Neal Wilson
Neal Wilson, former president of the General Conference, and currently serving as special assistant to the General Conference president.
Called for This Hour
"When the principles of our faith are at stake, we shall not hesitate to show our colors, even though we are called singular for so doing." —Our High Calling, p. 341.
You Will Succeed
A union conference president tells what the Spirit of Prophecy means to his ministry.
E. E. Cleveland Interviews Neal C. Wilson: North American Leader Discusses His Evangelistic Experience
North American Leader Discusses His Evangelistic Experience.
CHALLENGE OF A WORLD TASK: Public Evangelism Effective in Middle East
Mr. Neal Wilson talks about different aspects of public evangelism
Evangelism and Finishing the Work
This article is a condensation of the North American Division report presented at the 1977 Annual Council by Elder Neal C. Wilson.
From the editor
An Interview With the New Church President. The editor of Ministry talks with Neal Wilson about his new leadership role.
This I believe about Ellen G White
"I have heard the ring of truth in the Bible and the writings of Ellen White.... I believe with all my heart that Ellen White was an inspired messenger of God."
A letter from the president
To all my fellow ministers in service to our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world field.
Response to an Open Letter
The president of the General Conference replies to the editor's December editorial.