During the month of April there were seventy-three baptisms in the Missouri Conference, with a prospect of seventy to seventy-five more in the near future. In the St. Louis Central church alone, twenty-four were baptized, and there are between ten and fifteen others who expect to be ready for baptism soon. We would call special attention to the fact that these baptisms are largely the result of the laymen's movement which has been developed in that city during the past winter. In the conduct of this laymen's movement, about fifteen men of the church have been carrying on three efforts simultaneously, holding meetings six nights a week.
This has not only been a soul-saving endeavor, but has been the means of developing the talent of these brethren as they have been given opportunity to lead out in the different meetings. Moreover, these efforts have been almost entirely self-supporting. We have not had funds to place in this evangelistic work, inasmuch as our pay roll has required practically all our income.
We worked out a schedule for the conduct of these efforts by the lay brethren, listing the date, the place, the speaker, and the subjects chosen in the three St. Louis efforts. Believing this outline will be of interest and a stimulus to all our workers, we here insert a portion of the schedule as developed. This is surely the hour to encourage our laymen in the aggressive heralding of the message.
[From the second to the sixth week a similar schedule was followed in the three churches, presenting the following topics: Matthew 24; Satan: His Origin, History, and Destiny; The Angels; Man; The Millennium; Spiritualism; The Home of the Saved; Daniel 8, 9—the 2300 Days; The Sanctuary; The Judgment; The Standard of the Judgment; The Law and the Gospel; Daniel 7; Who Changed the Sabbath? The Institution of the New Testament; What Was Nailed to the Cross? The Seal of God, and the Mark of the Beast; Are Christians Under the Law or Under Grace? The Ceremonial and the Moral Law Distinguished; The Two Covenants; If Sincere, Will God Save Us? Is Faith Belief?—Is Belief Faith? The Call of God, and Christian Responsibility; The Unpardonable Sin; Christian Baptism; The Master Financier; The United States in Prophecy; Religious Liberty; Temperance; Why So Many Denominations?]
Clinton, Mo.