Hakim Ishmael Yakubu
Hakim Ishmael Yakubu, MCHAP, CPE, is stewardship and strategic planning director for the North Ghana Mission, Tamale, Ghana.
Philip Yancey
Philip Yancey writes "The Back Page" for Christianity Today and is the author of numerous books.
Chongho Peter Yang
Chongho Peter Yang, DMin, is senior pastor of the Yongin Church of West Central Korean Conference.
Tony Yang
—Tony Yang, MBA, MDiv in progress, is a pastor and an author and serves as director of enrollment and strategic marketing at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Larry Yeagley
Larry Yeagley, now retired, has served as a pastor and chaplain. He lives in Gentry, Arkansas, United States.
Norman Yergen
Norman Yergen, pastor, Beltsville Seventh-day Adventist Church, Beltsville, Maryland.
Zane Yi
Zane Yi, PhD, is associate dean for the Loma Linda University School of Religion, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Poong Yun Yin
By POONG YUN YIN, National Evangelist, Penang, Malaya
Iris M. Yob
Iris M.Yob,Ed.D., is the academic coordinator for Collins Learning Center, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Gosnell L.O.R. Yorke
Reviewed by Gosnell L.O.R. Yorke, associate professor of religion, Atlantic Union College, at the time of this review. He is now at Solusi College, Zimbabwe, Africa.
Don Yost
DON YOST, Assistant Secretary, Missionary Volunteer Department
Donald F. Yost
F. Donald Yost, PhD, is a retired pastor living in Martinez, Georgia, United States.
Geoffrey E. Youlden
Evangelist, South New South Wales Conference, Australia
F.G. Young
By F. G. YOUNG, Pastor, Milton, Oregon
John E. Young
By John E. Young, Faster and District Leader, Olympia, Washington
Lydia Young
Lydia Young, MA, is a middle school teacher residing in Phoenix, Arizona, United States.
Norman H. Young
Norman H. Young, PhD, is a retired pastor and senior lecturer at Avondale University College, Cooranbong, Australia.
Opal H. Young
Opal H. Young is director of Andrews University publications and coordinator of the Seminary News section of The Ministry.
Samuel Young
Samuel Young is president of the Hong Kong-Macao Mission.
W.J. Young
By W. J. YOUNG, Pastor, London, England
John B. Youngberg
John B. Youngberg, EdD, is a professor emeritus of Andrews University and cofounder of Family Life International (1975) on the campus of Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Dallas Youngs
Pastor, Huntsville, Texas
Dallas Youngs
Dallas Youngs, Director, Lone Star Bible Conference School, Huntsville, Texas
Randall W. Younker
Randall W. Younker, Ph.D., is director of the Institute of Archaeology and professor of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
J.Y. Yovan
By J. Y. YOVAN, Assistant Director, South Central Luzon Mission, Philippines
S.V. Yovan
By S. V. YOVAN, Assistant Director, South Central Luzon Mission