C.H. Watson
By C. H. WATSON, Former President of the General Conference
Our Supreme Need as Ministers
Never has the gospel minister been more responsible than in the second advent phase of gospel service. Never has it been more necessary for him to be an unworldly man.
A Study in Leadership
The book of Esther is the story of an acute crisis in the experience of God's people. It reveals, as do many other stories of the Bible, that God is with His people under all conditions. When a great leader for Israel was required the Lord provided one, usually from some obscure source.
The Requisites of True Ministry—No. 2
Let us keep Paul's statement in our hearts whenever we think of methods: "My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." 1 Cor. 2:4.
Two Trends Calling for Correction
From an address given at the Ministerial Association Meeting, June 8, 5:15 P.M.
This Period of Pressure
The splendid loyalty of our conference laborers and church members through these past few years of unusual difficulty has been the strong factor which, under God, has enabled us to carry on the world work in the face of so very many situations that have seemed absolutely impossible.
The Foundation of the Gospel
When we turn in the New Testament to the Gospel according to John, we discover that John makes an approach to the atoning work of Christ altogether different from that used by the other Gospel writers.
Clear Mandate Essential
This document, or call, to the world field, which is under consideration, comes to you as a suggestive recommendation from the officers of the General Conference, after they had given the question most earnest and careful study.
The Teacher As a Spiritual Leader*
This address was given on November 1, on the assigned topic before the assembled educational leaders in special Departmental Council at Battle Creek.
Personal Relationship Foundational
It appears to me that one of the first essentials in the consideration of this problem is to make absolutely sure, from the standpoint of leadership, that "greater spirituality, piety, and usefulness" are the objectives toward which we are leading.