The Sure Foundation
In order to build on the sure foundation, the word of God, one must seek for the true meaning of the word.
The Leaders Should Lead in Evangelism
It is easy for us to see how institutionalism has hindered evangelism in mission lands in the case of other mission boards; but are we not in danger of drifting in the same direction?
Making Successful Contact
There is one sure, certain way to have success in working for souls——the way of personal contact.
Others Are Also Watching
Readers of the Ministry will be interested in a report of the recent Student Volunteer Movement convention held in Buffalo, December 30 to January 3.
Editorial Keynotes
Next to the direct operation of the Holy Spirit upon the human heart, the profound and sincere belief of the preacher in the integrity of the message he proclaims is doubtless the most potent influence that can be brought to bear upon the hearer.
A Layman's Appeal
The rebuke and appeal in the following letter, sent recently to one of our evangelists, touch upon a point that unfortunately makes it personal to many who are engaged in the gospel ministry.
Hints for Amateur Song Leaders
Often our young men, and older ones too, are pressed into the service of conducting the music in our meetings, even when without previous experience. For such, a few suggestions may be timely.
The Prophetic Periods
Reviewing the method of understanding the prophetic periods of Daniel and Revelation.
Sunset Musings
When in 1875 I accepted "present truth," my whole outlook was changed, and life seemed to take on a new meaning.
Open-Air Meetings
To speak successfully in the open-air forum, one needs to have a very definite conviction that he has a divine message, and must not be moved from its presentation.