Preparation, Study, and Visitation

Keeping more gains within our ranks.

DISCUSSION BY J. F. WRIGHT Vice-President, Southern African Division

I find myself in full accord with all that Brother McElhany has said. For a number of years some of these things have given me great concern. One is revealed by the statis­tical reports. We are always happy to see the large number of baptisms reported from year to year. But when we look at the other side of the column, and see the net gain as compared with the gross gain, I feel that there is too great a difference between the two figures. Not all who are dropped from our lists have gone out by death. A very large number have gone out by way of apostasy. There is no ground for boasting. After all is said and done, the thing that should concern us most is not the gross gains, but the net gains—what we have left.

One thing that contributes toward our losses, or our failure to hold those who come into the church, is the kind of preparation that they receive before they are baptized. I have been asked more than once—and some of you have heard me at Autumn Councils refer to the matter more than once—as to how long we keep our native converts in Africa in the bap­tismal class before they are received into church fellowship. The general length of time is from one to three years, and in some cases it is longer than that. Of course these are the natives of Africa. But I have long been convinced that if we would keep our Bible class members in the Bible class a little longer, when we deal with Europeans, and not rush them so rapidly into the church, that would go a long way toward keeping them longer in the church.

One of the saddest things that confront us is that persons are sometimes baptized into the faith, only to find out later that there is such a thing as the Spirit of prophecy in the church. I talked with such an individual some time ago who, when he came into the church, did not know—nor did he sometime after he came into the church—about our belief in the Spirit of prophecy. And he was very much disturbed and disappointed. He said, "Why didn't the minister tell me about that before?" I say it is a tragedy to bring a person into the church until he knows all the essential things that we believe as a peculiar people. And if we would take a little more time, in many instances, to prepare the people, and get the truth rooted and grounded in their hearts, we would not find so many of them leaving us after they come into the church. Am I right or wrong? (Voices: Right!)

Another thing which I believe will help them to keep the love of the truth in their hearts and to be rooted and grounded in that truth, is to lead them to study the Spirit of prophecy, and the good books we have, and to read the Review and Herald after they join the church. I be­lieve this is very important. I recognize there are many who cannot buy many books, and some cannot even get the Review and Herald because they are too poor. But I believe we should not consider our work done until we have put forth every effort to get these people interested in studying for themselves, and that some way should be provided whereby they might read certain of our books and have access to the Review and Herald.

Another thing that will help to hold them in the truth, as has been suggested by Brother McElhany, is, when we find individuals dis­couraged or downhearted or having a hard time, to seek them out and talk with them, and pray with them, and help them just when they need help. We often think we are so busy that it is almost impossible to reach them. But we should talk to them, and not about them. I recognize that it is easier to talk about them than it is to sit down by their side and talk with them, but I believe that is one of our greatest needs in stopping the tide toward the world on the part of these dear people who have come into the church. We must do our part, as individuals, toward nourishing them and help­ing to build them up in the faith until they have become spiritually strong.

So I believe that if these three things were emphasized, and followed more than they have been in many instances, we would not see so many in our ranks apostatizing: (1) Greater care in preparing them for baptism; (2) En­couragement to constantly study the truth and to feed their own souls with spiritual food as provided in the word of God, and our litera­ture; and (3) Seek them out and work for them individually, praying with them, and talking with them and not about them when they are in danger. I believe we shall go a long way toward holding people in the church if we will but do these things.

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DISCUSSION BY J. F. WRIGHT Vice-President, Southern African Division

August 1936

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