On May 11, 2013, I had the privilege of honoring a faithful pastor who had just retired after 67 years of pastoral ministry. Pastor Horace Walsh was used by God to bring healing and hope to many lives. The certificate of recognition and the service medallion were a small but meaningful token of our heartfelt appreciation. Little did we realize that Pastor Walsh would fall asleep in Jesus before the summer was over.

That special time of affirmation taught me a lesson that I will never forget: don’t wait until people are gone before you speak words of affirmation. Buy them flowers while they can still smell them. Express your appreciation to them personally rather than just to their relatives gathered for a memorial service.

When a young mother called me today and told me that her father-in-law would soon be retiring after more than forty years of pastoral ministry I knew that God had provided one more opportunity to express appreciation and affirmation. One day, the Lord Himself will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of your Lord.” But until that glorious day, let’s do what we can to honor faithful pastors in our midst.

If you would like our team at Ministry to affirm a seasoned pastor in your community, just respond to this blog.