastors the Harlingen English Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Texas Conference. Corrie Whitney owns and operates Crossroads Communications, an editing/public relations business.
Merle J. Whitney
Merle J. Whitney is the minister for worship and Christian education of the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church, Takoma Park, Maryland.
Amy Whitsett
Amy Whitsett is associate director for Global Mission Center for East Asian Religions, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Sigrid Whitsett
Sigrid Whitsett, a church worker for many years, is currently retired and living in Granada Hills, California.
M.H. Whittaker
By M.H. WHITTAKER, Minister, Sydney, Australia
Ronaele Whittington
Reviewed by Ronaele Whittington, D.S.W., social worker, Kailua, Hawaii.
James Wibberding
James Wibberding, M.Div., pastors the Seventh-day Adventist churches in Lansdale and Souderton, Pennsylvania, United States.
Laura Wibberding
Laura Wibberding, MA, is a freelance writer living in Meridian, Idaho, United States.
Palmer G. Wick
PALMER G. WICK, President, Thailand Mission, College Extension School in Thailand
Ted Wick
Youth Pastor, Pacific Union College Church
Chester Wickwire
By CHESTER WICKWIRE, Pastor, Hamden, Connecticut
E.A. Widmer
E. A. Widmer, Ph.D., is professor and program director of environmental health, School of Public Health, Loma Linda University.
Rubin Widmer
By RUBIN WIDMER, Intern, Mitchell, South Dakota
Robert J. Wieland
Reviewed by Robert J. Wieland, Seventh-day Adventist pastor, author, and former missionary to Africa.
Charles S. Wiest
By CHARLES S. WIEST, Pastor, Mankato, Minnesota
K. S. Wiggins
Evangelist, East Caribbean Conference
Sherman E. Wight
By SHERMAN E. WIGHT, Pastor, South Bend, Indiana
Sherman E. Wight
By SHERMAN E. WIGHT, Pastor, South Bend, Indiana
Bertil Wiklander
Bertil Wiklander, Th.D., is president of the Trans-European Division, St. AI bans, Hertsfordshire, England.
E.H. Wilcox
E. H. WILCOX, Pastor-Evangelist, Oregon Conference
H.C. Wilcox
By H.C. Wilcox
L.A. Wilcox
M.C. Wilcox
By M.C. Wilcox
R. A . Wilcox
President, South American Division
Rob Wilcox
Rob Wilcox works with Adventist Frontier Missions as a church planter in Albania.
Kevin Wilfley
Kevin Wilfley is pastor of the Linwood Seventh-day Adventist Church, Spokane, Washington, United States.
E. Wilkins.
B.G. Wilkinson
By B. G. WILKINSON, Field Representative, Washington Missionary College
Roland F. Wilkinson
By ROLAND F. WILKINSON, M.D., Staff Surgeon, Leland Memorial Hospital
Stanley S. Will
By STANLEY S. WILL, Pastor, Charleston, South Carolina
T. Joe Willey
T. Joe Willey, Ph.D., is assistant professor of physiology at Loma Linda University.
Wayne Willey
Reviewed by Wayne Willey, pastor, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Bentonville, Arkansas.
A. Ruby Williams
A. RUBY WILLIAMS, Teacher-Bible Instructor, Lebanon, Middle East Division
DeWitt S. Williams
DeWitt S. Williams, EdD, is a past missionary and retired director of Health Ministries, North American Division.
Gorge A. Williams
By Gorge A. Williams
Harold N. Williams
HAROLD N. WILLIAMS,Pastor, Georgia
Hugh Williams
By HUGH WILLIAMS, Pastor, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Hyveth Williams
Hyveth Williams, D.Min., is senior pastor of the Campus Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church in Loma Linda, California.
Ivan L. Williams
Ivan L. Williams Sr., DMin, serves as the ministerial secretary for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, Maryland, United States.
LaKeisha Williams
LaKeisha Williams, PhD, is an educator and pastor’s spouse, residing in Huntsville, Alabama, United States.
Merrill S. Williams
Merrill S. Williams, a minister of the Nazarene Church, is currently serving as a missionary teacher in the Philippines.
Peter Williams
Peter Williams, MBA, is a lecturer in the business school, Avondale College of Higher Education, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
R. C. Williams
Former Ministerial Association Secretary, Far Eastern Division
Roy F. Williams
Roy F. Williams is an associate secretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Verdia and Harvey Williams
Verdia and Harvey Williams are retired from pastoral ministry and live in Stockton, California.
