Church Fellowship for Mutual Strength
The church receives a fullness of blessing as the Holy Spirit dwells within its members and the overflowing of the life more abundant outflows to the world, each member receiving and imparting more strength than he could hope to receive or impart alone.
Our Relation to Financial Goals
The mad rush for possession of money has caused the world to lose its sense of spiritual values, by making money its god.
Community Bible Schools—No. 1
Evangelism must be the dominant note, not only of every preacher's life, but of every lay member's as well, if the preacher and the lay member are to survive spiritually.
Tact and Kindness with Catholics
Who would think of plucking beautiful, fragrant flowers, and after delicately arranging them in an exquisite bouquet, carelessly crushing them out of shape before presenting them to friends or strangers? Similarly, how extremely careful should we be in preaching the gospel to blood-bought souls, lest the beautiful glad tidings be marred in our hands.
Lincoln Tabernacle Campaign
A word about the construction of our tabernacle, and the method of advertising.
Church Expense Apportionment Plan—No. 2
As suggestive to any who may wish to attempt this method, the following four letters were used successfully in introducing and conducting for the first year this plan for the raising of church expense funds.
Presentation of the Message to Ministers of Other Denominations
We often think of the ministers of other denominations as our enemies, because many do bitterly oppose our message. But we should strive to get before them in a favorable light the blessed truth which God has given us.
The Work of the "Elmshaven" Office Today (VIII)*
In bringing to a close this series of articles dealing with the writings of Ellen G. White, and the responsibilities of the trustees appointed as custodians of these writings, we should speak briefly of the work as it is being carried forward today.
The Foreign Missionary's Behavior (III)
The life and behavior of the missionary has very much to do with his success or failure.