Personality Involves A Pleasing Voice
Probably no greater compliment was ever paid to a man than Mark paid to Jesus when he wrote, "The common people heard Him gladly." But it was not only what Jesus had to say; it was also how He said it, that caused the common people to hear Him gladly.
How Effective Is Your Speech?
The sooner a preacher comes to the point where he intelligently analyzes his own speech, the better preacher he becomes—provided, of course, that he sets about to strengthen his assets and to eliminate his liabilities.
Some Questions to Ask Yourself
A public speaker may become his own best critic. Here are questions to ask yourself.
The Personality of Your Radio Voice
Probably no greater compliment was ever paid a man than when it was said of Jesus, "The common people heard Him gladly." How can this be applied to the radio?
Needless and Faulty Repetition
Shall I tell him his mistake?" It was a layman speaking, as our paths crossed the other day.
Conversing Over the Air
Presentation at Eastern Workshop, Takoma Park, March. Concluding portion of "The Personality of Your Radio Voice," which appeared in the June MINISTRY.
Throughly or Thoroughly?
Better Speech and Diction--Constructive Hints and Helpful Cautions
"The Form of Sound Words"
Better speech and diction help--constructive hints and helpful cautions
Twelve Book "Musts" for the Public Speaker
Your voice is probably your greatest single professional asset. Here are resources to help you utilize this instrument.