Those Final "Rapid Movements"
A discussion of the mighty issues that unquestionably constitute the movement toward the end.
By F. G. YOUNG, Pastor, Milton, Oregon
By F. G. YOUNG, Pastor, Milton, Oregon
December 1938
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Extraordinary Men Extraordinary Times
God wants men who think great thoughts, dream great dreams, and see great visions in relation to the kingdom of God and the finishing of His work.
As to Vested Choirs
What position does the denomination take in regard to the wearing of robes by members of the church choir?
Evangelistic Bible Class
The Bible class in connection with a large series has proved to be a most excellent method of getting personal contacts with interested people, as well as indoctrinating them in various phases of our message.
Missionary Misconceptions and Mistakes
Every missionary delights in recording the souls he knows he has won to Christ; but how many try to figure out, the losses that have accrued to the church through their mistakes?
Just Between Us Missionary Wives—No. 4
Adjusting Ourselves to Conditions
The Sabbath in Revelation 11:19
Exploring an important Sabbath argument often overlooked.
Emphasize the Fundamentals
The presentation of the old-time message in the setting of the sanctuary and the twenty-three hundred days always brings confidence and assurance to our people.
The Message Is the Thing
What are some of the queer mannerisms seen and heard in the pulpit of today—mannerisms that keep the congregation from grasping the preacher's message?
Daybreak in Islam—No. 2
In the preceding article, we stated that there were three great facts concerning the challenge of Islam: The Mohammedan eclipse of Christianity, the dawn of a new day in Islam, and the wavering hope for final victory. We now come to the third and concluding part of our topic.
Conference Presidents and Evangelism
Aids to successful evangelism.
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