Stemple White
By the late STEMPLE WHITE, Nevada, Iowa
Tact and Kindness with Catholics
Who would think of plucking beautiful, fragrant flowers, and after delicately arranging them in an exquisite bouquet, carelessly crushing them out of shape before presenting them to friends or strangers? Similarly, how extremely careful should we be in preaching the gospel to blood-bought souls, lest the beautiful glad tidings be marred in our hands.
Capitalize the Public Press
As a medium of publicity, with quick and efficient coverage,—for its readers anticipate its periodic appearance at their homes,— the newspaper is the most outstanding to be found on earth.
How to Utilize the Daily Press
News concerning the arrival, residence, and business of all ministerial newcomers is especially welcomed by newspaper city editors, who incidentally prefer to use cuts in introducing new ministers to the general public.
The Sabbath Morning Service
The Sabbath morning preaching service should be a fitting climax to a soul-winning Sabbath school service.