Please read these guidelines before submitting your article.

Ministry, International Journal for Pastors, has been published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church world headquarters (General Conference) for Adventist clergy since 1928 and offered to clergy of all denominations since the 1970s. Today’s readers represent many religious faiths as well as various ministries—pastors, professors, administrators, chaplains, pastoral students, and lay leaders.

As a subscription journal, Ministry’s monthly circulation totals more than 18,000. Additionally, Ministry is distributed, on a complimentary basis (each odd-numbered month of the year), to nearly 60,000 clergy of other denominations.

won elcitra na timbuS or send it to MinistryMagazine @


Before you write, please remember the following:

  • Because Ministry’s readership includes individuals from all over the world, you will want to use words, illustrations, and concepts that will be understood by readers in various parts of the world. Avoid illustrations that are understood in one country but may be confusing in others.
  • The journal is translated into a number of languages, be sure that translators will understand your words and concepts.
  • Ministry is a peer-reviewed journal—meaning that some manuscripts are sent to others with knowledge on that topic to get their input.
  • Ask yourself: What do I want the reader to learn about and do with my article?


Topics of interest

We welcome submissions regardless of religious affiliation. Writers may review Seventh-day Adventist beliefs (visit in order to better understand the concepts and needs of the majority of the readers.

Choose a topic that would interest our worldwide religious professional readership.

  • Personal (spiritual, physical, and emotional) needs of the minister
  • Pastor-spouse team ministry and relationships
  • Pastoral family needs
  • Pastoral skills and needs, such as time management, preaching, evangelism, church growth, lay training, counseling, conflict resolution, continuing education, church administration, membership nurture, and related topics
  • Biblical studies that focus on biblical themes, books, or passages for either sermon preparation or in-depth studies
  • Theological studies that explore themes from a biblical, historical, or systematic perspective
  • Church worship and related topics, such as music, worship leadership, and planning
  • Current issues that are relevant to the church

General manuscripts (1,500-2,000 words):

For additional guidance as to the type of manuscripts we accept, look at previous issues.

Book reviews & Practical Pointers columns (up to 600 words):

  • Book and resource reviews of resources designed to speak to the professional ministerial needs of our worldwide readership.
  • When considering a book to potentially write a review on, please make sure that the book was published NO MORE THAN 2 years ago.
  • If the book or resource is self-published, a written authorization from the author’s employing organization and/or any organization deemed necessary by our editorial team is required before the editorial team will consider having the book reviewed.
  • Practical pointers columns are short pieces on something practical that a pastor can implement.

Dateline items (up to 250 words):

  • Dateline features notable gatherings of ministers, programs conducted by ministers, or events of interest to ministers.
  • We welcome quality photos.

Manuscript style and submission

Please follow the guidelines outlined below:

  • Be certain your writing focuses on the topic. Write so that the manuscript can be easily read and understood as it moves toward the conclusion.
  • Identify the Bible version(s) you use, and include this information in the text. Please use a version of the Bible that will be understood by English-as-a-second-language readers.
  • Whenever you refer to sources (books, articles, etc.), be certain that you include an endnote (not a footnote) with full reference. Use Turabian Citation Guide.
  • Submit the manuscript in the following manner:
    • The manuscript should have the title of the manuscript, your name at the top and be double-spaced.
    • Send it as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format.
    • If requested, send a copy of all references.
    • If you submit your manuscript to Ministry along with other publications simultaneously, tell us at the time of submission. We may not continue with the review process.
  • For all submissions, please complete our biographical information form and email it to us.

Our response to your submission

  • Upon receipt of your manuscript, we will acknowledge that it has arrived at our offices. At that time the review and evaluation process will begin.
  • We will notify you of our decision once the review process is completed.

Terms of acceptance

Ministry purchases all publication rights, including translation. Exceptions to this policy need to be negotiated before the signing of the publication agreement. Occasionally second serial rights are negotiated for manuscripts published elsewhere.

Once the writer receives notification that Ministry has decided to purchase the manuscript, the publication agreement will be sent. Please read it carefully, sign, and return. Writers need to realize that the manuscript may not be published immediately after acceptance and in some cases may not be published at all. If we, after payment, choose not to publish a manuscript, we will release all rights back to the author.


Payment for manuscript

We pay for article manuscripts, practical pointers columns, Revival & Reformation columns, and book reviews. If the editors need to spend considerable time editing the manuscript, payment may be reduced. We do not pay for Dateline items.

As a writer, you will receive payment after you return the signed agreement, completed biographical information, and a quality photo to our office. Please note, United States citizens and residents must complete a W-9 for payment.


won elcitra na timbuS or send it to MinistryMagazine @

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