What Youth Expects of Our Ministry
"They are searching not for imperfections on which to feed, but for positive realities by which to live."
True Revival and Reformation
Solemn and timely was the devotional hour led by Elder Wilcox at the Battle Creek Autumn Council. It was a message of rebuke and entreaty, a call to repentance, making a deep impression upon all present. A portion is here reproduced.
Debtors to All Mankind
The church of Christ today stands in the same relationship to the great gospel commission as did the apostle to the Gentiles. We also are debtors to every nation which is in need of the gospel.
Imparting a World Vision—No. 2
Imparting a world vision means more than stimulating an interest in missions. It means creating in others an unbiased, intelligent, sympathetic fellow feeling with mankind in general.
Capitalize Mohammedan Beliefs
After more than twenty years of labor in Mohammedan fields, I have come to the conclusion that many of us have approached the followers of the green-robed prophet from the wrong angle.
Archeology's Contribution to Faith—No. 2
The advisability of using tree rings as found in the charred portions of beams in archeological ruins is at present beginning to be discussed; and even beads, which are now being studied at the Field Museum in Chicago, are found to have enough different types, forms, and sizes to play their part in checking other chronological information.
A More Effectual Ministry
Articles on more efficient evangelistic methods and pastoral techniques.
"The Kings of the East"
Is it justifiable to apply "the East" of Revelation 16:12 to Japan?