Walt Williams
Walton A. Williams, associate ministerial secretary and coordinator of off-campus continuing education for North American Adventist clergy from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Guy C. Williamson
GUY C. WILLIAMSON, President, Wyoming Conference
J.J. Williamson
By J. J. WILLIAMSON, Evangelist, Nebraska Conference
Marguerite Williamson
By Marguerite Williamson
W.W. Williamson
By Mrs. W. W. Williamson, Bible Worker, Loma Linda Sanitarium
William H. Willimon
William H. Willimon, STD., is Dean of the Chapel and professor of Christian ministry at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
Bernie W. Willis
Director, Alaska Village Evangelism
Wesley K. Willmer
Wesley K. Willmer is vice president for advancement at Biota University, LaMirada, California.
Everett D. Willmott
By EVERETT D. WILLMOTT, Missionary, South Tamil Mission Field, India
H.E. Willoughby
By H.E. Willoughby
William F. Willoughby
William F. Willoughby is religious news editor of the Washington (D.C.)Star newspaper.
Alice Willsey
Reviewed by Alice Willsey, director of student finance, Columbia Union College, Takoma Park, Maryland.
Steve Willsey
Steve Willsey, D.Min., is associate pastor for pastoral care and spiritual formation, Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Cheryl Wilson-Bridges
Cheryl Wilson-Bridges, DSL, serves as pastor for worship, Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church, Takoma Park, Maryland, United States.
Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson, DMin, is a professor in the Irish Baptist College, pastor, and church planter residing in Cloughey, County Down, Northern Ireland.
Charles M. Wilson
CHARLES M. WILSON, layman, Seventh-day Adventist Church Laurel, Maryland
Donald W. Wilson
DONALD W. WILSON, Andrews University
Dwayne Wilson
Dwayne Wilson, DMin, is a pastor and chaplain in the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and resides in Tacoma, Washington, United States.
Elinor Wilson
Elinor Wilson writes from Laurel, Maryland. This article is adapted from a devotional message delivered to the ladies' meeting of the 1982 Annual Council in Manila, Philippines.
Emily T. Wilson
Hymers Wilson
Hymers Wilson Jr., MDiv, MSW, is a retired pastor and counselor residing in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
J.O. Wilson
J.O. WILSON, Retired Pastor, Pineville, Louisiana
Jesse Wilson
Jesse Wilson, DMin, serves as associate professor in the School of Religion at Oakwood University, where he is also director of the Bradford Cleveland Brooks Leadership Center and director of PELC, Pastoral Evangelism and Leadership Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, United States.
Joyce Wilson
Joyce Wilson, Assistant Secretary for Health Education, Medical Department
Ken Wilson
Ken Wilson is pastor of the Augusta, Georgia, Seventh-day Adventist church.
Measapogu Wilson
Measapogu Wilson, DMin, is ministerial association secretary for the Southern Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists headquartered in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India.
N.C. Wilson
By N. C. WILSON, Vice-President, Southern Asia Division
Neal Wilson
Neal Wilson, former president of the General Conference, and currently serving as special assistant to the General Conference president.
Ted Wilson
Ted N. C. Wilson, PhD, is president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
C. Winandy
C. WINANDY, Minister, French Conference
Colin M. Winch
COLIN M. WINCH is a missionary pilot in New Guinea
R.J. Winders
By R. J. WINDERS, Pastor, Danville, Illinois
Dalores Broome Winget
Dalores Broome Winget, a wife and mother of two, does free-lance writing from her home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Dick Winn
Dick Winn, author of several books including God Won the War, Why Isn't It Over? was president of Weimar Institute in California when he wrote this article.
Gerald Winslow
Gerald Winslow, PhD, is a research professor of religion and ethics at the School of Religion, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Eric H. Winter
Eric H. Winter is the ministerial secretary for the South Pacific Division.
Peter Winter
Peter Winter is a pseudonym.
Eliot Sherwood Wirt
Sherwood Eliot Wirt,Editor of "Decision"
W.G. Wirth
By W. G. WIRTH, Professor of Bible, Los Angeles, California
Ron M. Wisbey
Ron M. Wisbey is board chair of Adventist HealthCare Mid-Atlantic and of Kettering Adventist Healthcare, Inc., Kettering, Ohio.
Warren N. Wittenberg
WARREN N. WITTENBERG, M.V. Secretary, Potomac Conference
Charles E. Wittschiebe
For many years Dr. Wittschiebe taught at the Andrews University Theological Seminary. Now retired, he maintains a small counseling practice. He is the author of God Invented Sex.
Chigemezi Nnadozie Wogu
Chigemezi Nnadozie Wogu is currently studying toward a master of theological studies degree at Friedensau Adventist University, Möckern-Friedensau, Germany.
Steve Wohlberg
Steve Wohlberg pastors the Fort Worth First Seventh-day Adventist Church, in Fort Worth, Texas.
Hollis W. Wolcott
Hollis W. Wolcott is pastor of the Williamsburg, Virginia, Seventh-day Adventist church.
