James D. Wang

James D. Wang is director of the Institute for Purposeful Living in Knoxville, Illinois, a Christian community providing a balanced work-study living program in conjunction with the Good Samaritan Sanitarium and Hospital. Born in China, Dr. Wang first entered denominational service in 1930 as dean of studies at Hankow Sanyu Academy. He continued in educational work in China, serving in the 1940's as president of China Training Institute and Sanyu Theological Seminary, having earned the Doctor of Philosophy degree in psychology at the George Peabody College for Teachers in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1941. After three years on the faculty of Andrews University, he entered the field of clinical psychology in Galesburg and Knoxville, Illinois. Dr. Wang was ordained in Chungking, China, in 1944 by W. H. Branson.

Chinese Teachers as Evangelists

An evangelistic report from China

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Pastoral Care of The Aged

NEVER before has the United States had so many elderly citizens who are "too old to work and too young to die." Caring for their spiritual needs constitutes an important and rewarding aspect of the pastoral ministry. . .

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