Christian Evidences in Evangelism
If our ministry is to be effective, we must adapt our methods of presentation to the mental and spiritual outlook of the generation in which we live.
An Iron" Nail in the Critics' Coffin
Many bible critics deny any claims that reportedly have no contemporary outside evidence. But recent archeological discoveries have finally disposed of another of these "arguments from silence."
Petrie, Father of Modern Archaeology
Sir Flin Ders Petrie, who died a few weeks ago in Jerusalem at the age of eighty-nine, well deserves the title of "Father of Modern Archaeology."
Significance of the 1948 Lambeth Conference
For years, whenever the subject of the reunion of the churches has come up, the discussion has invariably been terminated with the appeal, "Wait for Lambeth." The reason for this is that the Anglican family of churches, which as a result of emigration and evangelization now extends to the ends of the earth, occupies a unique position in relation to the various groupings of divided Christendom.
FEATURES: "Total" Evangelism
If there is one word used more than another today in connection with secular plans and programs, it is the word "total."
The Necessity of Organized Study
Our multiplied duties tend to reduce study to the barest minimum.