Organization Helps the Bible Worker

When associated with an evangelist carrying on a public effort, with only one or two Bible workers, I find it impossible to do efficient service unless I have my work well organized.

By Mrs. Lona Brosi

When associated with an evangelist carrying on a public effort, with only one or two Bible workers, I find it impossible to do efficient service unless I have my work well organized. In a major effort in a large city, the people may come all the way from one block to fifty miles. This means that a great deal of time must be consumed by the Bible worker in order to give readings to those who are interested. Therefore the first thing I do is to classify the name and address cards by sections, so that one day may be spent in one sec­tion, another in another, and so on.

Whenever possible, I form classes in the different sections; but I found early in my experience that even when this can be done, it is not possible to reach all the names on my list once each week. Thus, several years ago I began to invite those who could do so to come to the tabernacle. However, there were difficulties in this plan. Many came, but we had no quiet place in which to meet, and interruptions and disturbances of various kinds were frequent.

When preparing for the next effort, I urged that a special Bible study room be provided, and finally a room 91/2 x 12 feet in size was set aside for this use. Often as many as thirty persons would crowd into this room for a read­ing, and others would have to wait for another class. The next tabernacle was built with two rooms instead of one, both of suitable size.

In my own Bible, study room I now hold six classes each week, on different days, and at different hours, thus mak­ing it possible for all to come. The classes are well attended, as many as from ten to sixty persons being pres­ent. Each class has a different series of studies, and I have a large black­board and charts to illustrate each sub­ject. Each student receives a type­ written lesson on the subject to take home and study. I ask those who at­tend to get a loose-leaf notebook to keep these lessons in, that they may be easily accessible.

A short time before the public evan­gelical effort is to close, I begin to review those attending my classes for the Standard of Attainment. For those who desire it, I have a class in denominational history. By following this plan for the last three years, I have had many accept the truth who had already received their Standard of At­tainment certificates.

When cards asking for literature are signed in the meetings, I take it to the individuals personally as far as possi­ble. If I see that I shall not be able to deliver it all within the week, I mail the literature, and follow it with a per­sonal visit as quickly as possible.

In making these contacts with those who are interested, I also find it help­ful to engage the services of those who have been in my classes. Of course, they must be the right kind—willing, tactful, and those who will leave a good impression. These I put to work with people whom I know they can help, by visiting, giving Bible studies, or mailing literature. They also invite people to the meetings, especially those who have not been attending regularly.

In my work I use a great deal of lit­erature, always leaving a copy of Pres­ent Truth, on a topic studied, also a copy of the Signs of the Times. Later I lend my readers one book after an­other of the Busy Man's Library, then "The Great Controversy," "The Desire of Ages," "Early Writings," "The Great Second Advent Movement," etc. In my Bible study room I have a locker for books and tracts; and in order to keep track of the books, I use a card system, such as is used in a public library.

As we have ear phones installed in our tabernacle, we reach many persons who are hard of hearing, and naturally some of these are among my interested readers. I give them the Family Bible Teacher each week; and after they have read it, I review them to see if they understand the subject. Other reading matter is also given them.

As soon as my readers understand the Sabbath question, I give them a Lesson Quarterly, and invite them to Sabbath school. On Sabbath morning I am on the watch to see that they get into the proper class.

If a meeting for young people is held in the tabernacle on Sabbath afternoon, I am always present, and try to keep informed as to any who are not con­verted, and do anything I can to en­courage them.

The life of a Bible worker who takes her responsibilities seriously, is a busy one; organization will save many pre­cious hours, and make her work more effective than would be possible with­out it.

Los Angeles, Calif.

By Mrs. Lona Brosi

July 1932

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