Kenneth J. Woller
By KENNETH J. WOOLLER, Broadcaster, Advent Radio Church, Sydney, Australia
Charles H. Wolohon
David, Wolter
David Wolter, at the time of this writing, was a Master of Arts candidate, Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, Fresno, California, United States.
Dorothy Womack
Dorothy Womack is a chaplain and Bible instructor at the Loma Linda Medical Center, Loma Linda, California.
Florence Soon-Kin Wong
By FLORENCE SOON-KIN WONG, Concert Pianist, Singapore and London
John B. Wong
John B. Wong, M.D., J.D., Ph.D., is adjunct professor of religion and ethics at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Johnny Wong
Johnny Wong is lay church planter in Melbourne, Australia.
Robert Wong
Robert Wong is Ministerial Secretary, Chinese Union Mission, Hong Kong
Earl Wood
By MRS. EARL WOOD, Church Organist, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
J. W. Wood
Pastor, Northern California Conference
Kenneth H. Wood
Kenneth H. Wood is editor of the Adventist Review.
Marcedene Wood
By MARCEDENE WOOD, Bible Instructor, Hawaiian Mission
Miriam Wood
Miriam Wood wrote the "Dear Miriam" question-and-answer column for the Adventist Review.
O.E. Wood
By O. E. Wood
Ralph C. Wood
Ralph C. Wood is a professor of religion at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
R.L. Woodfors
R.L. Woodfors, Pastor, Ephesus Church, New Orleans
I.J. Woodman
By I. J. WOODMAN, Medical Extension Secretary, General Conference
John Woodmorappe
John Woodmorappe is a graduate student in geology and a contributor to the Creation Research Society Quarterly.
C. Stacey Woods
C. Stacey Woods has served as the general secretary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, and is still actively involved with students throughout the world.
Jennifer Gray Woods
Jennifer Gray Woods, JD, is associate general counsel for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
H.G. Woodward
By H. G. WOODWARD, Superintendent, Tamil Mission, India
Orville Woolford
Orville Woolford, MSc, retired assistant to the president at the University of the Southern Caribbean, resides in Curepe, Trinidad.
Raymond H. Woolsey
Raymond H. Woolsey is an associate book editor, Review and Herald Publishing Association.
Vincent Woolsey
Vincent Woolsey is the pastor of the Cottonwood and Sedona Seventh-day Adventist Churches and director of Arizona Sonshine, Sedona, Arizona, United States.
Joelle M. Worf
Joelle M. Worf, a full-time parent of two young children as a well as a student in the Master of Pastoral Ministry program at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States
Udo Worschech
Udo Worschech is an instructor of Old Testament at Marienhoehe Seminary, Darmstadt, Germany.
Jeannette T. Worth
Bible Instructor, Chesapeake Conference
Marvin Wray
Marvin Wray is the ministerial director of the Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Staunton, Virginia.
Bruce Wrenn
Bruce Wrenn is an assistant professor of marketing at Andrews University.
C. Gilbert Wrenn
C. Gilbert Wrenn
Donald E. Wright
Donald E. Wright, Bible Teacher, Taiwan Training Institute, Taiwan
F.A. Wright
By F. A. WRIGHT, Home Missionary Secretary, Illinois Conference
Henry M. Wright
Henry M. Wright is secretary of the Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, Maryland.
J.F. Wright
By J. F. WRIGHT, Vice-President of the General Conference
Mrs. Kenneth A. Wright
Minister's Wife, Florida
Orville D. Wright
By ORVILLE D. WRIGHT, Pastor-Evangelist, Buffalo, New York
Walter F. Wright
Walter F. Wright, a former pastor, is an administrator for Pacific Living Centers, Colton, California.
Richard Wurmbrand
Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, known around the world as a keeper of the faith informer Communist Romania, spent 14 years in jail and founded 40 missions to serve the suffering church in Eastern Europe during the Communist reign.
Bernhill Wyatt
MRS. Bernhill Wyatt, Pastor's Wife, Illinois Conference
Gerhard van Wyk
Gerhard van Wyk, Th.D., is pastor of the Thomasville Seventh-day Adventist Church, Thomasville, North Carolina.
Sandy Wyman-Johnson
Sandy Wyman-Johnson is director of pastoral care at San Joaquin Community Hospital, Bakersfield, California.
C. Lloyd Wyman
C. Lloyd Wyman, D.Min., is ministerial director of the Pacific Union Conference, Newbury Park, California.
Edna J. Wynn
By MRS. EDNA J. WYNN, Bible Instructor, Baltimore, Maryland
V. Neil Wyrick,
V. Neil Wyrick, B.A., B.D., is a Presbyterian pastor in Miami, Florida, United States.