A New Beginning
This new year ought to see more souls won to Christ than we have ever won before.
Spiritual Pride in Its Relation to Judging
One who indulges in judging, and in selfish and narrow criticism, is usually actuated by spiritual pride.
The Minister's Wife*
There are two basic requirements for any woman who aspires to be a helper to her minister-husband.
Organizing the Sermon
Every thoughtful preacher gives painstaking care to the plan of his sermon, whether it be held in the mind or placed in written form. However, unless the sermon is worked out into a written outline before it is given in the desk, there is a tendency toward careless preparation, which soon degenerates into wandering, pointless preaching.
An Appeal for Dignity in Advertising
The appeal for dignity in evangelism certainly applies to our advertising matter.
Let Us Make a Home Base Advance
We have often talked of making advances in mission lands, and have rejoiced when new tribes were entered, new languages mastered, and new churches established as memorials for God. But we have not heard so much in regard to advancing into new fields in the countries constituting our home bases.
Institutional Efforts
That it is possible for workers in our institutions to accomplish more in evangelism than that which comes to them in their daily routine, is being demonstrated by the Review and Herald family in their second evangelistic effort.