My Kingdom is not of This World

The spirit of nationalism is contrary to the broad principles of the gospel.

E. D. DICK, Secretary of the General Conference observes

Possibly at no time in the world's history has there been such a rising tide of nationalism as is seen today. Nations great and small are doing their utmost to develop a strong national spirit within the nation and within the hearts of their nationals, while at the same time they are erecting migration and economic barriers against neighboring nations with whom a few years ago they were most friendly. The proph­ecy of Joel 3 :io, "Let the weak say, I am strong," was never so completely fulfilled as it is today.

This spirit of nationalism tends to isolation, and it fosters a spirit of national self-suffi­ciency and political independence. When found in the heart of the individual, it like­wise begets national bigotry and egotism, and leads him to form judgments upon principles and individuals, which are biased by national sentiment. It is selfish and self-centered. Al­though this spirit will no doubt abound more and more as time continues, it is well for us as Seventh-day Adventists to be admonished by the words of Jesus spoken to Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world," and rise above any withering influence of the spirit of nationalism.

The spirit of nationalism is contrary to the broad principles of the gospel. It is limited by national boundaries, while the gospel commis­sion is to every kindred, nation, tongue, and people. Workers, therefore, who are true am­bassadors for Christ, will carefully guard the doors of their hearts, lest this spirit so abundant in the world find a place therein. "Let love be without dissimulation," is the word of counsel from the Scriptures which causes our love to extend beyond national boundaries and racial lines

The methods by which nationalism is en­gendered should also be carefully shunned. Political connivings and maneuverings with the object of obtaining even laudable ends have no part or place in the lives of true workers, or in the work of the Lord. The work of God is not advanced, but rather retarded, by such methods. Those charged with responsibility in whatever capacity, as well as our laity at large, should, particularly in these times of liberal thinking, maintain strict adherence to principle, and "provide things honest in the sight of all men."

E. D. DICK, Secretary of the General Conference observes

June 1939

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