Ralph S. Watts III
Ralph S. Watts III is senior pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ukiah, California.
Korean Evangelism During War
The tragic "dark day" for the Seventh-day Adventist church in Korea was December 28, 1943.
Evangelism in the Far East
Seventh-day Adventists have come to an unprecedented hour in the proclamation of the great Advent message. Significant developments among the nations and in the nominal churches reinforce our prediction of Christ's soon coming, and cry out that the Advent is the only solution for a bankrupt civilization.
The Peril of Inconsistency
This arresting message was delivered at the spring meeting of the General Conference Committee held in Takoma Park, April 13-16. Following the address all entered into an experience of reconsecration.—EDITORS.
Breaking Through Barriers
This study was presented to the members of the Public Relations Advisory Committee at a meeting in Dallas, Texas, March 24-26, 1963.
The Attitude of Seventh-day Adventists Toward Islam (Part II)
A look at the founder of Islam.
The Attitude of Seventh-day Adventists Toward Islam
The author is one of our vice-presidents and represented the General Conference at the Inter-Division Islamic Institute in Beirut, September 5-16, 1963. This presentation of the Seventh-day Adventist attitude toward Islam covers some interesting and not too easily discussed areas, but it will serve to clarify our relationships in a dispassionate and reasonable manner.—Editors.
Islam—Our Greatest Challenge: Concluded
In the Moslem world we see a religious system so powerful that it is gaining rather than losing in the face of Christian witness.The question naturally arises, What is God's purpose in allowing such a non-Christian philosophy to develop and grow?
Islam our greatest challenge
In order to understand some of the difficult problems we face in converting Moslems we must look at the religion of Islam itself.