R. C. Williams
Former Ministerial Association Secretary, Far Eastern Division
"Whatsoever He Saith . . Do'
Let us now direct our attention to some very basic and vital principles which should be frankly and seriously considered when a call comes through a committee that has given prayerful study to the needs of the work within a given territory.
More Meaningful Baptisms
It is crucial that we make baptism a more important, solemn and impressive occasion.
Are You a Balanced Minister?
ONE of the greatest needs in the Seventh-day Adventist Church today is for balanced Christian living
Time to Wake the "Sleeping Giant"
AS the pastor answered her knock, a breathless little lady burst into the church office. "Tell me," she blurted, "do you really do all that here?"
It Will Be Finished in the Far East
ASIA is people . . . people with a destiny." These words from the pen of Paul Thomas Welty seem appropriate as an introduction to a report on the challenge and the unfinished task of evangelism in East and Southeast Asia. . .