My heart is sad.  My friend and colleague died in a tragic accident this past weekend.  When his sister called me, I could hardly speak.  A tide of emotions washed over me.  In my distress, I cried out to God, and a word from Jesus flashed into my mind.  I smiled in this midst of my tears and sent the following text to this grieving sister: “I have a word for you from Jesus: your brother will rise again.”

 When we face overwhelming grief, Jesus brings hope and comfort.  With tears streaming down our faces we boldly confess, “Yes, Lord, we believe you are the Christ who is come into the world.”  We believe the promise of Jesus that He will have the final word.  A day is coming when death and the grave will be cast into the lake of fire.  There will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, and there shall be no more pain.  For the former things have passed away.

 Even so, come, Lord Jesus.